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Delilah shifted a bit when Mira came over and poked Michael. Well, maybe it was more apt to call her Michelle. Of course, there was the whole name change ritual to go through first. To make it official. Mira could technically just change it since Michael was her pet, but she was kind. Mira didn’t do that, and Delilah did feel safer with her around. The little dragonkin was fiercely protective of them, in a way that just let her be vulnerable around the woman. Of course, Mira hadn’t wanted them to be pets, but since it was a goddess that did this to them, there was nothing they could do. Visiting the temple had been of no avail. Something that left them figuring out their new dynamics and how to move on.

The town was shaping up quickly around them and the three of them being a little lost ended up deciding to stay. Mira had purchased a bit of land and had a nice house built for them. Mira had placed it not far from their old shared tent. It was a lovely single-story building with enough rooms for all of them, but she and Michael had started sharing one. Neither of them was comfortable if they couldn’t sense the other.

As Mira settled into a seat paper in hand, Delilah smiled, “So what do we have?”

Mira let out a breath, “Mostly the usual. Soul Snatcher investigation, Road Clearing Support, Town Patrol and a request to escort a merchant to Sunblossom.” She laid down a piece of paper,” But I thought this one would be more interesting.”

Delilah leaned forward and read the title. She blinked and read it again as a quest notification popped.

New Quest! Available!

Slime King Subjugation:

A recent report has indicated an increase in Slime activity in the Borderlands and investigation has confirmed the presence of a Slime King. The local guild under Phillip Greybeard is organizing a subjugation team.

Would you like to join?
If yes, please register with the guild.

Michael had a weird look on her face, and Delilah gave Mira a look. "Are you sure? Slime Kings aren’t fun to fight. They are nasty."

“I know, I know. They like to make girls carry their babies after they beat you and other things. I just figured you two would like a chance to beat up a rapist. Figured it would be good therapy after well... you know.

Michael shifted, “Well, I guess I could use some exercise.” She sighed. “Well, as long as it isn’t too strong it might be good for us.”

Mira smiled, “Great! You two are in! Let’s go!”

Signing up was easy, Sarah the receptionist took their guild cards, registered them and gave them the quest details. They were to assemble at the guild in the morning, which gave them plenty of time to prepare. More than enough so by evening, they had their supplies squared away and they decided on a nice group bath to help with the team bonding.

Reiko walked down the path. She had left the castle town and was mostly just exploring. Mistress was off visiting her new mate, so Reiko was left to hold the fort. Being kind of bored, she had decided on a walk.

The dungeon weather was gloriously pleasant right now. With a warm breeze blowing through the trees and enough sunlight to be enjoyable. Not too bright nor too dim. She wasn’t the only one out enjoying it, as she had passed a few naked demon girls of various kinds just out enjoying the day.

As she passed a large tree, she came into view of a small farming town. It wasn’t much, a few scattered houses, some fields and a central market. There were also some rolling hills with a few houses placed atop them. Instead of the black stone common elsewhere, nice white stones were used here. Reiko smiled and made her way from the trees and followed the path into town.

It wasn’t long before she entered the central area and decided to check out the big building overlooking the rest of the market square. It was like a small fort sitting on top of a hill, positioned protectively over the farms. As she entered, Reiko passed a couple of demonesses dressed as hunters leaving the building.

What she found inside was a maze of corridors and before she knew it she was a little lost. When she came into contact with a naked catgirl demon. She was small with pert breasts and delightful Red-gold fur. The girl smiled, “Hello there! I’m Ana and you are?”

“Um, Reiko.”

“Need help, you are looking a little lost?”

She nodded, “This place is big.”

Ana giggled, “Not the smartest elf are you?”

She shook her head, “Hard to think sometimes. Bit bored, care for some fun?”

“Oh? Sure, I know just the place!”

Ana suddenly grabbed her and dragged her down the hall. After several turns she ended up in a modest bedroom with soft white stone walls, a lovely bed stand and a big soft bed. “I had a cute human in here not that long ago. She was so cute, but could stand to wear less.”

Reiko smiled, gave her a kiss and then jumped into the bed, “We can chat as well as play.”

“Sure,” said Ana as she dived between the elf’s legs. Shifting the small skirt out of the way so she could lick at the treasure beneath. “So what did you mean about being hard to think sometimes?”

Reiko moaned as the hot tongue played with her folds and after a moment started sharing how she ended up Misaki’s pet and her curses.

After she finished, Ana licked her little clit, sending a delightful shiver up her spine and then said, “That does sound rough. Although old me didn’t have it much better. Thankfully a god took pity on me and sent me here.”

“Old you?”

“This is my second life. My last one wasn’t that good. I spent most of it in some facility and no control of my body being raised as a breeder. Only for it to end when they decided to erase my mind in favor of that... other mind.” she sighed, “I’ve been having so much fun since I came here though.”

Reiko didn’t know what to say, “Um, sorry to hear that?”

Ana giggled, “Oh don’t be. I have had months to work through it. The goddess promised me a good life when I accepted this position as a dungeon monster. Been fun, often get some free sex with those regulars that like to lose. Also she gave me a couple of years in her realm to work through it before I came here, or was it ten? I forget. Ah it doesn’t matter. Time is funny in the divine realms anyway and I don’t care to think about it. Now make me cum!”

Reiko nodded and obeyed. Pushing the cat over and diving between her legs. In moments she was purring as hot tongue explored her folds. Each little flick sent delightful shivers through her. When suddenly a set of fingers found Reiko’s nipples. She moaned into the pussy she was exploring as her right nipple was rolled between some fingers and the other was flicked. Reiko smiled and let go of her thoughts as the fog rolled into her mind. Soon she was nothing more than a haze of thoughtless pleasure. A haze punctuated by sharp flashes of lightning and thunder. Only for darkness to soon follow.


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