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Rewatch 6.mp4

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Kitsy Spurling

The fact that when Gabriel is pretending to be that dude he says "My wife's name is Amelia. I sell ad space." my Jimmy Novak radar went wild.

Christopher simeon

What is interesting about this sam is he wanted to save dean from hell because dean traded his soul for sam so that guilt would stay with him if he let him stay in hell. Now in season 8 we saw that sam was fine with letting dean go when it just happened fighting dick roman and he did not have any guilt until dean came back. Now in season 9 he is tells dean that he does not think he would do the same things dean did just to bring him back.

Linda Moore

As always, thanks so much for these rewatches! It's so much fun to revisit them with you. This is an incredible episode, such a masterpiece. It makes me laugh no matter how many times I've watched it! 😁 I disagree though, that Gabriel was right to try and teach the lesson that saving each other was a dangerous problem. There were lots of things he could have done to help Sam and Dean realize what they needed to do to stop armageddon and beat the bad guys, but this wasn't one of them. Because the problem in S4 had nothing to do with saving Dean. That wasn't what Sam was trying to do. It was too late to save Dean. (Though, let me point out that if Sam had managed to save Dean at the end of S3, he wouldn't have been in hell to break the first seal. Not saying that was either Sam or Dean's fault, at all, I'm just putting 1 point on the board for the good that comes from them fighting for and saving each other.) But my point is that Sam never did any of the demon blood, Ruby stuff to save Dean. He did it to get revenge on Lilith. By the time Ruby 2.0 came along and was trying to get him to do the psychic stuff, Sam had already given up on even trying to get Dean out of hell. In 4x01, he says: "Once I figured out I couldn't save you, I started hunting down Lilith, tryna get some payback." That was Sam's main motivation in S4, revenge; that and the feeling of power that came from the demon blood. It wasn't about loving Dean too much, or trying to save him. Now, he did think he was helping people, and he was definitely manipulated by both demons and angels into killing Lilith, (and again, there's no way he could have known killing Lilith was a bad thing) but literally none of that had anything to do with saving Dean. I think there were a million other things Gabriel could have done to help stop Armageddon. He could have tried to make Sam and Dean realize they needed to work together. Because that was the real problem in S4, the boys being torn apart by demons on one side and angels on the other. When they work together, when they do fight with and for each other, that's when they defeat the big bads. This is also shown in 5x22. The only reason Sam was able to take his body back from Lucifer in Swan Song was because Dean REFUSED to stop trying to save him and showed up at the cemetary to talk to him. And it was only Dean's love and refusal to give up on him that got Sam to snap out of it, that and his memories of his relationship with his big brother. Anyway, that's just my rambling argument. The idea that saving each other is a mixed bag of outcomes. Ordinarily though, it's a good thing. 😊 And Gabe could have gone a different route entirely if he'd really wanted to be helpful. 😏 This episode is incredible. Only SPN could manage to be so incredibly, morbidly funny and then so heartbreaking and jarring all in the same 45 minutes. Amazing.


Another amazing rewatch, i bet you real money that that bra is dean's, i can't wait for the man who would be king my favorite episode ever along with free to be you & me coz i can't choose between the two 🥰

Jeffrey Mlinek

I'm pretty sure they were implying that Dean hooked up in the room at some point and is very messy.


@Linda once again, said things better than I could've.

Brenda Lewis

I really love your rewatches! I was just thinking last week when you might be able to do another and, presto! Here it is. As a Sam girl this one gets me every time. I never forgave the Trickster/Gabriel for this one. I love Richard but I hate this character for tormenting my Sammy baby. He really goes through it and by the time he kills "Bobby" well just wow. I am very excited for The Man Who Would Be King too! One of the absolute best of the series for sure and I loved your original reaction so much. I rewatch that one quite a bit.

Brenda Lewis

I absolutely love Free to Be You and Me too! It's one of my all-time favorites but tied with On the Head of a Pin


My favorite episode of the series ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️