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Settling around the table, Amy glanced to Aidera. “So you wanted to discuss your church’s childcare services?”

Tammy glanced between them. It wasn’t yet her official name, but they had all started calling her that. Amy figured they would do the official name change soon. Just needed to get Thomas/Tammy to agree. “Childcare services? What are we discussing?”

“Whether or not to use them. The Church of the Dragon is coming to town and will be negotiating some land for a shrine. They also want to set up a proper branch here, which means they will be building a full temple, a school, and a daycare.”

“Right, I think you mentioned this. Didn’t Amy say we don’t need the school?”

Amy sighed, “Did I? Well Aidera isn’t wrong that we need to consider it. I’m sure the guild will also start one sooner or later. I think we should keep our options open, it will be a few years before they need schooling.”

Tammy nodded, “Right they ain’t born yet.” She sighed, “So what kinds of schooling does the church offer?”

“We start with religious schooling and offer a boarding program for girls. Boys aren’t eligible for it. Girls in the program are taught about Aceri” she paused gesturing to her body, “They don’t get clothes either. Instead, they are given resources and training towards being naked. The program has very strict nudity mandates and rules. If we use it, outside of the visiting days we won’t have much contact with them.”

Amy blinked, “Sounds perfect for a brainwashing program.”

“Well it is. Keeping the parents away for a while helps.”

Amy giggled, “At least you are honest about that. How long is this boarding program anyway?”

Aidera frowned, “As I recall? About five years, after that more regular contact is allowed. Enrollment starts at four.”

Tammy sighed, “Not sure I like that.”

Aidera chuckled, “We don’t really need it, either. I won’t be clothing my girls, I can tell you that.”

Amy nodded, “I figured you wouldn’t. So what is the other track?”

“That’s more for parents like us. Whereas the boarding program is more meant for the kids of newly converted and potential converts to the church. Kids are expected to arrive naked, again they start with religious schooling and then move on to the basics...”

Amy sighed, “Yeah I’m just not sure about that.”

Aidera gave her a look, “You know you could really consider trying going naked for a few days. You might like it! Tammy seems to not mind exposing her breasts.”

Tammy protested, “I only do that inside! It’s a nice relief after being stuck in a bra and blouse all day.”

Aidera giggled, “Right. You say that but...”

Laki stepped up to the rear door of the infected brothel. She took a breath and knocked lightly. Almost immediately a girl, a naked girl answered, “Ah! Laki, good to see you on time.”

She had not met this specific girl before, but it seemed she recognized her. “I try to be punctual. I guess you are my guide for today. Where is my previous guide?”

“Busy with a client, but she shared her memories with me. I’m also to be your coach for the lord.”

“Coach? What for?”

“Well we figured you would need to know what he likes. It would help with your,” a pause, “Corruption attempt.”

“Ah! I see. Well then lead on.”

She led her down the hall, and started, “Now about the lord, he expects the girls we send to be delivered just before sundown, so we don’t have much time to prepare.”

They had a few hours, but the guide had a point. Especially given what they were doing. The sex training sounded interesting. Better ways to use her pussy would always be useful.

The mother walked down the path. Passing several men laying out in the open on prepared breeding beds. All of them had nicely exposed and hardened dicks. A few girls were actively using them. Behind her she led her freshly cleaned daughter down the path. She didn’t see any other mothers leading their children right now, or any other children to speak of at the moment.

Just the men and the few girls actively breeding. As she walked she noted each man and noticed that her husband was among them, being used by a younger girl she knew. She was the daughter of one of her friends, only recently reached marriageable age and hadn’t yet married. It seemed the girl had only recently gotten her turn to start breeding, judging by the bit of blood she saw dripping from the other girl's exposed pussy. She smiled, it seemed her husband was already doing his duty.

Well, he wasn’t really her husband right now. The Serpent had asked her to share him after all, which meant until the Serpent gave him back he was public property. Free for any girl to use and breed with. She wished the girl luck and hoped her womb emerged nice and full.

Then she walked on by, and headed up to the platform where the Serpent was resting now. It was more elaborate than she last saw it and it was way better than the hill where she fed her other daughters to it. She smiled at the thought, and now she was going to get to see her last daughter be eaten. She was a lucky mother. Not every mother got to have all their kids be eaten like this. She rubbed her belly and soon she would be replacing them. A part of her couldn’t wait to meet their replacements. Maybe she was even pregnant already? That would be nice.

None of that stayed much on her mind, as she soon reached the top of the platform. In the brighter sunlight, she could see its powerful scales and large jaw. It was a massive beast of a creature and she shivered as she beheld its might. Once again she felt happy to feed it her babies. It was such an honor. Already an eye regarded her, and it then glanced at her daughter.

Its maw opened a bit and promptly licked her daughter, but didn’t pull her inside, “Thank you for bringing your daughter to me. You may leave and I’ll call you back when I am done.”

She blinked, “You are not eating her?”

The woman was a bit confused, Mothers led their children up as part of the experience. It was so they could watch their kid be eaten and know their efforts to raise them were worth it.

“I changed my mind on that. I have something special in mind for her.”

Recalling the girl she just passed breeding, she frowned, “Is it her age? I can assure you she is still suitable for eating.”

“She is, but I have another use for her. Return to the resting area and let your womb be pierced again. I have more work to do there.”

She nodded and said, “Of course.”

With that she left. She was a bit disappointed. Her girl was almost of marriageable age, so she wondered if that had anything to do with the rejection? Then again it said something about having something special in mind, but she wasn’t sure what. At the bottom of the platform she looked back and found her view blocked. The serpent was now coiled around the platform and she could no longer see her daughter. She headed on back to have her womb pierced again.

The young girl blinked. She was scared, her mother had just walked away and the monster that ate her sisters was coiling around her. Its giant tongue wrapped around her small body. Her skin felt sticky and warm and she didn’t know how to feel about it, but she certainly didn’t feel safe. One wrong move and she would be in that mouth being chewed on, eaten. She recalled her sister’s screams and the crunching. It was horrible, yet somehow more. She wasn’t sure how to work that out, but she couldn’t help trembling before it. Mother leaving just somehow made this feel more... unsettling. Then she heard a voice, “Relax.”

It resonated through her and she obeyed. All her fears drained from her and her muscles relaxed. Fluids leaked from her and she felt so pliable. “Open your mind.”

Again she obeyed, the voice was so powerful, it was only natural she obeyed. At first she wasn’t sure what to do but then she knew. Reaching out, she threw open the figurative gates to her mind and let it unfold. A presence invaded, demanded seeking. She guided it, letting it find her. Rip her apart and put her back together.

When she came back to herself, she found herself suspended in the air. Several tendrils wrapped around her legs supported her body, as it hung upside down. Above her she could see the Serpent's great head looking down at her, while its tail positioned itself nearby. Suddenly a tendril shot out of its tail and pierced her belly. She moaned. It didn’t hurt, it felt good. The girl watched as her belly was opened up and her womb played with. Tendrils shot into her ovaries and uterus. Each little one changed them. She watched her little ovaries swell to four times their size and her womb changed shape as it grew.

Other tendrils reached into her open belly and ripped organs out. She wasn’t going to need those. A few new things were put in, and elsewhere her little boobies were being pierced by tendrils. Changed. At first she was confused, but she had been told to relax, so she stayed relaxed. Letting the Serpent work on her body and doing nothing as she felt strange magic coursing through her body.

She lay limp in the serpent’s grip for a while, watching as it played with her insides. Before finally it was done and put her back together. Leaving no sign that it had done anything. Then she gasped as a thicker tendril pushed its way into her body. Her folds stretched to accommodate it. She moaned, it felt so good and then it began to move. Lightning surged through her. Each little movement sent little shudders through her and her belly started to grow warm.

Suddenly the tendril started to swell and then something hard and wet pushed into her. Soon followed by another and another. She smiled as she understood what her Serpent wanted from her. The girl felt nothing but happiness as her belly swelled.

Finally, the tendril retreated from her body, leaving her hanging. She relaxed further in its grip. Just letting her body hang there. It was interesting just being upside down. The girl didn’t even flinch a moment later when a tongue ran over her body. Leaving her sticky again. Instead she let the creature lick her and hung in its grip. Losing track of time.

Eventually however, she finally found enough will to ask, “So how long am I going to hang here?”

“Until your mother gets here.”

“And when will she be back?”

“It will be a while,” the voice paused, “I guess it won’t hurt for you to know. I’m making sure your mother will be nice and pregnant for a while. I’m making her release more eggs into her womb, and working on her ovaries. That way she won’t be running out of eggs anytime soon and will be better able to conceive.”

She frowned, “Oh? What for?”

“I want her to have plenty of kids. Mostly girls naturally since girls can have babies. Males aren’t that good for long-term breeding. More girls mean more kids later on. Assuming they survive that is.”

That did make sense but it left her with some questions. “What is all this for?”

It chuckled, “Oh? You do recall me eating your sisters?”

She nodded, “I do, it was fun watching that.”

“I eat children, more children in a town means more food. I’ll be leaving this town once the food runs out, but I’ll be back down the line. I’m making sure there will be plenty when I come back. If I was successful, women like your mother will have more babies than they know how to handle. With their older kids helping them keep up. I’ll have a feast then.”

“Oh. That makes sense.”

“It does, doesn’t it!

Then she thought of something, “But if they have more babies than they can handle, won’t some of them starve?”

“Perhaps, but the strongest will survive. More than enough for a good feast.”

“I guess there would be. So they are going to be having multiple babies born soon and improved fertility. Conceiving mainly girls, so that they will have lots of kids down the road when you come back to feast. Although some of the kids might starve.”

“Sounds like you got it. As for the starving, I’ll do what I can to minimize that.”


“You’ll see later.”

The girl decided to change the subject, “So what did you do to me?”

“I made you into a vessel for my children. You have lost the ability to have babies of your own as a result, but you don’t want them anyway.”

She didn’t. The serpent was right about that. It was perfectly fine for her to not have kids of her own. In fact she was happy to carry the Serpent’s kids. “Thanks for taking my own babies away.” she frowned, “What do I need to know about yours?”

The serpent started telling her about how to raise its kids.

The Mother blinked. It was late, and she was still on the table. The tendril piercing her womb was now slowing withdrawing and her boobs felt weird. They didn’t hurt, just felt weird. After a moment she decided not to think about it. She needed to go collect her daughter. The Serpent was done with her.

Slipping off the table, she glanced around. It was so nice of the serpent to provide this space for the breeding females after they breed to rest and pierce their wombs. She didn’t really know what was being done to her womb, but it actually felt relaxing. She could see why the other females just let their brains stay off while the device on the ceiling worked on their wombs.

Nearby she noticed the other females. Many of them had left, the younger girl she saw using her husband was now among the girls with a tendril piercing her belly. As she watched, the tendril swelled and something moved down its length and into the girl. In response, her belly seemed to swell and then the next one hit. Her belly was definitely swelling.

The young mother couldn’t help but watch for a bit. As her belly swelled up until she looked about ready to give birth. That was when a second set of tendrils came down and then sliced along the top of her belly in an X. No blood even appeared as her skin was worked open. The tendril piercing her womb then retracted just enough to pull it out of her belly. Still attached to her other organs and now that it was out she could clearly see the tendril pushing into it dead center. The uterus was very swollen and surrounded with a web of tendrils. A few of which even went into her swollen ovaries. Well one of them was swollen, the other seemed shrunken

A tendril moved towards one, wrapped around it, and pulled. The swollen ovary broke away with a pop. Then it was pulled away into the ceiling. She looked around and noticed that a few other girls had their wombs pulled as well. All of them were getting an ovary taken away. Just it was a small number of them, not even one in five were receiving this treatment. For what purpose she didn’t know, but a few moments later a new tendril emerged carrying what looked to be an even larger ovary, which it proceeded to attach to the severed tube. A tube that promptly started to swell after being touched by it.

A moment later, she watched tendrils proceed to cut the other ovary open, revealing its inside. It was empty, but she guessed that wasn’t a surprise. A moment later she watched as the flesh was stretched and a new tendril approached with something. The weird spherical object was slipped inside the ovary and it was closed up. With that, the procedure was apparently done. As her womb was shifted back into her belly and she was closed up. Once her belly was closed, it started to shrink. Soon returning to an almost normal state, there was still a bit of a bulge when the tendrils retracted. Leaving only the main one piercing her belly.

The Mother glanced at the window, it was time she got a move on. It wasn’t her place to figure out what the Serpent was doing to the other females in town anyway.

Laki walked down the path. Given the hour there weren’t too many people here. Her guide was taking her to see the lord. A part of her told her this was a risk, but it wasn’t without rewards. If she succeeded here, the town of Telka would certainly change. There was no disputing that. With the lord she would be able to get her first baby farm going, dispatch troops to clear the roads, help the brain fungus girls and even the Atarli mistress. She wasn’t sure about the other two groups, but she felt there were enough females here to produce more than enough children for all of them. Especially with some encouragement.

Turning a path, she overheard something interesting. “You hear the rumors?”

“Rumors? Which ones?”

“I’ve heard a Child Eating Serpent has been spotted to the North, near Union Point.”

The other scoffed, “Yeah I’ve heard it too. Don’t really believe it, but if true better them than us.”

“I just hope they aren’t true, I have family there!”

The other chuckled, “I wouldn’t worry about it.”

“Yeah well you don’t have family up north, I do! What if my nieces get eaten!?

They stepped out of earshot before she could hear more, but she felt sorry for the man. Family didn’t mean much to her, but she wouldn’t like it if her Qerni was threatened and she couldn’t do a thing. Not only that but she knew Master cared for her and the other pets. If they were in danger? She shuddered at the thought. Sadly there wasn’t anything she could do for the man and if the Serpent was there? Well his nieces were likely on the menu. Still she made a mental note about Union Point. If the Serpent really was there, she and the Atarli Mistress would have to investigate and deal with it. They couldn’t risk it turning south and eating the kids in Telka, after all. Then she recalled the dungeon she had been hearing rumors about. It was young, relatively close, and more importantly... dungeons and Child Eating Serpents were natural foes. Maybe there was something there? Might be safer than trying to find a dragon, which were known to eat the Serpents. Both were better plans than trying to fight it. Either way, she was going to need some mental protection charms. Master made her resistant to influence with his corruption, not immune and the Serpents were strong. Had to be to control entire towns.

Turning a corner they came across a lavish residence in the nicer parts of town, with a commanding view of the area. Her escort suddenly spoke up, “Here we are Miss Laki. I wish you luck!”

She nodded and headed up for the door. It was time to play with a Lord.


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