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The party filed into the first room and the older man sighed when he saw the sorry excuse of a formation the idiots fell into. Right in front of a couple of cute demons too. For a moment he was reminded of his daughter, but only a moment. They didn’t actually look anything like her and their bodies were clearly a few years older. Obviously, she was on his mind maybe a little too much, but he hadn’t seen Lucile recently. Her babysitter said she was doing okay in the last letter. Not that a letter was any substitute for actually being there.

Pushing that aside, he barked at his idiots, “What kind of sorry formation is that? You fools won’t last five seconds against those demons before they make you their plaything.”

One of the demons giggled, as she got into a ready stance. A moment later she spoke, “What about you Mister?”

He smiled, that would make things easier. “Oh? I’m just the instructor, I’m not going to fight unless I have to.”

“Understood mister!” Shouted the excited beastkin girl.

The idiots exclaimed, “What!”

He took up a spot, but against the wall, “Well idiots? Are you just going to stand there like loons?”

Which seemed to serve as a signal as the demons leapt into action. The first moron in the lead was caught off guard and struggled to deflect the girl’s claws. As she raked him, she scored several shallow cuts across his chest and belly before he managed to get his shield up. Only for her to twirl out of his range a moment later when he tried to counter with his sword. “How do you plan to fight if you move that slow!?”

Laki smiled as she pushed the needle further in. The penis before her twitched a little as the male in question yipped. She giggled and said, “Did that hurt Qerni?”

He nodded but said nothing.

“Great, now this will hurt a bit more,” she said happily as her sex grew wet. Then she pulled out a second needle but instead of pushing it down his pee hole, she pushed into a nice tender fleshy spot near the tip of the shaft. He yelped again, but did nothing to defend himself. She wasn’t going to damage him anyway, not permanently, but she did want to see him hurting. It was so cute when he squirmed and yelped in pain. She loved it when boys did that.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Followed by a familiar face entering the room. Eren frowned, “Um what are you doing with Qerni?”

She glanced back at her handy work. He had a few needles in him, nothing all that serious and she was going to heal it after. Well mostly, she wasn’t going to bother with anything that couldn’t be seen. No need to leave any extra holes behind. “Just a little bit of fun, don’t worry I’m not going to harm his ability to breed us. He’s a valuable stud afterall, but I was kinda bored.”

“Oh? Good. Anyway Mistress wants to see you. She said she has something important to discuss over a meal”

Laki frowned, somehow, she had an idea of what the meal would be. She let out a breath and said, “Of course, what time?”

Eren smiled, “Great, she wants to see you for the evening meal. Care to come back with me?”

“Sure, just let me finish up with Qerni,” replied Laki

The older man sighed as he watched the idiots. The run was going smoothly enough, they had managed to make it past the first room at least. Although not without a couple of incidents. Like one of them nearly tumbling into a pit trap and another nearly being crushed by rockfalls. In the third room a couple of them had gotten pinned and ended up enjoying the attentions of a demon. Which didn’t go so well thanks to their rather blue balls, but it was their fault for trying something stupid the other day. At least the demonesses seemed to take pity on them as they fixed the issue.

Still it was a real sorry lot he had been tossed. They couldn’t fight at all. They screwed up at every turn and they failed basic trap detection. He knew going in that they were going to get chewed up and spat out, but this was ridiculous. Now here he was in the boss room. Leaning against the wall and watching them get their asses handed to them. It was embarrassing, and they weren’t even fighting the whole demon party since one of them was walking over towards him.

She was a cute demon girl with lovely horns, lush hair and one of the cutest faces he had ever seen. The girl was like a delicate flower waiting to be plucked and she was dressed in the skimpiest outfit he had ever seen. It left nothing to the imagination. She smiled, “I’m Tulip, how about you mister instructor?”

He returned the smile, “Howard, so what do you make of my idiots?”

“They don’t seem that good at following instructions.”

“I noticed and sadly your girls are playing with them. Yet they don’t seem to have realized.”

“Oh? Well at least they get a little bit of fun before their inevitable membership in the boobs club. OOh! Maybe they will get them pregnant! My girls would love a few babies!”

He sighed, “I’m not sure I would have put it that way.”

“I guess not, but they will be sporting boobs before too long.”

He looked back at them and the girls playing with them. Teasing them as they danced around the much more clumsy idiots who rarely listened to him. Maybe growing breasts would change that? If not the guild could always sell them. Training new adventurers wasn’t cheap afterall and the failures usually ended up as slaves. It was part of the standard training contract back home. Although not all guilds agreed on their failure policies or how it was done. He knew the Empire had this whole debt slave thing but not all washouts ended up in it.

“You might be right about that,” responded Howard. They certainly didn’t seem likely to actually make it past this fight and he did tell them they weren’t ready for the boss room, but they charged in without his say anyway. If they ended up in the boob club like Tulip said that was their own stupid fault.

Tulip smiled, “Hey maybe they will pregnant too! Then my girls and them can be...”

He interjected, “What’s with you and babies? They are a pain and a huge responsibility. Trust me, I’ve been through it and while my daughter was worth every moment...”

“Oh? You have a kid. Well aren’t we lucky!”

Howard gave Tulip a look, “Don’t get any funny ideas.”

“I would never! As you said children are precious. If I was blessed with a daughter, I would cherish her.” she sighed, “I just hope things go well with my girl.”

“You have a lover? Cherish her while you can and don’t let anyone take her from you.”

“Sounds like someone lost their lover. Although I didn’t take a strong guy like you for a...”

“An unlucky bastard who can’t protect his wife? Yeah well sometimes the other guy is too big to fight.”

“That sucks. I’m really sorry for your loss. Would you like a hug?” said Tulip as she shifted suggestively.

He choked for a moment, “Huh? What! She’s isn’t dead! Some lord decided he liked her and stole her!”

“That bastard! That’s worse than death,” she glanced at the group, “Oh clearly you need some love!” She suddenly pressed against him and he could feel her practically naked breasts pressing into him, as she pressed her lips against his. He responded, and a moment later she said, “Feel better?”

“A little, but honestly this whole thing has been tougher on my daughter. Worse I’m often gone for months, stuck leaving her with a babysitter.”

Tulip sighed, “That really sucks, you should bring her here.”

“Why would I bring her to a dungeon?”

“That wasn’t what I meant, sorry.” She glanced back at the others and he followed her gaze. The girls had solidly beaten the idiots and they were all naked on the floor being ridden by the demons.

“Well can’t say we didn’t see that coming,” commented Howard.

“Yes, we did both agree they were idiots. Anyway care for some fun yourself? We can do it in the other room if you like?”

He felt her pressing into him and his dick was at full mast. “Sure why not. Just tell your girls to dump them at the entrance when they are done. I can catch up with them later.”

Tulip smiled, “Great!”

Excitedly she led him to a hidden door and pulled him inside. Next thing he knew she was naked, and straddling him. As magic ran over his skin. In moments he watched his clothes flow from his body and form a neat stack next to him. “Neat trick”

She smiled as she positioned herself. He could see that she was already wet. “Thank you and it looks like neither of us really needs any foreplay do we?”

He chuckled and then she buried his dick in her pussy up to the hilt. He moaned as he felt the tight flesh wrapping around his dick. It was soft and pleasant, as it writhed around his shaft. She was incredible, only that mousegirl he had sex with the other day could compete. That had been really good sex and now he was expecting good things. Then Tulip began to move and his world almost exploded.

Tulip giggled and wondered if she should get pregnant to this one. He seemed nice and just might be worth keeping as a mate. They’d have to get his daughter in here also somehow, and explain to him why it would be best for her. It was a shame her mother was out of the picture. There is so much the poor girl wasn’t learning that only a mother could pass onto her child. Perhaps Tulip would be able to fulfil that role. That thought slipped from her mind moments later as she enjoyed the way he responded to her moving beneath her.

She gasped an instant after that when his fingers found her breasts. Tulip paused for a moment and allowed him to play with them. A smile graced her face, he knew how to treat a girl. So she let him take control for a moment, well she let him think he had it. Instead she was merely leading him around and enjoying the way he was kneading her breasts, while he moved his dick. Squeezing him at just the right moments to elict a gasp. Her mind was set, though. A man that knew how to treat a girl, would be a nice pick to have a daughter with. Especially since she was certain he loved the daughter he already had. Naturally a guy like that would love her daughter as much as the one he had with the wife he lost.

Decision made, she continued the fun. Then when she felt him about to cum, she clamped down on him hard. Forcing him to discharge right into her womb. Then she let the party continue. Howard was certainly the best man to walk into her boss room. Something special.



For Idiots like these, Misaki should give out free T-shirts, death by Snusnu.