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AHBL 1&2.mp4

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Haha during Ava’s speech when you said “There can be only one,” I couldn’t help but think if Duncan MacLeod showed up, we might have a very different outcome 😂 or one heck of a crazy mashup 😂


Sounded like they gave Missouri a Caribbean-style accent. Wow, yes they could do some pretty gross things in the anime…that fist through Sam’s chest and then shooting off Jake’s arm. That was wild. It was just strange not having a baseball cap on Bobby! Jared voiced Sam for all the anime but these are the only ones that Jensen did.


Missouri 😍😍 the anime doing what the show couldn't indeed


No, Sam didn't hear the Yellow-Eyed Demon talking to Dean. He figured it out from something Jake said... You'll see it when you rewatch 😌 This was interesting, Vel, thank you!


Thank you for all the work you did on this - and for the excellent suggestion! I appreciate you so much.