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Milith looked over her screen. Assessing what she had access to. She had settled down to play a game since she had some time to kill. It was a good mental exercise anyway. This particular game replicated warfare in a real-time strategic environment. She was playing one of the scenarios the game had. Specifically the Raid of New Valoria.

The Raid of New Valoria was ancient history, but it was considered an important event even today. It occurred long before the founding of the Solean Empire, or even the formation of their precursor state the Solean Alliance. In fact this military action is often considered to be one of the events that led up to the birth of her people. It occurred as a part of a conflict between the Sol Refuge and the Valorian Trade Confederation.

The Refuge had nothing more than a small fleet. A mere three ships and a handful of starfighters. They had been in deep space for four years, suffering regular conflicts with the Confederation. Low on fuel and supplies, they had gambled on crossing Valorian space to reach the friendly territories of the Krall Imperium. Only for a patrol fleet to stumble upon them and engage their small fleet. They won the battle, but the engagement had drained their slim reserves. Unable to press further on, they had to seek resupply in hostile territory. The most promising planet in range was New Valoria.

The game seemed to start after that attack and gave her the fleet of the time. She had her flagship the Enterprise, the ship was battered, and low on fuel. The ship does have her full complement of five hundred auxiliary ships including sixty starfighters. Unfortunately with little fuel she would have to be careful with them. Worse, she was low on fighter torpedoes and missiles. She had enough to outfit two squadrons with missiles and torpedoes. The Enterprise also had only half her normal reserve of photon torpedoes.

The Enterprise of this time was outfitted with heavy and medium mount particle cannons, cutting beams, photon torpedoes, photon missiles and electro cannons. She was also thickly armored, but had no shields. Many of her best defensive tools were also energy intensive, which was going to limit her options in the attack.

The other two vessels she had in the scenario were 1212 class destroyers. They carried particle cannons, cutting beams and heavy torpedoes. Both were also outfitted with electro cannons, technically but the mounts were offline. Both ships were heavily battered with multiple hull breaches and most secondary systems were offline.

Arrayed against her was the Valorian thirteenth reserve defense fleet. The main defense fleet had left on patrol leaving New Valoria vulnerable. However the reserve defense fleet was still fairly large. Seven hundred cruisers, along with an orbital starbase and planetary defense grid. Which included a powerful planetary shield, multiple surface-to-space weapon emplacements and orbital plasma batteries.

Historically the Refuge fleet jumped in and immediately emptied their entire torpedo reserve. Taking out the starbase, the planetary shield, and numerous cruisers in a surprise attack. Caught off guard, the Valorians were slow to react and by the time they did it was too late. The Enterprise was landing troops on the planet, the defense grid was down and the local fleet had either been sunk or scattered.

Milith considered her own approach. Wondering if she could do better. Historically, the Coto and Umikaze were both lost in this battle. Milith wondered if there was something she could do to allow those ships to survive and make it to port with the Enterprise. Of course, the problem was the third fleet. It was too large to effectively engage, especially given their condition but if she could evade them and give them the slip? It might work. It all depended on how long before the third fleet responded.

Her racing mind was suddenly distracted by a squealing sound. She sighed, paused her game and called over her shoulder. “MOM! Are you cooking a live animal again?”

There was some giggling and she made her way out into the kitchen. Just as Mom replied, “I got a really good deal on a Furtik and I figured it would make a lovely dinner.”

Her stomach growled, reminding her she hadn’t eaten in awhile. The smells telling her it was about that time. She let out a breath, “At least kill it first, it’s cruel.”

Her mom gave her a look, “And next you are going to tell me to eat only plants.”

She threw up her hands, “What kind of barbarian would eat only plants?”

Her mother glared, “Sweetie, don’t insult other people’s diets. There are plenty of people who eat only plants and there are just as many who eat nothing but meat.”

Milith groaned, “That wasn’t what I meant.”

“I know sweetie, but you need to pick your words carefully. You are technically a princess and your words reflect on me.”

She sighed, she was well aware of that. Five hundred years and mom still treated her like a little girl. It sucked. Then she refocused her mind and said, “Yes, yes, you have said that a hundred million times, but I still think you should kill our food before you cook it.”

Her mother laughed, “It tastes so much better this way.’

She spared a look at the poor quadrupedal animal her mother was preparing. Its fur had been removed, the skin slathered in seasoned oils and the beast impaled on a long metal pole so it could roast. Its movements showed it was still quite alive, then she noticed its equipment which seemed swollen. Milith really thought Mom should have killed it first, she practically tortured it. “No it does not!”

“Well it’s my kitchen not yours,” she replied, “When you get your own, you can make the rules.”

She sighed and deflated a bit. Knowing she wasn’t winning the argument she backed off.

“Anyway, since you are here, I have something I want to discuss with you.”


“I presume you are aware of the rumors revolving around the Liritians?”

She nodded, “I am, why?”

“Well I am going to be getting busy for a while and won’t be around as much in a few weeks. So I would like to spend more time with you while I can. At least until your trip that is.”

Milith blinked, “TRIP!!!?”

“Yes, I am sending you to one of Dad’s game worlds. Solkira, it is a lovely place. Good weather, interesting challenges. I think you will find some fun there. I’ve arranged for you to stay with an old friend, she wants you to help look after one of her kids and to keep some scummy god away from her. Shouldn’t be too hard for you and you wanted to prove that you could handle yourself. This is your chance.”

Milith just sat there, what would she say to that? What could she even say? On one hand, she was being trusted out on her own. On the other hand, Mom was sending her away.



I bet most newbies will be hella confused by this chapter