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Akula lazily glanced up and noticed that Master had returned. He had brought with him a few new babies to play with. She smiled. This time she was going to do things right. She got too excited last time. It was just she had been so proud of her recent kills. What kind of Zikari Broodmother would she be if she didn’t display them at least a little before she ate them? Master was perfect for showing them off to, before having them prepared so that she could eat them. She was a growing girl afterall and could use it.

She blinked, wait, Zikari? Her mind paused for a moment before her blood supplied the answers. Thanks to her bioforming, she was now a Zikari. That was her new species. Her mind churned for a bit as she digested what that meant. Her kind were broodmothers. They were native to the cold regions of the north and well adapted to it. She was born to have a brood, but first she would need to grow, then find a nest. Here was nice for now, but it would not do for a nest. She would require proper access to grown females and a supply of males. Any to be found here would be the Master’s, and it would be rude to touch them without permission. He was giving her these babies, but that might not hold for the grown specimens she would need.

Her mind raced as it dreamed of that. Her own brood and mix of helpers, as she lived like a queen. It would be glorious! In the meantime however, she had things closer to home. Akula gave Master a smile. “More babies to play with? Can I bite them!?”

“Sure you can. I told you to bite them as much as you like. Feel free to play with them however you like.”

She smiled. Akula recalled that, but it was nice to hear that she could just do whatever she wanted with them. Of course she was going to bite them. She glanced at the two still living babies from the last batch. They were looking rather pale and sickly right now. One of them was worse than the other. She didn’t think that one was going to make it, but no matter. It wasn’t her kid. The other one might. Neither were that fun to play with right now. So having a few new ones to play with was certainly going to be fun. Now how was she going to pass the time?

Master gave her the babies and then quietly departed without another word. Akula lazily watched the new girls squirm in the cold. She giggled, “Now, who do I bite first?”

Nelli stepped into the nursery, it was suitably chilly. Just starting to warm up. She smiled. It was time to check on the babies and see how they were doing. She was looking forward to checking on 15, she was so well behaved. Nelli was wondering how well she was recovering from having a large portion of her brain removed. It was of course needed for little fifteen and last she checked the girl was doing fine.

The others weren’t that important, so she made her way to fifteen first. She found the little one was napping. For a moment she just watched her peaceful face as she slumbered away. She looked so cute, but Nelli didn’t have the time to just stay there and watch her sleep. So with a sigh, she proceeded to do a quick check on her health.

15 was doing really well actually. It seemed the new tissue was growing throughout her little head and was looking stable. That was notable and it lined up with signs that Master told her to look for. Nelli smiled and stroked 15, already looking forward to seeing her next procedure. Something Master had let her in on it. The next phase was actually the least dangerous to 15, so it wasn’t going to be as interesting as the first two.

Happy that fifteen was perfectly alright, she moved on to check on the others. Dutifully noting down how they were doing and recording how the sick girls were doing for Master. Seven was still deteriorating with no unexpected changes in her condition. She figured the girl might perish by the end of the week. Assuming nothing was done to change that. Naturally, she wasn’t going to bother with treating the girl. Master wanted her illness to run its course, without interference. So she made sure Seven had plenty of food and that her pod was properly charged and then moved on.

Next on the list of sick girls was 14. Nelli noted that she was definitely getting worse. Her treatment plan wasn’t working. At least it didn’t seem to be.  If things didn’t change she might die in just a few days. Likely before Seven in fact. The poor girl just didn’t seem like she was taking to her treatment well. No matter, she was going to stick to it, so Nelli gave the girl her dose for the day and moved on.

Reaching 22, she found the first item of real note. They had been increasing the temperature of her pod every day and it was showing its toll. The poor girl was very distressed now and based on what she was seeing was about to die. Nelli blinked and quickly left the room to inform Master, by the time they returned the girl had already died.

The girl looked left, then right. Before signaling to the rest of her party. A moment later three naked figures slipped out. Behind them, a single beast struggled behind them. She smiled, finding it had been hard enough. Subduing it? That had been a challenge. Good thing they only wore clothes while in town nowadays. Losing in the dungeon was fun, but it often costs you your clothes. So much easier to just go in without them and they get in the way anyway.

She smiled, “Come on girls. Let's hurry up and get our prize into the dungeon before anyone sees us.”

One of them nodded, “Agreed sister.” As the other girl redoubled her efforts.

They were all sisters. Not by blood, but by a bond greater than family. So she would refer to them the same way on occasion. Together they worked the beast down the short path left and up the stairs to the dungeon entrance. She looked back one last time. The coast remained clear, she smiled. It seemed they were going to get this thing in without the guild making a fuss. She didn’t want to have to deal with the guild on this one. Most guilds had rules against bringing monsters into a dungeon, but she was sure they would thank her later. Especially given she went to the effort of finding a nesting sow, heavy with young. Everyone was going to thank her later. She could see it now. The girl and her sisters proudly walked the streets, the pride of the town as every vendor, adventurer, and townsman thanked her for the lovely meals they had access to.

They pulled the wild creature they caught with them into the dungeon. She was so happy that the other floors were now open. Floor one was just not the right place to release this. A prize like this needed a nice open floor, but she knew who to take it to.

Taking the path into the dungeon they soon entered the first room of the dungeon. A pair of cuties were on duty. Familiar ones. Including her favorite Ana, who she suspected was maybe the strongest of the ones on the floor. A secret boss, only the dungeon rules restricted her according to the floor. A previous conversation where Ana confided to wanting to move her station to a higher floor, being something that supported that feeling.

Ana smiled and spread her bare pussy a little, “Welcome...” She caught sight of their prize as they dragged it into view, “... back ladies.” she let go of her folds, “Um, I guess we are having fun later?”

“Um, we could use a guide?”

“Sure? Where are you taking... that?”

She smiled, “You like!?”

“I don’t know what it is.”

The girl gave her a look, “What a tragedy! Well we did kill its mate, so I’ll fix that for you. Just find us a nice forest for this one and I’ll treat you. You won’t regret it.”

Ana blinked, and then gave it a second look, “So this is a gift for the dungeon?”

She nodded, “Yep!”

“Okay so a forest...” she scratched her chin. “Follow me.”

With a smile, she followed. Helping her sisters guide their prize deeper into the halls of the dungeon. With Ana’s guidance, they passed several rooms and even the boss girls. They were so fun, but sadly they weren’t losing to them today. Thankfully the girls understood and had no issues letting them past. In fact, they promised to have some babymaking fun with them later. That seemed nice! She was looking forward to it. Maybe this time she would actually end up pregnant? Tulip was always telling her that she would look cute pregnant and Tulip really did seem to want a baby. That would be great, Tulip would be so happy.

Speaking of Tulip she was coming along as well. Talking with one of her sisters. “You are coming along so nicely. How often are you wearing clothes these days?”

“Um maybe once a week?

“Such a shame! You look so much better naked.”

“And naked is a perfectly acceptable uniform. I know, but I like occasionally twirling around town in a sexy outfit.”

“Nothing wrong with that, are you at least remembering to leave your cute little pussy exposed?”

Her sister nodded, “Yep, you told me it would be a shame to ever cover it. I leave it uncovered at all times!”

“Glad to hear it. So where did you get the boar?”

“Oh? We found it just outside of town. The area was overrun with slimes, fun creatures!”

Ana looked between them all. She giggled, “I see, I see. So that’s why you lose so often.”

The girl giggled, “It’s a good workout and a lot of fun.”

“I guess it is.” Ana paused and then turned to Tulip, “So any tips for getting girls out of their clothes?”

“Just keep them comfortable, safe, and happy. Encourage them, but don’t force them. It will work on its own if you give it time. Thralling them helps, but isn’t needed.”

“Yeah I’m not sure I want my human to be a thrall, but I guess she might look cute pregnant. Ooh!? Maybe we could be prego together!?”

“Sure, sure. Just remember to be careful and good luck.”

Ana then took on a different look, “Ah, I might shelve that one for a bit. Wait until she is ready. I have a few other worries about her to solve first anyway.”

“Anything I should know?”

“No, nothing right now. I’ll talk to you if I find anything.”

“I wish you luck with your human then.”

Ana beamed, “Thank you!”

After that things went smoothly. A bit of idle chat, several passages and then they found a nice place to release their boar. While her sisters went off with Tulip, she went with Ana to introduce her to the delights of Flare Boar.

Laki slipped into the room and took up the posture she was taught earlier, “Mi’lord how would you like me today?”

He looked her over. Between her posture and outfit, everything was on display. Quite lewdly as well. It certainly seemed to have an effect on him.

The man smiled, “Oh? A mouse, a very cute mouse. You will do. On the bed!”

She squeaked and complied. Squeaking wasn’t something she usually did, but the fungus girls told her it would be appreciated. So she demeaned herself for this moment. Laki figured it would be okay for now. It would not be long before he was nothing but her puppet.

Without even trying to warm her up, the man shoved his dick into her pussy. She let out another squeak, even though it didn’t actually hurt, but an ordinary girl would not have liked that.  This lord apparently had a thing about dry pussies and hers was currently quite dry.

He seemed to be quite happy as he began to thrust. She could feel what that was doing to her, but she didn’t much care. It was easy to fix, Master could do it, but she had a feeling a certain Atarli Mistress could as well and she was close by. It hurt a little, but not like it would for other women. So for now, she didn’t let herself get wet, not yet. It was too early. Yet she could also already understand why the fungal girls were reluctant to send hosts to him. Thankfully she had a resilient corrupted body, so she could take it.

He smiled as he pounded her depths without any restraints, “Oh? Not often I get one so good.”

She smiled to herself. Maybe not the best, she’d rather be wet. It would feel better, but that didn’t matter to her, as she began to work her pussy, waiting. Each little movement sent shivers through her partner and his movements and sounds only grew more excited. Until suddenly without warning, she felt him cum.

Laki’s smile widened and she latched onto that. As she had done before, channeling her corrupting energies into the man, she got to work. She barely even noticed growing wet in her excitement at a plan fruiting. Laki had won, the town was hers. It just didn’t know it yet.

Misaki pushed the door open and stepped inside. After a wonderful time with Melisa. She smiled at the thought. She was now home and it was time to talk with Phillip. Misaki had more things she wanted to do with the guild system she had access to, but first she wanted to talk with Phillip. It was technically Phillip’s guild and this next item was a big one. Well, the next two. Names were very important. Speaking of names they were going to have to discuss what to name their kids. Float a few ideas. Something for later perhaps. They had time after all.

Heading into the kitchen, she found Aki cooking something. Glancing in the pot over her shoulder, she was greeted with the sight of a very solid mass of... something. At least it wasn’t burnt.

“So um, Aki what is that?”


“Uh, Its solid!”

Aki turned back to her with a frown, “So?”


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