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Nelli stepped before the pod and checked in on 22. The poor girl was still recovering from her recent death. Something Master had been more than kind enough to revive her from. Looking over the readings, she found she was doing well enough and checked her off as ready to be experimented on. Master already had one in mind for 22. Apparently it was another heat experiment. She hoped 22 would enjoy it, and Master was more than kind enough to revive her when she dies, and she was going to die. Master wanted her to die often to the heat. Such a kind Master he was.

With that in mind, she walked over to the others. Quickly checking on them and finding them largely as expected. Fourteen had been getting worse with each passing day as her sickness progressed and when she got to her, she found that her tiny body had finally succumbed. Master had said that she was likely to die next and it seemed he was right. Nelli marked that down and left to go report the death to Master. That way she could be revived and made ready for the next experiment.

Laki walked down the path. Her baby farm wasn’t even fully running and she already had something going on that required her attention. Well she had managed to at least ship off the first batch of babies for Master. Now she just had to deal with the church. For some reason they had brought a party of adventurers here. All of them were attached to the church.

With a sigh, she turned the corner and walked up to the local guild. Stepping inside she soon found the group she was looking for and settled nearby to watch and listen to them.

One of them, an older man, was speaking, “So what do you idiots think of the town so far?”

A young boy who didn’t even look like he had grown into his armor replied, “It’s a dump. I’m still not sure why we are even here. I mean do these people even...”

“We aren’t here for them, they ain’t worth much. Maybe a silver or two on the market in the case of the prettier girls. As I told you a few times, we are merely staying the night. I have a couple things to do here, but I just want you four sorry lads staying out of trouble.”

“Yeah, sure, go have fun with the local harlots. We will just sit here and be bored.”

The older man sighed, “Keep that up and I’ll send you back in a crate, and you can kiss this commission goodbye.”

All four of the other boys straightened up immediately, “Yes sir!”

Laki couldn’t help giggling. It seemed he had them on a tight leash. Only that seemed to have gained a little attention to herself. The older man turned to her, “Hear something amusing young lady?”

She took a moment to compose herself, “You seem to have them on a good leash.”

“They are idiots, the whole lot of them. I’m pretty sure that the new dungeon will chew them up and spit ‘em out if they don’t shape up.”

She blinked, “Oh that new one out in the... Borderlands right? You five going up there?”

“Oh? Know anything about it?”

“Not really. I’ve heard about it. It’s been the talk of the town, at least until people started hearing about a child eating serpent. Not sure what we will do about that.”

“Pray it doesn’t come this way, that is about all you can do. It’s really not worth trying to hunt one. Although if you are really lucky a dragon will hunt this one down and eat it.”

She sighed, “Sadly that is often the case.”

He gestured at his buddies, “Well would you trust this lot to slay one?”

Laki gave them a second look, “Not really.”

“Yeah well that’s kind of the problem. Those beasts are considered S rank for a reason. Even battle-hardened elites are better kept away from them. On a different note, you would not happen to know where this serpent is?”

“Union point, at least according to the rumors.”

The man let out a sigh, “Well there goes my travel plan. Guess we will be picking a different gate. Shame too, Union Point is so much nicer than here.”

“You’ve been there?”

He smiled, “I have, it’s a pleasant town. When it’s not being visited by a Child Eating Serpent that is. I don’t know about you, but I sure don’t want to be near one.”

“Well hopefully it will wander into the new dungeon and die.”

“Wishful thinking that. The dungeon is young, the beast might just dominate the dungeon instead.”

She frowned, even as the older man moved closer. She didn’t even resist as he slipped a hand under her skirt, “They can do that?”

He nodded, “They can, there is a dungeon to the south that’s been subjugated by one. It was too young to defend itself and while dungeons are practically immune to the mental influences of a serpent the same cannot be said of the defenders.”

“I was not aware,” she replied.

“Well the church doesn’t tell everyone about it. Now enough about serpents, care to show an old man a good time?”

She smiled and lifted her skirt. Revealing her lack of panties, “Sure, are you paying?”

He smiled, “Of course, you’re worth what, nine gold for a night?” He said while studying her pussy.”

“Brothel says ten, but I’ll give you a discount. Nine it is.” she lied, the guy was going to be paying at least fifteen when she was done and tell her more about this subjugated dungeon. That might threaten her plans after all. Not even bothering to find a private place she proceeded to mount him, much to the older man’s enjoyment. Nearby the young idiots he was training began to watch with undisguised interest. She chuckled. They were going to have rather blue balls as they had nothing to offer her.

The young girl stretched a little and then greeted her mother with a smile. Now that she was being let on the ground she was eager to go home. Her mother smiled and said, “Did you enjoy your time with her?”

She nodded, “It was a little scary at first, but only at first. She picked me for something special.”

“Well I need to get back to the female resting area. I have someone else to collect and then we can go home.”

The young girl nodded and followed along. Soon arriving in a building full of young women, all with their bellies being pierced by tendrils coming from a device on the ceiling. She watched as one girl’s belly that looked like it was about to pop was suddenly sliced open. It just split effortlessly without any blood spilling. The tendril lifted up and her large swollen womb slipped out of her belly and into the air. Dragging a swollen and a shrunken ovary along with it.

Her mother commented, “I saw that earlier. It’s going to take the swollen ovary and replace it. Then put something in the shrunken one.”

“Oh? I see,” she replied. The young girl had a pretty good idea why. It was part of the serpents plan to produce a properly sized crop. Even if she didn’t know exactly how.

A moment later they approached a younger female. The tendril in the younger female was already retracting into the ceiling, but she didn’t seem to be waking. The young girl’s mother commented, “I’m sure you know her, but she was breeding with daddy earlier. She might be pregnant with your sisters.”

The girl smiled, “Oh? I can’t wait to meet them. They will be so cute and it will be nice when they get eaten.”

Her mother agreed. After that, they helped the girl home and set her down in a nice bed to rest. The serpent didn’t even let her wake, since she wasn’t needed. Not right now anyway. With her settled, the young girl went to bed herself, she was feeling quite tired.

Laki shifted as she felt him discharge inside her. He felt rather satisfied too, but she knew that her corruption was already spreading into him. His friends too since they tried something earlier. Now they seemed oddly satisfied as they sat there next to her with their dicks out. Their balls looking rather swollen. She’d played with them too, but she didn’t bother to give them pleasure since they weren’t paying her. Not in coin nor information.

She smiled, “Tell me what is the church planning with that dungeon to the north?”

“Standard subjugation most likely. Although I suspect it will be more interesting than usual seeing as someone moved awfully fast to get a guild up and running there. The church isn’t happy about that, especially since Phillip Greybeard isn’t loyal to the church.”

“Oh? What babies.”

He chuckled, “Don’t let them hear you say that, or they will string you up by your sensitive bits.”

She giggled, “Well good luck with that. So long story short they just want control of the dungeon. Interesting.”

He nodded, but didn’t have anything to really add there. It wasn’t like he was a high-level member. Just a trusted lackey, so he knew a few things and a bit about how things worked. Enough to give her a general idea of what the church was going to do. Enough to gauge how much of an issue they might be to her plans. She heard nothing to worry about with that. The dungeon wasn’t going to be of much value to them, outside of being a possible way to get rid of the Serpent which was a direct threat. She was here trying to breed babies for the Master, having them be eaten by a voracious serpent was not going to be conducive to high yields. If anything, that creature was a direct threat to her fledgling baby farm.

With that in mind, she was already considering plans to make the dungeon stronger. Much stronger than it was now. Even if it meant violating her Master’s wishes and heading up there to try corrupting the dungeon itself. Doing so would certainly make it stronger, but may have unintended effects. Hopefully that wasn’t something she would need to do.

Taking a breath she shifted a bit. Feeling his rod shift inside her in response and began again. “What can you tell me about that dungeon to the south? I have a hard time believing a young dungeon just happened to be subjugated by a Serpent.”

He blinked and after a moment started to relay what he knew, “Well it didn’t just happen. The church was looking to get rid of a few serpents a few years back. They’ve been popping up a little too often and eating too many young slaves.”

“Oh? So the church does care about the serpents eating kids.”

“Not really, just when they eat too much. As long as they stay away from the core and don’t eat too many valuable slaves, they are content to ignore them.”

She sighed, “Sadly. So what? They drove a Serpent into a dungeon too young to defend itself?”

“They did, and the Serpent went and made itself a nest there. It hasn’t left since it got settled. If anything, things have gotten a little worse in that part of the country for mothers.”

“Oh? Anything interesting?”

He spilled what he knew and she listened eagerly. Even as she asked more questions about why the dungeon fell in the first place.