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Delilah held the robe in her hands, she couldn’t believe she would see it again. They were here with Mira getting ready for that slime subjugation quest they had accepted. Nearby Michael had a look of disbelief on her face as she ran her hand over the blade of a sword they both thought lost. To think they had gotten these things back thanks to a visit to the bath. The new bathhouse, to be specific. She wished she had gone to the dungeon sooner now that she held this in her hands, but if it hadn’t been for the delay on their quest they might not have met the demon who had saved their things. Today however things were looking up, there were finally enough people here for the quest. Her mind drifted back to how she got the items in question.

She’d been trying the new baths in town, it was much better than bathing in the river.  The female section was closed off to men so the privacy was better too.  Walking in naked had been interesting, but the guild staff were wearing less these days, and some pale elf was walking around in nothing, giving the boys an eye full everywhere she went. The town was changing, she could feel it.  She wasn’t comfortable with some of it.

The baths were nice, the decoration had much to be desired though, it was all naked women either playing with each other or orgasming.  It was just too much really.  The place was huge, plenty of room to get clean, though some were using the space to have sex with the demon attendants.  One had offered to take her clothes, only she didn’t have any, the demon seemed disappointed, maybe she had wanted to undress her.

The sight of Michael’s nice rear and soft thighs as she slipped into the bath was intoxicating.  Delilah was pleasantly surprised to find the water was tinged with mana, that was invigorating.  She blushed at the thought of what had happened next.  It had just been so nice, being in there with Michael, her cute face, her lovely breasts just peeking above the water.  Somehow she’d found herself kissing Michael, those soft lips pressed against her own, her tongue in Michael’s mouth, it just made sense.

Delilah cursed, the water had been tinged with mana, it was obvious now that it had been lust mana, why hadn’t she noticed before?  That certainly helped explain what happened next.  Not that she regretted having sex with Michael, but in front of all those people?  Nobody had seemed to mind, but still!

Michael noticed that Delilah’s mind seemed to be on something, she slipped her hand into Delilah's and hoped she was OK.

Sex with a woman had been, strange, different.  She didn’t regret it, it felt good, and she seemed to have needed it, but sometimes she just wanted a strong cock inside herself damnit.  Just that she’d found she really liked Michael and him now being a she didn’t really change how she felt about her lover.

Delilah noticed Michael had wrapped his hand around hers, and she reciprocated and leaned into her.  It wasn’t Michael’s fault that this had happened to her, and she needed support right now, Delilah would do her best.  Even if that damned naked pale elf was here now, with a thornback wolf pet?  Had she changed her hair?

As Michael and her had been leaving the baths the clothing attendant handed her her robe.  She couldn’t quite believe it.  The demoness had explained “We’re very sorry for what happened to you both in there.  We were quite pleased to find the two of you bonding, congratulations on that, but none of us wanted what happened after that.  We noticed you left your robes behind, and figured you probably wanted them back.  I’m happy to give them back but I want a little something in return.”

As the demoness spoke, she was spreading her pussy lips. Delilah blushed, but Michael didn’t as she was looking at Delilah. What happened next was a little unexpected. As the demon pressed herself against them and pulled them back into the baths, where they enjoyed an interesting and very sexy threesome with the demon. The demoness Yui seemed to like them a lot and wanted to meet more often. She even set up a date.  It was very educational.

She was brought to the present moments later when a larger man dressed in some rather flashy golden armor came up to them. She just hoped it was gold plated and not real gold armor. Gold was really good for enchantments, but Delilah didn’t see any. Meaning that if it was solid unenchanted gold he would be better off wearing plain clothes. As all that armor would do is slow him down, gold was soft and heavy. Not a good combo for armor. He put on what he must have thought was a charming smile, but it just came off a bit slimy.  “Hello pretty ladies! So after we take care of this small fry, care to have some fun?”

Michael shivered, clearly not comfortable with the offer. She didn’t blame the other girl, especially given what happened. Delilah was about to speak, when Mira interjected, “They’re taken.”

A look crossed his face, only for a moment but it was ugly, “Oh? Who’s the lucky bas... guy?”

Delilah didn’t like this guy. Mira puffed herself up, “They are my girls! Now back off!”

The guy laughed, “Oh that’s fun! I’ll see you three after the quest and show you what real fun is like.”

Mira just glared at him as he thankfully walked away, and then turned around to give them a hug. “It’s okay. I won’t let him touch you two. No matter what he does.”

Delilah felt herself relax a little. She didn’t even realize how on edge she was. Michael shuddered next to her, and started crying. Delilah leaned into her and kissed her. Trying to distract her. Guys like that were idiots and forceful, but she knew how to deal with them. Thankfully Mira was so understanding and helpful.

As they were talking a younger girl walked up to them. She wasn’t that tall, but she was big enough that Delilah had to look up. Her skin was shockingly pale and her eyes were a lovely piercing red. Contrasting her skin was hair as black as the night sky and dotted with silvery strands. Framing a cute rounded face with a little fang poking out on the side. The result was both striking and very cute. Her clothing was very revealing, amounting to little more than a top that barely covered her modest breasts and a short skirt. Cleanly emblazoned on her belly just above her pussy was a mark Delilah recognized. A slave mark.

She frowned, the girl was clearly a Vampire. They tended to be rather nocturnal since they got rather nasty sunburns if they stayed out in the sun too long. Although there were expensive magical items that could help. Sun rings were a common one, but her being out in the sun wasn’t what she found weird. Vampires had strong bonds among their clans, a sort of extended family and they didn’t allow their members to end up being slaves. They were naturally proud people and being a slave was beneath them. Vampires were well-known for preferring death over enslavement.

The girl however seemed a little worried, “Are you three okay?”

Delilah nodded, “We’re fine.”

An awkward smile, “Just, um, be careful around him.”

With that she left, joining up with the man and a couple of other girls who all sported slave marks. Delilah frowned, it seemed he was worse than she thought. Careful seemed to be the right word. Before she could think longer, someone from the guild stepped out to address the crowd of gathered adventurers.

The trio shifted to pay attention as the briefing began. Telling them all about the area they were headed to and the confirmed sighting of a Slime King. A natural boss monster, with a penchant for raping girls and leaving them pumped full of its kids. Slime numbers were increasing rapidly in the area and its presence was a clear threat to the town. It would have to be eliminated.

Howard walked down the path following Tulip. The last few hours had been wondrous, that was some of the best sex he had ever had. He had been told that demons were naturally phenomenal lovers but until today he hadn’t realized how much. Normally he would tire and go down after a couple of sessions, but instead he was still rather hard. She’d got him to cum in her pussy more times than he could count and then there was her tail. That thing was otherworldly and right now his dick was still hard and buried in it. As she led him back to the entrance, although unlike earlier he was now dressed. Tulip had helped him get dressed earlier and then promptly slipped her tail into his pants. Something he wasn’t really complaining about.

Her tail writhed around his member as they walked. She paused for a moment and looked back with a smile, “So you remember what we talked about?”

“Sure, I’ll think about it!”

“Great!” she gushed, and then suddenly her tail felt better. He moaned as he felt his dick start to pulse and then pleasure shot through him. As his seed flowed into her tail. He just enjoyed the feeling for a bit, as they picked up a little bit of speed.

It was not long before they reached the entrance and stepped out onto the platform where four naked girls were waiting for him. Tulip sighed, “I don’t suppose you mind your idiots all being in the boob club?”

He glanced at them and replied, “I rather expected it sooner or later. Just maybe not this fast.”

“Well I guess this is where I leave you. Will you be making another run or heading home?”

“Ah, I’ll have to whip them into shape before we go home.”

“Great, in that case I will be seeing you tonight. Keep your dick hard for me.”

He chuckled, “I’ll try, but...”

Suddenly her tail moved and he gasped. His dick pulsing again as a result of what she did, just before she leaned in and kissed him. After pulling away, she smiled, “I know the issue, but I think you will manage. See you later!”

With that she finally pulled her tail out of his pants and hurried on into the dungeon. He watched her go and felt a pang of loneliness. Pushing it aside he turned to the girls. “Alright you idiots, let’s go to the training yard and discuss where you messed up.”

They groaned but followed his lead as he led them into town. Idly he figured he would play with them a bit while he was at it. They all looked rather cute now. As it would turn out, he found them rather receptive and the day went very well. Later in the night, Tulip would join him to continue their fun.


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