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isaac shepard

one of the best episodes of the season

Brenda Lewis

The best thing about Supernatural is dying doesn't mean you'll never see that character again. This is a rough episode, and I don't rewatch it often. I get so bummed about the total raw deal Kevin got. Just a kid in AP, thinks his mother was torcher and killed. Gets killed himself and now can't even get into heaven. What a rotten universe is this one. Cas was epic in this one, he's learned and changed so much since Sn 4. He was such a total badass, and he still is, but compassion suits him. That softer side is so attractive on him. Now Sam and Dean, I still have to side with Sam here. His words from the last episode still resonate with me. Dean may not want to admit it, but he did save Sam more for himself than anything. I remember back in Sn 1 when Meg had John and he tells Sam that the two of them are all he has. John is gone but he'll be damned if he's going to let go of Sam. But I love both of my boys and I know at some point someway Sam will find it in his heart to forgive him because Sam is a good kind person. I think he just needs to get over the utter violation of being possessed. Dean has never had that happen to him. Sam has been possessed twice and I can't imagine how that feels. And to think the second time was because he was tricked into it by his own brother, whatever the reasons. My rant loved your reaction as always.


I love this episode so much, i will never get tired of hearing cas being called the rebel🥰, he's like a free will infection walking 😂 any angel who gets close to him gets infected with free will 😂, i love him, i love that they mentioned how successful cas was in defeating an archangel (Rafael) and single handedly (without the winchesters) stopping him from resuming the apocalypse, all the angels were impressed with him, but of course there were consequences, it's very understandable why he doesn't wanna be a leader again, which is why he's the best choice indeed, lovely seeing Kevin & Mrs tran again, so sad that she's taking home a ghost 😭, the ending with Sam & dean is also sad, great reaction, Shelley 👏

Linda Moore

Great reaction - this is a wonderful episode! So amazing to see Kevin again! I love when Dean hits him with the rock salt in the beginning of the episode and is like, "Yep, bunker's haunted." LOL! Just Jensen's line delivery makes laugh every time. Del's character made me laugh too. I so relate to his line, "This job, blows!" Been there. Felt that. 😁 Oh, and I had to look up Daniel Webster because I also didn't get the reference. Apparently he was a Senator in the early 1800s. I think the inside Crowley joke was supposed to be that Daniel Webster is known for being an amazing orator. And as Candy said earlier in the episode, Crowley loves to hear himself talk. 🙄😁 Loved Cas' take down of Bartholomew. Badass rebel! 😉 Next episode is one I really enjoy. So, can't wait to see your reaction! 💓


From Wikipedia: "The Devil and Daniel Webster" (1936) is a short story by American writer Stephen Vincent Benét. He tells of a New Hampshire farmer who sells his soul to the devil and is later defended by Daniel Webster, a fictional version of the noted 19th-century American statesman, lawyer and orator. The narrative refers to factual events in the lives of Webster and his family.

Karina Andrade

I totally get your point of view. I understand both sides even if i could not share them. Most of the time i get where Sam and Dean come from and the show does a great job with that because we care about the Winchesters but they are not perfect they make mistakes and we all know of the issue with their codependency. Regarding Kevin and his mom they are in the list of my favourite secondary characters and i would like that they would have more time but it makes sense why Metatron wanted Kevin dead so even if it hurts like hell i get why it need it to happen for the story. Just like you Shelley i want them to have an extended family that they can relly on and it frustates me that they don't get that and everyone that gets close to them dies. But like Brenda said in her comment the good thing about this show is that dead doesn't mean we never get to see them again... so that gives me a little confort. And about Cas I LOVE that the angels see him as the rebel because thats whats his journey has been about, for millions of years he follow orders but once he got involved with humans and discovered free will he hasn't look back and always tries to do the right thing, even if it doesn't always has good results Cas keeps fighting the good fight. He is the rebel, the outsider among angels and humans, but is the one who cares the most. That it's a powerful message.

Christopher simeon

I think bart and cas are a parallel to Sam and dean in terms of morality. Bart does whatever it takes for his needs no matter if it hurts people while cas does not want to hurt people just to achieve his goals. Bart wants cas to join him in the fight against metatron but he is doing bad things as well. Similar to Dean wanting sam to fight with him. But in the end bart and cas both shred blood. Bart does it willingly while Cas does it when he is given no other choice. There can be no peace without bloodshred......


Just a sidenote: You'll notice Sam is NOT researching the Mark of Cain (which was assumed he'd do) - another indication of the fracture between them.

Amye Sabin

I don't know that Dean wants Sam to fight him. Why do you see it that way?