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Phillip followed Misaki down the path. They had walked up to the dungeon tower and then went around it. Now they were following an old foot trail. Her time at the bathhouse Misaki made was amazing, but what they were doing out here she wasn’t entirely sure.

Suddenly breasts pressed against her from behind and she was kissed on the cheek. Happily, a demon gushed. “I’m so happy you are here with us! This is going to be so much fun!”

She looked back at Aki and for a moment felt guilty. Her skin flushed at the thought of what she did. This excursion was going to be interesting. Very interesting, considering her history with Aki and her relationship with Misaki. How did she end up in this situation anyway?

Phillip took a breath, “So where are we going anyway?”

Misaki had told her earlier that she had something to show her, but had said precious little beyond that. The other girl turned, “And spoil the surprise? Besides it’s not much further, we are almost there.”

“What do you want to show me out in the middle of the woods?”

“Still not spoiling the surprise.”

Phillip looked around, she hadn’t even known this path was here. Then a thought occurred to her and she started looking at all the trees and plants. The lust mana was denser here then elsewhere, way denser. The plants were just soaking it up and not ten feet from them was a Soul Snatcher. “Um, Misaki?”

Misaki followed her gaze, “Oh? That? don’t worry about it. We are perfectly fine, it’s practically mine anyway. Won’t hurt a fly.”

“I’m more worried about it stealing someone’s soul.”

“Yeah they are kind of nasty that way, but as I said it’s mine. I tamed it, and this area is rather special. Don’t need unwanted guests.”

Phillip frowned, “That’s a bit much for a security system.”

“Well the guild doesn’t really patrol this area. Only way out here is via that path behind my dungeon entrance. I made sure of that.”

“Great! So you mean to tell me that there is a demonic forest in your backyard and no one is keeping the lust mana in check?”

“Well my demons are always coming out here. I’m sure you would love it as well!”

Phillip wasn’t sure what to say, but she knew an area teeming with lust mana could be problematic. It was the same with any demonic mana. The demons being around would help, the plants once changed would produce it, and they in turn would absorb it. Lust demons were great actually for processing lust mana, but obviously, there wasn’t enough of them if a Soul Snatcher had been born. Worse, there was likely more. Worried, she inquired, “So, um... Misaki? How many Soul Snatchers are out here?”

“Almost seventy, why?”

Phillip froze as her skin paled. Before she could say anything Aki was kissing her again, when she broke the kiss, the girl smiled. “It’s perfectly fine.”

“Fine!? Those things snatch souls, you know.”

Misaki and Aki giggled, “Only if you are stupid! They really need minions for that, and these have none.”

Phillip blinked, “So you two do know what these things do?”

Misaki nodded, “I read up about them when I first noticed them popping up in the area. It started happening real fast after I isolated this area. Well, except for the area we are about to enter.”

Phillip frowned and then noticed the mana changing. Not long after the forest thinned and they entered a clearing. Her gaze was soon drawn to the hill that dominated the center of the clearing. The path led right up the hill and to a large sturdy wood and iron gate. The entire hill was dominated by a bulwark of earth and timber. Rising above it in the center was a watchtower.

Looking around the watchtower, she noted the tilled lands, rich with crops. Given the hour, one would expect figures tending the crops, but the fields were empty. She also noted a lack of houses in the area, or anywhere but the fortified tower for people to be. Yet Phillip had already figured the area was inhabited. It would be weird for a dungeon to build farms here, unless there was a village or something that would need it.

Aki ran out ahead, and Misaki turned with a smile, “May I present to you the Village! I know it’s not much, but I chose the evening since it would be a better time for this meeting.”

Phillip took a moment to feel the mana, finding it more acceptable than the woods. There was something about it, however, that she could not quite put a finger on. Misaki urged her on and the three of them headed on up the hill and through the gate. Before she knew it she was heading into the watchtower and down a path of stairs.

Laki stepped into the room to meet the Atarli Mistress that summoned her. Eren smiled, “Mistress I brought Laki.”

“Thank you, I’ll see you later.”

Eren nodded and slipped out of the room. Laki took a look around and found Mika lying on a table nearby, her swollen pussy lips visibly twitching as weirdly shaped brain tissue sat exposed between her legs. The Mistress had several tools nearby, all recently used from the look of it. Mika looked rather loopy at the moment which meant her brain had recently been harvested. Laki recalled the Mistress wanting her to eat some of Mika.

The Mistress gestured her over to a table and placed a plate down in front of her. She smiled, “I prepared it with you in mind, do try it!”

She took a moment to center herself before taking a bite like her Master had told her if she had been offered food. The taste went through her and was like nothing she had ever eaten. She had planned to say she didn’t like it, but she couldn’t. The Mistress slithered closer with a smile, “I knew you would like it! Of course, I didn’t bring you in here just to get you started on eating brains.”

Laki looked into her face, “So what do you want?”

“I wanted to discuss our mutual problem, that child eating serpent. Do you have any ideas for it?”

“I do, there is a young dungeon not far from where it has set itself up. If we could nudge it towards the dungeon, the dungeon will kill it for us, but we have to make sure the dungeon is strong enough first.”

“Oh? That is brilliant. Shouldn’t be too hard. I have a sister in the capital. I’ll talk to her.”

“Hmm? A sister?”

“Oh? Well there wasn’t any reason to talk about her. She is a bit of a strange cookie that one. She doesn’t even eat babies.”

Laki blinked, “She doesn’t?”

“Nope, never has. Poor girl got roped into some fertility god’s religion before she could even taste her first baby. Real shame that, but she does have a good heart. I’m sure she will help us.”

“Oh? Would you know which god?”

The Mistress shrugged, “Sadly no, but the poor girl was born here so I don’t blame her for getting a little lost.”

“I see, I was born here too. Never really was all that devout though. Did have a patron, but now my Master is my Patron and it has been wonderful. He changed my womb, pussy and boobs for me.”

“Eat your food. I’m going to talk to my sister.”

Laki nodded and watched her slither out of the room. Leaving her alone with Mika, who suddenly bubbled, “How’s my brain taste? Good?”

Phillip dropped into the chair. Across from her was a half-dressed Gargoyle woman, she was kinda cute actually, and like most of her kind she was going topless. A fact that gave Phillip a very good view of her rather naked breasts. Boobs that Aki was actively playing with in front of her.

Phillip took a breath as Misaki settled down next to her. The Gargoyle girl smiled, “Hello Phillip, my name is Petra. I’m a leader in this village and it’s so nice of you to visit. I would have loved to, but we are still getting the village squared. So much to do. On a different note, I heard you recently lost your dick. I know some girls have a hard time with that.”

Phillip let out a sigh and said, “I’m fine. Meeting Misaki was something special.”

Petra placed a case on the table, “Well if you ever want to play with one, here.”

Frowning, she opened the case and was greeted with a large grey-blue dick with a texture of polished stone. “Is this?”

“It’s mine, all gargoyles are female, but some pack extra. We usually detach them when we bond with a mate.”

Phillip glanced to Misaki, then turned back to Petra, “I know, we just met and you are proposing marriage?”

She giggled, “Pretty much, but we don’t have to love each other. Our homes are close and we share the dungeon. Bonding is as much political as anything else. Besides I know demons are pretty free when it comes to relationships. I’m sure she would be pushing you to mate with others and will mate with others herself.”

Phillip blushed as Misaki giggled, “Phillip had a wonderful time with Aki recently. I enjoyed watching!”

Her blush turned deeper, “Oh? And you’re blushing, that’s so cute!”

Phillip was about to speak when Misaki picked up the dick in question, “It’s kind of sweet, giving this to us, but I’m...”

“Not comfortable with dicks, I know. Just keep it in the case, use it as a sex toy for your guests, your choice. It’s yours now. Besides, I’m pregnant.”

Phillip’s eyes widened. He knew what that meant for a gargoyle. Although it was a little different for them, given the whole egg-laying aspect of their biology. For them a fertilized egg would only develop in the womb for a brief period of about twelve weeks if she recalled correctly. Then they would lay them in a prepared hatchery, where the egg would develop over the next year. “Um congrats, but I don’t know what that has to do with you giving us your dick.”

“Oh? You don’t know? A dick isn’t something you want attached to you with a child around. Mothers that have them always give up their dick, and trust me, it’s for the best.”

“Uh, sure,” replied Phillip, feeling awkward about where things were going. As Misaki proceeded to accept the dick. It vanished from the table a moment later.

Misaki leaned forward, “Anyway, with that over. Why don’t we talk about the other reason Phillip and I are here.”

“Of course,” she nodded as she pulled some papers out. “We would like to discuss the rules regarding visits between our towns.”

Phillip sighed, she knew Gargoyles could be pranksters and she knew they had a penchant for taking dicks. Good thing, she no longer had one, but she wasn’t looking forward to all the awkwardness that would cause. Taking the paper, she started looking them over. There was a lot here, access to the dungeon, travel restrictions, rules regarding the use of the Disassemble spell and more. Regarding what she saw on the spell Disassemble it was basically what would amount to free use with no consequences. That was going to be trouble. The travel section was much more reasonable and honestly she was going to push for things there. Especially given the plant she had seen on the way in.

Before she knew it the evening gave way to night as they spent long hours discussing the terms before deciding to take a break.  As they left, she watched Aki slip away with one of the Gargoyle girls and Misaki led her into a private room. A smile on her lips, she leaned in and kissed her. Whispering something about having some fun. The hand in her skirt playing with her clit gave her a good idea about what. “Um, sure!” she responded as she pushed Misaki down onto the bed.


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