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Phillip shifted, pressing herself a bit more firmly into the warm body next to her. For a moment or two she simply relished in the sensations. As her mind wasn’t fully awake and she couldn’t help but feel very happy. Then she started to wake up, her memories flooding back in. She blinked but didn’t quite move yet. Her mind was waking up, but she still felt rather content to just lay there. It was just so cozy and warm. Hard to muster the energy to actually leave the bed. So instead she lay there for a moment or two before a set of notifications blinking in the corner of her vision caught her attention. It wasn’t any real effort on her part, so she focused on them. Almost immediately a series of boxes filled her vision.

Quest Complete!

I know you aren’t quite sure about being a girl right now, but your window for true love is now. Enter the dungeon and speak with the avatar of the dungeon. Perhaps you will meet your true love? Oh and don’t kill any of the demons. This will also be a good opportunity to learn your newly changed body at little risk to yourself and don’t worry about failure. The dungeon’s curse won’t affect you.
Quest Difficulty: E Time Limit: 25 hours

After an enjoyable run and a few interesting encounters you met with the spirit of the dungeon and engaged in a whirlwind meeting of hearts, mind and magic. Consummating a lifelong bond in the process. Congrats on finding your true love!

Your true love and the start of your dreams


After a successful dungeon dive, you bonded with and seduced the dungeon’s spirit
New Title: Dungeon Seducer

Few are those who take the effort to actually get to know a dungeon much less seduce them. As one of the rare few to succeed you enjoy increased charisma and reputation with dungeons. Fertility with dungeons is increased by 75, as a side effect fertility with females is increased by 50

New Trait: Dungeon’s Mate (Misaki)

You have been marked as the mate of a dungeon. Her traps will no longer harm you and her monsters are naturally friendly to you. You gain a boon from your partner
New trait: Misaki’s Boon

Gain trait: Dungeon Pheromones
Increases fertility with girls by 200
Increases fertility with dungeons by 100

New Trait: Dungeon Pheromones
You have been blessed with the pheromones of a demonic dungeon of lust. Boosts your allure with potential partners. When aroused you incite lust in those around you.

You have consummated your bond. Solidifying your bond with the dungeon Misaki.
Congratulations! You are Pregnant!
Congratulations! Achievement Unlocked!
Fertile With Lilies:
While not unheard of for girls to get each other pregnant usually spells, potions or a reproductive tail are involved. Getting pregnant without those is impressive. Congrats! Boosts female-female fertility by five times
Female-Female Fertility is now: 1250

Her mind whirled as she read this. Wasn’t 1250 really high? Wait? Pregnant!? Oh, no, oh no! She couldn’t be pregnant that would mean... The next box popped as if to confirm her fears.

Quest Failed!

By the whims of the Dark Goddess of Mischief Tina you have been turned into a girl. Find the culprit(s) responsible before time expires or remain a girl forever.
Culprits found: 0 of ???
Time Remaining: 60 days Quest Difficulty: C

Didn’t even last a week? I hope you enjoy your new life as a girl!

Stuck as a girl for the rest of your life

Before she could think much of that. Yet another window appeared.

Congrats! You have been blessed!

Hey Phillip! I see you have met Misaki. I just know the two of you will get along well. Oh and Dewari would just love to meet you. Do visit her shrine and consider thanking her for her blessing.
Blessing Gained: Timura’s Blessing
Blessing Gained: Dewari’s Blessing

Phillip just stared blankly at the windows. For how long, she wasn’t sure. How could this even happen? She blushed a little as memories of last night flood through her mind. It had been rather... intense. Yet she didn’t recall doing anything that would actually result in pregnancy. Yet all her notifications were saying the opposite. She glanced down at her body, she didn’t look any different. Phillip didn’t feel any different either. A sigh left her, of course it was far too soon for that. At least according to her mother, it would be a couple of weeks before she felt any physical signs. A couple months before she even started to show.

With that a thought occurred to her. What was she going to tell her mother? Or her sister? She flushed red, what would she even say? Hey Phillip here. I’ve been turned into a girl and I didn’t even last a week before getting pregnant. She turned even more red at the thought. Too honest, too straightforward. Another phrase struck her mind and she shook her head at the thought. That one won’t work either. She shifted, why did this have to happen? Pregnant, really? How could she have been so careless? At least Mother was finally going to have those grandkids she wanted. She groaned, it wasn’t supposed to happen this way.

Phillip didn’t even have a house. Just a partially built building. She wasn’t even ready for kids! This was too fast, her guild was barely started. She took a breath. Even as her mind raced about how everything was going wrong. Her plan had been simple, get a guild started, build a house, find a nice girl, then get married and start a family. Only instead she skipped a few steps, her guild was barely off the ground, her house wasn’t even finished and she was already starting a family with a girl she just met. Another groan left her.

Then a cute voice sleepily asked her, “What’s wrong?”

Phillip blinked. She hadn’t been expecting the question. Of course the answer was well, a lot. She was pregnant, her life was falling apart and there was the whole being turned into a girl thing. Even better, she managed to get herself stuck as one for life. Real fun, that. At least the sex was good. Just Phillip didn’t know where to begin and for a moment or two she said nothing. Finally she let out a breath, “Um well...”

She choked and then tried again. Yet the right words were lost to her.

The other girl started rubbing her back, “It’s okay. Take your time.”

She took another breath, and finally decided on a starting point, “Everything is happening so fast you know? Just yesterday or was it the day before? Anyway I was a boy not that long ago. Now I am this tiny girl and oh I’m suddenly pregnant too. I don’t even have a house, my new guild has barely even gotten started. I just...”

Misaki interrupted her, “Slow down, too much too fast. Now you said you were a boy?”

Phillip nodded.

Misaki smiled wryly, “I know where you are coming from then. I was one too not that long ago.”

“But all dungeons are girls, how...?”

“Yeah, I wish I’d listened to Dewari when she told me that. I might have been more prepared.” She sighed, “Being a dungeon wasn’t quite what I expected, and dealing with all my new instincts has been interesting. Sometimes I even wonder if I am even still me.”

Phillip listened, “I see. I take it you remember your past life then?”

Misaki nodded, “Sure do.” then she gave Phillip a look, “Wasn’t expecting anyone to just guess that I was reincarnated.”

“Well its not unusual, but most don’t remember their past lives. If you want to know more, I’d recommend talking to a priestess or visiting a temple. Can you even visit a temple?”

Misaki frowned. Seemed thoughtful for a moment, “As long it is in my territory, it shouldn’t be a problem. I’d need a sub-core to leave my territory, however.”

“I guess that would complicate the usual things like introducing you to my family. Guess they will have to come here.”

She giggled, “I guess it would,” she paused, “Oh, right! Didn’t you say something about being pregnant?”

Phillip nodded and shared her notification. Misaki blinked. Then she took on a far away look and then after a moment said, “um, how do you feel about twins?”

Lily streched as she slipped out of her bed. Memories of last night already on her mind. She smiled to herself and called up that notification. Just to see it again.

Quest Complete!

Your patron Erosi requests that you travel to the Borderlands. There you shall meet your deathmate, now named Misaki. Erosi requests that you teach her about her new sex when you arrive.

Difficulty: C

Notice: This is a minor divine quest

After a sudden departure from your old home and a long family trip you had a lovely reunion with your deathmate Misaki. Where you taught her about female clothing, and the female form. As proof of your help to her, she has finally taken the step of bringing someone into her bed. A true sign that she is beginning to accept her new gender. The gods are pleased with your efforts. Do enjoy your rewards.


New Equipment: Legendary Bra
New Equipment: Legendary Panties


What she had gotten was actually rather nice. Ten gold coins and enough experience to level up twice. Of course that might in part be due to her low level. The real reward was the underwear set she had been gifted. Made of divine cotton, and imbued with magical properties the Legendary Bra and Panties were insanely durable and could regenerate any damage.

Item: Legendary Bra and Panty Set

Perfect Fit:
This bra is enchanted to fit the user perfectly. Ensuring it is always the perfect fit.
Adaptable Form:
This bra can be altered to take any form the user desires.
Divine Material
: Made of a divine cotton, this bra is remarkably durable and supremely comfortable.
This Bra automatically cleans itself of all dirt and grime. Ensuring it is always perfectly clean.
Self Repair:
This bra is enchanted to repair any damage it takes automatically.
Soul Bound:
This item is soulbound and can not be stolen
Form of Function:
Gains special abilities based on form taken
This bra is impossible to destroy by normal means. If destroyed it will restore itself to perfect condition.
Armor of Divine Cloth: Acts as a natural light armor serving to protect the user from harm.

Alluring Fit: Ensures that no matter the form, your boobs always look their best.

Effects (Panty):
Perfect Fit:
This panty is enchanted to fit the user perfectly. Ensuring it is always the perfect fit.
Adaptable Form:
This panty can be altered to take any form the user desires.
Divine Material
: Made of a divine cotton, this panty is remarkably durable and supremely comfortable.
This Panty automatically cleans itself of all dirt and grime. Ensuring it is always perfectly clean.
Self Repair:
This Panty is enchanted to repair any damage it takes automatically.
Soul Bound:
This item is soulbound and can not be stolen
Form of Function:
Gains special abilities based on form taken
This panty is impossible to destroy by normal means. If destroyed it will restore itself to perfect condition.

Armor of Divine Cloth: Acts as a natural light armor serving to protect the user from harm.

Sight Charm: Inflicts the charm status on those who see your panties. Increases your allure and improves the effects of charm based skills.
Cursed Touch:
Males who try to take you by force are cursed to be girls.

Set Bonus effects: (Note: Only work if the legendary panties and bra are worn together with no other items)

Apex Form: Bolsters the wearer's abilities, making them faster and stronger.

Exhibitionist’s Delight: The wearer’s very form is the center of attention. All eyes are charmed by their very sight. Increases the effect of charm and seduction based skills.

Alluring Power: All lust-based spells and skills are treated as if they are one rank higher.

Minimal Armor: Who needs armor? When you are wrapped in divine cloth and protected from harm by it. Acts as a natural armor, protecting the wearer from harm. Doubles the effect of all natural armor skills.

Turning from the window, she pulled the items in question out of her drawer. A smile gracing her lips. They were just perfect. Some of the traits on them were perhaps a little questionable, but they were perfect for her. She would never need clothing again now that she had these. Then she sighed, too bad she wasn’t an adult yet. Lily realized she couldn’t really use them. Not just yet, but she promised herself that she was going to use them to their fullest the moment she grew up. For the second time. Why the fuck did Erosi have to make her a kid? Being a kid sucked!


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