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Siege Perilous - Full Version.mp4

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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Siege Perilous- Another great reaction! I really enjoy this episode a lot. It's fantastic! Although, I will say that upon King Arthur being revealed to be a villain... it really took me aback at first. And I didn't like really like this twist at first, in spite of the end scene between Arthur and his squire being really intriguing and well acted, especially by Liam Garrigan who plays Arthur. Because while he is evil for manipulating his squire so completely, I can really understand why Grif believed in him and was so devoted, even unto death. Arthur's conviction is so strong in this scene. But with this being said... I deeply love all of the Arthurian Legends, and King Arthur has always been a hero, whom I deeply love and admire. I have loved the King Arthur legends very deeply since I first read them when I was in school. So to see him twisted to be made into a villain here in Once Upon a Time made me a tad bit upset at first. Like I said way back in my thoughts for throughout the Neverland arc, Pan was another villain that I didn't like the idea of him being a villain at first either. However, I quickly came to really love the change with Pan because it definitely makes sense, especially with Hook slowly becoming a hero throughout season three. And because Robbie Kay plays Pan so brilliantly. And the twist in his character are absolutely brilliant! With Arthur... him being a villain for me at first just didn't work, but after I really thought about his roles throughout the storylines within this episode, the more I really came to enjoy this twist once again. It just makes sense, especially for all that's to come, and it's great! And now of course since I've seen this episode and the rest throughout season five a hundred times, I've really have come to like this twist with Arthur being the villain more and more. But back to this episode... I didn't suspect Arthur to be a villain throughout this episode until the revelation came when we see that Arthur had stolen the Crimson Crown from David when he saved him upon David finding the toadstool among the things that had fallen out of Griff's bag of things he had stolen from the reliquary. I should have suspected it because there are definitely subtle clues leading up to Arthur being revealed to be a villain, especially with the fishiness of how Arthur failed to help David sooner on their quest to retrieve the Crimson Crown and how it suddenly came to be missing. But I suppose because I've only ever seen Arthur as a hero, I just didn't want to see the signs that were hinted to him being a villain throughout the episode. And then in the end... Arthur is really seen as a villain when he asks his loyal squire, Grif... to drink the poison of the Agrabahn vipers in order to keep his secret that he is a traitor to the crown. I didn't like this scene until I became used to the idea of Arthur being a villain. And since then, this scene in this episode is fantastic, and so well acted like I said above. And I feel bad for Grif, who is seduced into taking his own life upon Arthur using his love for Camelot against him. So cruel, and yet so brilliant. Now... I really love the meaning of Siege Perilous. An empty seat reserved for a knight with the purest heart and the one destined to carry out the most sacred of quests. Which in the end, is rewarded to David for his heroism in an effort to seek out the Crimson Crown in the hope that they would be able to communicate with Merlin in spite of his imprisonment inside the tree. And for his drive and strength to fight even when all hope seems lost. Unfortunately, I sense that Arthur rewards David more to distract him and the rest of the heroes from discovering the truth about him not being the King the heroes all believe him to be. However, I really love this moment for David, because he certainly deserves the honor. But I also feel bad for him because it is nothing more than a deception. Next... we also learn that Lancelot is somehow still alive, after we have believed him to be dead all this time since season two's episode... Lady of the Lake, when Cora reveals to Emma and Mary Margaret that she had killed him. And no... we never do in fact see him die, which indicates it is certainly possible that this truly is Lancelot. I was pleasantly surprised to see Lancelot return to the show again, because I like his character back in this first episode with him in season two. And I like how he appears to Mary Margaret with the big reveal that Arthur is the real villain of Camelot. Very interesting for sure. Now... I really enjoy David's and Arthur's quest to find the Crimson Crown, and David's brief battle against the phantom knights. I love how David struggles throughout this episode upon feeling useless, which leads him on such a quest. I love how his struggles are shown within both his Camelot storyline and in his Storybrooke storyline as well. Arthur tags along with David on both of his quests in order to keep David from succeeding. In Camelot, Arthur steals the toadstool. And it isn't until they're all back in Storybrooke that David finds the Crimson Crown on the ground partially covered up by the tent flap, and David believes that it had been among the items Grif had supposedly stolen. I really love their talk about how they are known for specific aspects within their fairytale and legend, like Prince Charming is mostly remembered for waking a sleeping princess, while Arthur is remembered for pulling a sword from a stone. In David's case... in the Disney movie, he is sadly only known for waking Snow White with True Love's Kiss. Whereas, Arthur is actually known for so much more than just pulling Excalibur from the stone. However, I love how they both long to be remembered for more. I also really like the scenes with David, Mary Margaret, Emma, Regina, Belle, Arthur, and Zelena as they're all looking for ways to free Merlin. And I love the banter once again between Regina and Zelena as well, when Regina finally allows Zelena to talk so they can discuss hers and Robin's baby. As for the present storyline in Storybrooke... I love the very first scene of the episode when Emma appears in the mines to the dwarfs to steal Happy's ax so that she can try to use it to destroy the stone Excalibur is trapped in. I just love the eeriness Emma continues to bring as the Dark One in this scene, which brings me to my favorite moments throughout this episode... I absolutely love every scene between Killian and Emma aboard the Jolly Roger. Again, Emma continues to be eerie as she's spending the afternoon with Killian, not just to learn from him about his past with Rumplestiltskin before he became the Dark One so she could get ahold of his sword that touched Rumple when he was still a man so she would be able to wake him, but also so she can continue to try to seduce Killian into being with her while she's the Dark One. I love how Killian continues to resist Emma's temptations, although it's sad that he finally has to lie to Emma about having loved her in the past tense in order to get her to let him go. Because we know that he still loves her very deeply. He just wants the real Emma back. The Emma he helped to break down her walls and who saved him from his darkness he has struggled with his whole life. Who pulled him back from being a villain. I love, love, love the moment Killian becomes angry with Emma upon tiring of her games, as he states how he had been the villain in Emma's tale about him and Rumplestiltskin back when Rumple had still been a good man, knowing he had helped create the Dark One in Rumplestiltskin when he held his sword and threatened the good man he had been. It shows that Killian really is remorseful over his actions that day, and truly remorseful for all of his evil deeds. Such phenomenal acting from Colin O'Donoghue all throughout these scenes between him and Emma, and this particular scene being my very favorite scene within this episode. And in regards to Killian's love for Emma... like I said above, Killian does truly and deeply love the woman and Savior she was before she became the Dark One. As was revealed back in season three's episode... Good Form, we learned that Killian was a good and honorable man before he became a pirate and Captain Hook. However, the loss of his brother and then the loss of Milah at Rumplestiltskin's hand caused him to bury the good man he was deep down inside himself, and from episodes throughout seasons two and three, we come to see the good in Hook fighting to come back. We saw that Hook never lost sight of the good and longed to become a hero again, but struggled greatly to find him again. It is because of Emma that he was finally able to become the hero Killian is now. To become Killian Jones again, as well as to bring honor to the name of Captain Hook. So yes... he loves her for all she's done for him. As his love and his Savior, Emma allowed him to find the good in him and to find his happy ending. This is one reason why I love Killian so much as a character, and why I absolutely love Killian and Emma so much. Why Killian and Emma are my all time favorite True Love couple throughout this show. Next... I also like the moments between Killian and Robin as well. Especially when they're looking at the sonogram of Robin's and Zelena's baby. I absolutely love Killian's confusion and frustrations with technology. So funny. :) But more so... I love how Killian comes to Robin seeking help to break into Emma's home so they discover what she hiding in the basement of her home. And lastly... I also really love the moment in the end when Emma returns to wake Gold using Hook's cutlass, as Rumplestiltskin as the voice inside her head mocks her for crushing Hook's heart beneath her impractical boot heel. Now... Gold is finally awake again once Emma crushes the cutlass into dust that enters Rumple's body upon enacting a spell to wake him. I was quite intrigued by the mystery behind why Emma needed Gold when I first saw this episode, and why it was she needed to talk with Killian to find something that had touched Rumple as a man before he became the Dark One... Killian's cutlass. Overall... this is a fantastic episode! I really love it!! And a lot happens in it that is most definitely intriguing. Thank you so much for your reaction for this episode, Shelley! Until your next reaction... Sincerely, Heidi

Amber sanchez

I think a couple of things about this episode. Emma legitimately started dating Hook when he was still technically a villain. For context season 1-6 is 2.5-3 years including the missing year. Emma has accepted Hook and his less than straight and narrow path and Emma is the Dark One no one really knows what she is up to at this point and he rejects her. when we know his heart isn’t pure. Also, I LOVE Regina she is my favorite character hands down. But, when she was speaking to Zelena about redemption and how she has had many chances, well Regina did too. But, I can understand where Regina is coming from because Zelena did pose as her boyfriends dead wife and get pregnant by her and she has done more things consistently since she appeared season 3B. Also, thanks for the update that was quicker than a week, I had a 12 hour day between work and adulting, when I saw you posted I said yay! I poured myself a cocktail, sat down and watched. I think you should do The Vampire Diaries and The Originals I would totally be down to see you watch those shows. I liked the Originals better than the Vampire Diaries but,The Originals was a spin-off of TVD. Ohh, maybe you could do Lost Girl too, check that out.


Sadly, it seems Emma did the whole date with Hook on his ship so that she could get the sword that had touched Rumple before he was the Dark One. That was the ingredient she needed to wake Rumple up.