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Congratulations! You have set your local guilds dress code policy.

No veto powers in effect.
The policy is now active.
3580 DP and 500 AE spent.
The following items are now in effect:
Naked is a perfectly acceptable uniform, but only for girls!

There is nothing wrong with exposed breasts. Flaunt them if you want! If a demon says you should expose yours more, stop wearing stuff to cover them, when practical. (Applies to Staff only)

There is nothing wrong with an exposed pussy. Flaunt your girlhood if you want! If a demon tells you that you should expose it more, stop wearing anything to cover it, when practical. (Applies to Staff only)
To reflect well on the guild, the casual clothing worn by staff members must be sexy and cute, as defined by demonic dress guidelines.

Guild staff uniforms are up to personal taste in the town, but wearing less is better.
Inside the dungeon, guild staff must wear a short half-bra type top. Preferably with their nipples out and a short skirt that ends just below the pussy. May be worn with panties, but pantiless is preferred. Wearers may cover nipples and pussy if they aren’t comfortable.

Female Members are encouraged to dress appropriately. Less is more. Expose what you can, but only what you are comfortable with. Demonic dress styles preferred. If you need help, ask a demon, she will be more than happy to help you.
These rules are natural and normal for the town, even visitors agree

Misaki looked up from her dress code. Quite happy with what she had done. Melisa was dancing under the water now, and it looked divine. Smiling, she encouraged the other girl. “Looking great there!”

The other girl smiled, “Thanks! Care to join me?”

Misaki got up and quickly shed her clothes, “Why not? Can we have some fun?”

As she slipped into the bath for some good-natured fun, she checked in on Phillip again. Finding nothing to complain about there, she turned her full attention to Melisa.

Phillip lay there as Aki played with her nipple. The last couple hours had been fun and she was feeling kind of spent. Aki was just lying next to her as well and judging by her breathing was a bit more spent than she was. Phillip took a breath, “So, um, I was thinking about doing something for Misaki.”

“Oh? Something I can help with?”

“Well, she built me this nice house, and I kinda want to say thanks.”

“Ah? You want to thank Mother? I can help with that. What did you have in mind?”

Phillip smiled and leaned over. Whispering into her ear. Just in case someone was listening. Aki nodded.

“Sure, sure! I’d be happy to help with that. Just let me get Ribbons, she will be a great help and, hmm, Sally? No, maybe one of her sisters will be better?”

Phillip shifted, “We can think about it.”

Aki nodded, “Yeah we do have the night.”

Then she rubbed her pussy, “Speaking of nights? Care to try and get me pregnant?”

Phillip turned red, “I... I..”

She giggled, “So cute! And I was just teasing. Babies would be nice, but I’m not actually looking for them just yet.”

Phillip let out a breath, she had enough on the way. Two was already going to be a bit of a handful. A third? Not what she wanted. Maybe later, but not right now. Little did she realize her math was a little wrong. Misaki wasn’t yet aware of that either, but they would find out soon enough.

Aki snuggled against her, “Thanks for today, I enjoyed it. We should do it again?”

Phillip sighed, “I’m not even sure why I agreed.”

“Oh we are friends, friends have sex with each other. It’s perfectly normal and don’t worry about Mother, she likely approves.”

Phillip nodded and wondered. How did I end up in a relationship with a lust demon?

Somewhere north of Telka and south of the Borderlands. On the outskirts of a town called Union Point:

The sun had set some time ago. Most of the people were asleep in their beds, when the first stirrings of something came. The air was suddenly tinged with strange, almost imperceptible mana. No one noticed this, nor did they notice as it grew thicker. Only to seem to vanish. For an hour or two the stirrings seemed to be all there was until suddenly a few young women, mothers all of them, started to wake. In one of the many houses in town, a young woman stretched as she slipped out of bed.

Her nightgown was falling off her and she glanced out the window. It was late, the moon high in the sky. For a moment, she wasn’t sure why she was awake. Then she blinked, right, she needed to wake her girls. Turning, she nearly stumbled on her dress. She didn’t need it right now, so she stripped out of it. Naked, she walked out of the room and headed down the hall. Slipping inside, she found her youngest daughter still fast asleep. With a smile she woke the girl up and stripped her down naked, she wasn’t going to need clothes for this. Then she slipped into the next room waking her second daughter. It didn’t take her long to wake them all and she had them wait by the front door, naked while she checked on her husband. He was still sleeping, so she leaned in and kissed him but he didn’t really respond. She wasn’t surprised he wasn’t going to wake for a while, yet. None of the men in town were. They weren’t needed for this. Pulling the blankets off him, she then worked his dick out and smiled as it sprang up. She gave that a quick peck and left, she would need to move him later, but at least his dick was exposed now.

Heading downstairs she found her four daughters sleepily waiting by the open door. Her youngest noticed her and asked, “Can I go back to bed, Mommy?”

“No sweeties, you can’t. Now let's get you clean and we can go.”

She quickly pulled out a bucket and water. Taking a rag she started to clean her daughters by hand, then she made them walk out the door once they were nice and clean. Leading them down the road, she was joined by other women, some naked like her, others lightly dressed. All of them were leading their naked kids down the street. It was a little different, but today was the tasting. The kids were coming to be tasted. She hoped hers were liked.

Traffic moved quickly enough and her daughters stuck close. It wasn’t long before they filled out of the gate and up to the top of a nearby hill. As they drew closer, she beheld the massive creature illuminated in the moonlight. Glittering scales and a body that was easily the size of a house. It shifted, its eye visibly appraising all who drew close. Up ahead, she could see a line forming, at the top of the hill someone had shaped out a flat platform. A young mother was presenting her son and daughter. A tongue slipped out from the giant creature. She smiled as she watched it run over their young bodies, tasting them.

A moment later, she watched as the boy was pulled into the mouth of the creature. There was a crunch, as he was eaten. His mother seemed quite proud that her son was being eaten. She couldn’t wait to get up there, she wondered which of her daughters would be eaten first. It was why they were naked. Clothes would give them a funny texture.

She slipped into line and watched it chew on the boy. After a moment it gave the girl another lick and then it spoke. “I’ll eat this one later.”

Her mother seemed pleased though, as it continued to bathe the girl with its tongue. Very much seeming to like her taste. It took its time, tasting every inch of her, before letting the next woman bring her kids up. This time a  pair of boys, both were eaten and in the group, after that a girl was eaten. Followed by another group where several boys were eaten.

Eventually it was her turn, she led the girls up to the tasting platform and prompted her youngest up first. The tongue came out and licked her thoroughly. Her little one whimpered a little, “Um, Mommy? I’m scared!”

She giggled, “Don’t be scared sweetie. She’s just tasting you, making sure she likes you before she eats you.”

Her girl nodded, her eyes blanking for a moment, “Okay Mommy.”

A moment after that, the tongue pulled her into its mouth, she heard a crunch. Followed by her girl's cries as it began to chew on her. They didn’t last that long and she smiled. Her youngest had gone first and been eaten first. Her pussy grew a little wet, she was going to have to replace her later. She glanced at her other three, and these as well.

She prompted the next of her daughters up and watched as she too was eaten. Feeling a pleasant flutter in her stomach to see that. It was such a joy to watch this. That flutter doubled when she saw her third daughter go into its mouth with a crunch. A scream followed as well. Then she heard the serpent's voice as it was tasting her last daughter, her eldest, “You have such lovely daughters. Tender delectable flesh, I couldn’t help enjoying them. Mind if I eat your last one?”

She replied, “Of course, not. I brought her here for you to taste and hopefully eat.”

“Glad to hear it. I’ll be eating her later. You can put her back to bed.”

She nodded and grabbed her daughter. Leading her down the hill. The girl was a little shaky but obeyed well as she led her back into town. Reaching her home was fast enough and she led her daughter inside. As soon as her daughter’s head hit the pillow in her room, she was asleep and the mother knew she wasn’t going to wake. The serpent wanted her to sleep after all, so her daughter was going to sleep. Idly she stroked her daughter’s face, as she stared at her naked body still sticky with the serpent’s saliva as it lay on top of the bed. Her other hand drifted below as she started to work herself. She knew she was going to need to be all hot soon, she had babies to make.

She wasn’t sure how long she had been there, when she heard the serpent’s next instructions. The woman stroked her naked daughter one last time, glanced at the blanket laying discarded and then left. Her daughter was going to be eaten soon, anyway.

With a final grunt, she lay her husband down on a soft surface. Then looked up, the serpent had moved into the town square after the tasting and the other mothers after putting their remaining kids to bed had cleaned and prepared the square. Nearby, she could also see a freshly prepared wood and metal structure that was new and freshly enchanted for the task at hand. There were a lot of people to sort out. In one of the slots, she could see an old man that managed the shop just down the road from her street. It seemed he had been assessed as unsuitable. Next to him, an elderly woman was being helped into the next slot. Most of the people being led up to the slots right now were women. All of them are too old to be useful.

She watched for a moment or two as they were led into the slots one by one. Then they were activated, a flash of fire in the slots, and ashes rained into collection bins below. That way these useless people could be put to use, as fertilizer for the fields. Turning away she noticed the Serpent sending a tendril to inspect each man laid out in the plaza. A quick check and assessment before choosing his fate. Some of them were led up like half-awake zombies, others were left where they were. Each Zombie was soon shoved into a pod and quickly incinerated for fertilizer. Obviously, they were not suited for the task.

Before long, it was her husband's turn, the tendril studied him. After a moment it shot out and stung his erect dick. It had been erect since she exposed it earlier, far longer than normal. Too long to be healthy, but she knew it wasn’t going to go down until the serpent let it. The erect dick somehow swelled larger and then started spurting. After a moment, it stopped but stayed larger. She waited a moment longer as the tendril stayed there, until the Serpent proclaimed, “Your husband will work well. I’d like you to share him for a while. He will be public property until I give him back to you.”

She smiled, “Of course. I’ll be glad to!”

A moment later, she was instructed to start breeding. Already she could see girls mounting the available boys, so she mounted her husband. Starting to ride him without foreplay, she didn’t need it. Her pussy was still quite wet from her play earlier. Of course, the Serpent had helped her stay hot, so in moments her vision whited as her brain shuts off for a bit. When she came too, she was laying in a bed, cum leaking from her pussy. While a tendril pierced her belly.

From her spot, she could see other girls lying on beds. All of them with a tendril piercing their belly. It was coming from a strange-looking organic structure on the ceiling. The others all looked to be asleep and she could see sun peeking through the windows. It had obviously been awhile. How long was her brain off?

She knew her brain had shut off. Something in her told her the serpent had turned it off while she was breeding. Breeding didn’t require thinking afterall. That was nice of it. She glanced back at the weird tendril attached to her belly, piercing it. It was pulsing, doing something. What, she didn’t know. Obviously, it was something to her womb, so it wasn’t something to be concerned about. That belonged to the serpent right now.

After a moment she thought back to last night. Her memory was fuzzy, but she recalled her husband filling her. Cumming, having her pussy checked while another girl used him, and then being bred by a second male. After that, she kind of lost track and the entire time her mind was largely off, so it was hard to be sure of the details. It might have been different. With a sigh, she looked back at the tendril and watched it withdraw. Then the Serpent spoke. “Okay you are done for now. I would like you to bring me your last daughter. I have something special in mind for her”

“Of course!”

Happily, she slipped off the bed and looked around the modified room. It had been changed and filled with beds. So the women could rest while the device above pierced their bellies. That was quite nice actually. The mother walked out of the room.

Amy headed up the path. She had just checked in with the guild. There were a few quests that might be interesting, but she was thinking another go at the dungeon might be better. At the moment she wasn’t sure. In the meantime, she figured she would get home. With that in mind, she looked towards the end of the path. Since they messed up, they had decided to settle into town. They weren’t going anywhere with kids on the way. Between the three of them, they had enough funds to get a place built. So they were moving out of the inn today.

The others had moved on ahead, but she had gone with Aidera to check on a young girl. The same one that interrupted their date the other day. She wasn’t mad at the girl for it. It wasn’t her fault that she got exposed to something as nasty as Black Blood Fever. Rather Amy was just happy the girl had been given a chance to live.

Behind her Aidera spoke up, “So the priestess and her group are going to be here in a couple of days. Would you like to talk with them about helping with our...”

Amy, recognizing the opening, replied, “Didn’t we talk about this before?”

“Um, not really. We do need to talk about what services we want to utilize. The town doesn’t even have a school yet, you know.”

Amy nodded, “I know, but I figure the guild will sponsor one sooner or later. Lots of other things are on our guildmaster’s mind. I mean, she did get turned into a girl.”

Aidera giggled, “I noticed and she’s so cute too!”

“Yep, so very cute. I swear half the girls in town are building a fan club around her and did you see the girl she brought back from the dungeon?”

Aidera nodded. “Yeah, I think she is the dungeon, by the way. Might be interesting what that means for the town.”

“What do you mean?”

Aidera leaned in, “I’ve heard towns whose guilds bond with their dungeons tend to reflect the dungeon and vice versa. Don’t know if it’s true, but it might be interesting to see how that folds out.”

Amy nodded, “Yeah, I think you are right.”

Aidera stretched lazily. Her bare boobs bouncing a bit with the movement, “So about my church? We really need to consider what services we want. It will be easier if we have everything set before they are even born.”

“Well, we should look into the daycare service, but also check the guild. They should be offering something as well. As for the rest? We need to bring Tammy in on it,” replied Amy.

Aidera nodded, “Okay we can talk more inside then.”

A moment later the new house came into view. They slipped inside and soon found the others, but Aidera was right. They did need to get as much as they could settled and figured out before the babies they were expecting arrived.


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