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Misaki sighed as she left the kitchen. Making a mental note, that Aki was going to need cooking lessons. Now she needed to find Phillip, she had things to discuss. Names and something else? What was that other thing? Oh right, guild policies. She wanted to do more there, but she wanted to talk more about that before she did anything more. The guild did technically belong to Phillip. The town was also technically Phillip’s and Misaki had a few renovations in mind that she wanted to do, but not without permission first. The town was alright, but it could certainly use a few upgrades.

Half the town’s merchants were running their businesses out of half built shops. With the rest working out of tents. The town wall was nothing more than a wooden fence and a few wooden watchtowers. The gates weren’t much either and were wood too. There was the beginning of some earthen bulwarks, and people were mining stone from a nearby hill just outside of town. It wasn’t much of an operation. Only about a dozen workers and two mages made up the whole operation. With the mages doing the part of heavy machinery. They were the ones who actually did the hard part. The rest used a pair of carts and manpower to haul the cut stones to town three times a day. They also used enchanted tools to do any fine work that might be required, which usually meant nothing.

The mages were in fact doing a lot of work in the town. Slowed only by the need to rest and recover mana. Mana seemed to be a key resource for them and limited. She had more than she knew what to do with and there was a lot she could do. The town's roads were mostly packed earth and gravel right now. Most of the residents were living in tents and while there was an Inn it wasn’t big enough for everyone. In fact work was ongoing to expand the inn, which was near the guildhall. Something she wanted to expand on. Hell the locals didn’t even have a proper bathhouse. Some people had private baths and the inn did have a bath. Not much of one, but it did. Everyone else however was stuck using the stream for their bathing needs.

Misaki knew the town was still being built and it wasn’t surprising that amenities were light. Shelter was inadequate, there were too few outhouses, no schools and the town just wasn’t ready for children in its streets. There were a few and thankfully their mothers had made sure they got proper housing first. Misaki had even noticed the poor girl with the weird room and strange class. Sadly she couldn’t fix the room, even if she got permission. It was the work of a god. A bratty one, who she was now stuck dealing with. At least her powers were restricted now, but she acted like a spoiled child. Certainly, not one she was going to bother with herself, not right now. Instead, she had assigned a couple of demons to keep an eye on her.

That aside, she had a lot more to talk with Phillip about regarding their kids. Did Phillip even know how to be a mother? Misaki didn’t want to take chances, so she had already purchased as many relevant books on the subject as she could find. There was a rather large number of them and she may have spent a lot of DP on them so she wanted to get her DP’s worth out of them. Perhaps over a thousand on books related to childcare was too much, but it seemed right. Oh! Phillip didn’t have a library! The town didn’t either.... Hmm, maybe she should build one? Something to talk with Phillip about, but in the meantime, Phillip could just use her own.

Her thoughts moved into the background moments later when she found Phillip lying rather naked and perhaps a little sticky on the bed. It was amazingly cute. She smiled, “Have fun with Aki?”

Phillip flushed bright red and reached for the sheets to cover herself. Cutely stuttering unintelligible sounds for a moment or two, “um, uh, ... Misaki! What are you doing here?”

She giggled, “It was just a little sex between friends. Nothing to be embarrassed about.” Misaki closed the distance and pulled the other girl out of bed, “Of course as much fun as teasing you about it is, I did come for a more serious discussion. No point doing it in the bedroom, when we can enjoy a nice bath while we wait. I’d like something to eat too, but Aki needs cooking lessons.”

Phillip frowned, “Huh? What/ Cooking Lessons!? What does that have to do with anything?”

“Oh, nothing much. Aki made soup, it’s not burned, but she may have um... cooked all the liquid out.”

“Um, I see. Well I’ve encountered more egregious errors so that’s fairly harmless.”

“Easy to fix too,” replied Misaki as she dragged the other girl into the Master bath. Quickly she started to draw the bath and changed the subject.

“So um about the town...”

“Huh?” frowned Phillip, “What about it?”

“Well I know it’s young, but it’s rather lacking. It’s not even ready for children. I was hoping you might be willing to let me make a few renovations. Improve the guild, maybe something with the roads. Help out with that fence and more importantly, make sure everyone gets a house.”

“I have hired a number of mages for that and don’t think people would be happy if things just change overnight.”

“Well of course not, I could supply mana for a few projects, but what I think the town really needs is some extra labor. I have plenty of young demons that would be more than happy to help out. Also I would really like to provide a nice bathhouse for the town. Bathing is very important, you know, “said Misaki as she pulled Phillip into the tub with her. The warm water washed over her bare skin. While her clothes vanished seemingly into the ether. That was one of the things she liked about being a dungeon.

She took a moment to play with Phillips's cute breasts. The girl moaned under her touch as the sticky juices that were sticking to her dissolved into the warm waters. “Um, a bathhouse?”

Misaki nodded, “Yes! It will be perfect! I can place it near the guild. Wide stone walkways, spacious pools, lewd demon girl statues. Maybe even some demonic attendants in skimpy uniforms to provide for the guests.”

Phillip chuckled, “You’ve put a lot of thought into this.”

“Of course I have. The bath is a wonderful place to have fun and even ogle girls. Why wouldn’t I want a nice public bath in the town?”

“I guess a lust demon would see it that way, but a bath isn’t a bad idea. The female adventurers would be especially happy. The river isn’t exactly the best experience.”

“Yeah the water is cold and anyone can peep. Even the boys, although some girls might like that.”

Phillip sighed, “Well if you are so set on a bath, I’ll convene the mages, perhaps you and they can work things out. Given you will be stepping on their toes.”

“Yeah, I guess but I think they might appreciate a nice place to relax. I’ll try not to take too much work from them though. I know they need to make a living.”

Phillip smiled as she reached for the soap, “Glad to hear it.”

“On a different subject, I was hoping to talk about names.”


“For our kids. I know we have a few months, but it would be best if we started working on naming them now.”

Thanton smiled as he saw Lily off. She was going to play with her friends. It was nice seeing his daughter so happy. Then after she left, he sighed. He just wished the whole family was happy, but Ivy was still struggling with her recent god-enforced change.

Mostly she seemed to be avoiding him, but at least she wasn’t just moping around. He was quite happy when he noticed Ivy seemed to have made friends with the mothers of Lily’s friends. At least they would occasionally go out together.

Stepping out of the foyer and heading deeper into the manor, he went to find Ivy. Who he soon found in the kitchen cleaning up. She smiled when he came and he took a quick look at her cute naked body. “So how are we holding up today?”

She gave him an awkward smile, “Well enough I guess. Its still strange being naked though.”

“I can see how that might take some getting used to, but we managed to figure something out before. We can handle this.”

Her face flushed, “Yes, thanks.” she composed herself, “So Lily left?”

“Yep, went with her friend Ira. Apparently they are meeting up with Ange and Anna. Heading out to explore the forest.”

“Ah that sounds fun,” she said as she finshed cleaning the counter. Stowing the rag, she sighed, “So what are we going to do?”

He smiled and looked her over suggestively, “Well we could always do what we used to?”

She flushed then looked away, “I can’t! What...”

“It’s okay, I’ve been one enough times to honestly say I wouldn’t mind.”


He closed the distance and embraced her. Already he could feel the change coming over him like a familiar blanket. With it came the feeling of being rather overdressed, but he, well, she now ignored it. As she leaned in, “I said I don’t mind and you need to relax.”

She kissed her wife, whose resistance soon melted and led her back to the bedroom. Some fun already in mind, even if she knew explaining this to Lily might be awkward later. Lily had never met this version of her. Regardless Thanton didn’t mind the sacrifice, she had been a girl enough times to know she was going to be okay and her wife needed this. She was practically screaming her need. At least to Thanton she was.

Lily followed Ira down the dungeon street. Ira seemed particularly happy. More so than usual, so she was curious. “Um, did something good happen?”

The little spider girl nodded happily, “I’m going to be a big sister!”

She blinked her mind racing, “Your mom is pregnant!? When how?”

Ira shrugged, “I don’t know who she was with, but Mom has been glowing lately. She is being going off with the other ladies a lot lately. Only told me today that she was pregnant.”

Lily giggled, “I see and you just can’t wait to meet your new sibling.”

Ira nodded, “I can’t wait to see her!”

Lily decided not to mention that it takes months for a baby to grow, but she quickly congratulated the little spider. As she and Ira chatted happily on the way to her house. On arrival, Ira’s mother let them in with a smile. Then she commented, “I see Ira told you I am expecting.”

Lily blinked, “She uh did.”

“Yeah we have been having some fun lately. If your mother is alright with it, I can take you along next time. Just don’t expect to actually play, but it would be a good teaching opportunity.”

Lily sighed. It wasn’t the first time the demon mothers had offered to teach her about sex or let her watch. They just never offered to let her do anything. Even outright told her no when she did ask. Once again she wished she had been born as anything else. It was taking far too long to grow up, even if she did have a few nice friends like Ira.

Then a thought occurred to her, “Is there any way I could grow up faster?”

The woman shook her head, “Not really. If you went for a parallel demon evolution you would get breasts sooner, but you would lose your teeth. Do you mind that?”

“Um... I’m good,” she replied.

Ira giggled, “Stop teasing her mom.”

“Ah, but it was fun!” then she looked to the side, “Anyway, we should get you girls ready for your forest adventure. I hope you two have fun with the twins!”


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