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Eloise Gardener - Full Version.mp4

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I'm sorry you were confused, which definitely hurt your experience with this episode. Yes, the beginning of the episode states "Wish Realm", so this was Wish Hook AKA Rogers. It's basically his backstory before he aged to be the old Hook we met in Season 6 and in 7x2.

Luis Nov

Yes! You finally know Alice’s wish Hook daughter 🙌🏻 loveee that storyline and still a way to go ❤️ To clarify your confusion, yes, the flashback story was the wish realm at the beginning, if you remember back in season 6 we are told that everything went as we know until some point when the evil queen was defeated and her cast was never casted and this is that point in this ep. So, to sums up, Rogers is Wish Hook and his daughter is Alice that actually were hinted a few times, back on ep 2, Wish Hook tells the story of her daughter and the meaning of the chess piece the tower, in ep 4 when Rogers and Tily met, they do a close up to the tower that she’s playing with, and last ep, she has that piece again while she’s talking with Rogers and I found that brilliant. Oh btw, Tily is not awake, she was starting to remember but the pills keeps her asleep so, the only ones awake up to this point are Rumple, Regina, Gothel, Drizella and Victoria,!sort of since she’s cursed aswell We still dont know why Lucy is with Victoria but we will get the answer to that, along with some other great twist 🙌🏻 cant wait for whats next. Great reaction, hope everything is less confusing from here on and if you still are, we can tell you without spoilers if you want to. See you in the next one 🙌🏻

Luis Nov

oh and yes, Tilly lied to Rogers cause Rumple told her to with the excuse that "its because his own good" so she was "fooled" to trick him


Rogers & Tilly playing chess was a hint


Just keep in mind that any flashbacks from this point forward will feature Wish Hook and not the OG Hook it will make things much less confusing


The flashback is of the Wish Realm before Regina fails to cast her dark curse. Originally, we know that OG Hook teamed up with Cora and waited until the curse broke (and met Snow and Emma when they fell through the portal back in S2). But in the Wish Realm, Regina doesn’t cast her curse bc Snow and Charming (who OG Regina kills in S6) defeat her. So at this point, the story of the two Hooks are so different bc OG Hook teams up with Cora and New Hook (Rogers) meets up with “Rapunzel” and has Alice. Plot twist! I am so glad that you are enjoying the season, and that is why it’s one of my favorites! Change can be good!


Haha from now on, every hook flashback is about Wish Realm Hook. Youre almost at the halfway point!


we are now getting to the next part of the storyline...


I like how with the Repunzle storyline they tie in the flower that gives Repunzle her magic hair but instead its the magic required to keep her locked inside... a new twist to the story this holds true for the rest of the season's take as well!


Because of the curse Rogers doesn't remeber who he is or who he knows so he knows he's looking for someone named Eloise Gardner but he doesn't know exactly who that individual is... the curse switched his memories around and changed who he thought he was looking for... cause he really is looking for someone else entirely...