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Humbug - Full Version.mp4

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The first fully funny and self-aware episode of X-files. It also managed to have a heart. Mulder getting dragged this episode, and I am here for it. That shot of him “standing” towards the end cracks me up still. Can’t believe despite seeing Buffy (my fav show) 20+ times I didn’t recognize the actor here until you pointed it out. I am ashamed. I love how Mulder and Scully kept getting called out for making nefarious assumptions that turn out to be wrong. It’s the exact kind of assumptions Mulder specifically makes in most X-files episodes that often turn out to be right. It’s a clever way of poking fun at the shows genre format, and undermining some of it for an episode at least. I really enjoyed the side characters here, particularly the hotel owner and Dr. Blockhead the escape artist. Glad to see you both enjoyed a lighter episode of the X-files (not everyone does alas).

Amye Sabin

Vincent Schiavelli - Lenny - was in <i>Ghost</i>. He was the ghost who taught Patrick Swayze how to maneuver around the veil.<p></p><p>Barnum's famous saying is "there is a sucker born every minute". Very famous quote.</p><p></p><p>Chang &amp; Eng were married to sisters and their families lived together, so yes someone was there when they died.</p>