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Misaki moaned as the lovely girl she had just met nuzzled her neck. Sparks rippled through her and the heat in her belly grew. She relished in the feeling, yet part of her was still trying to figure out how this happened. Misaki wasn’t even sure how this started, or who kissed who. All she remembered was a kiss. It was a glorious spark that reminded her of everything she was missing. She missed those feelings and for the moment completely forgot why she was avoiding it. Suddenly her missing dick just no longer seemed to matter. Now she was here sprawled out on her large bed sharing it with the most adorable girl she had ever seen. It almost felt like a dream, almost.

Fingers found her pussy, they rubbed against her folds, teasing her gently. Each little touch sent shivers through her, and she once again wondered why she had been avoiding this. It was just so good. How they had even ended up doing this didn’t even matter at the moment. There was only pleasure for her. Misaki pushed her sex into the fingers seeking more and was rewarded. They brushed against her clit, and lightning surged through her, and the growing heat in her belly threatened to explode. As sparks danced in her eyes, any thoughts regarding this event slipped from her mind.

Misaki shifted in the embrace of her lover, pulling her from her neck and sound found her lips. They kissed, her tongue slipping into the mouth of her lover. Gingerly she explored her lover’s mouth and in return Phillip explored hers. For a moment or two that was all they did, but before she knew it their tongues were actively dueling, yet the other girl hadn’t stopped exploring her sex. Each little movement set off little fireworks and the heat in her belly grew. With that growing heat something began to respond. At first it began as a very pleasing pressure just above her rear. After a moment that changed into relief as something uncoiled. Extending out into the world and she was greeted with a cooling sensation in her rear, which suddenly felt so much longer.

Breaking her kiss, she glanced back to see what this was. It was a tail, her tail. Misaki took in the details, it was long and about as thick as her old dick. The end was a bulbous heart shape and the entire thing looked incredibly cute with the slick black flesh and pink bulb. Like a flower, it reminded her of a flower. For a moment she wasn’t sure what to do with it, but then her instincts took over. All semblance of control left her, as she brought her tail around. The flesh was already beginning to bloom and the petals were spreading.

Using her own hands, she pulled Phillip away from her sex and then repositioned so that she was on top. Pressing her own sex against that of her lover, she began rubbing and leaned back in for another kiss. Her tail having found a breast during that process. The moment it latched onto her lover’s boob, the other girl moaned. Misaki pressed in and reached for her magic. She didn’t know what she was doing, only that she had to do it. Her instincts were screaming at her to do it and her magic responded. It exploded out of her in brilliant colors and her lover’s magic responded. Exploding out in brilliant colors as well. The resulting display was mystical, ethereal, and beautiful beyond words, yet she barely paid it any mind. As her lips once again pressed against that of her lover. Lightning rippled through her, as her lover once again found something sensitive, this time a nipple.

Then she exploded, her vision shattered and her world distorted in a swirl of color and instinct. Nothing mattered but satisfying her desires and her lover responded. She lost all track of things in a whirl of hot flesh and bodies.

Phillip moaned, as she felt the other girl pressed into her heated flesh. Sticky wetness gushed over her folds and dribbled into the cloth of the mattress below them. Not that she paid that any attention. Her mind was focused on other things. The other girl picked up speed, each movement pressing clit into clit and rubbing labia against labia. Another moan escaped her lips, as lightning surged through her.

Suddenly she felt a tugging on her left boob which was trapped in Misaki’s tail. The fleshy petals massaged the soft flesh of her breast. Teasing her nipple and sending pleasant little surges through her. Her heated boob suddenly exploded and she went over the edge. A notification popped in her vision, but she could not focus on it as her vision turned white. Her back arched and fluids gushed out of her. She didn’t even notice the fluids flowing out of her boobs. As her breasts came as well. Discharging in sync with her pussy.

At least not at first, she noticed a moment later as her vision came back and her joyful spasms subsided. Yet the heat in her belly was no less, she could feel it building to explode again. Even as she noticed the fluid flowing from her nipples. Some of it being sucked up by the other girl’s tail. She didn’t have any time to think about it before her vision was once again soaked white. Her mind was swallowed by the strong pleasure as the heat in her belly exploded again. It washed through her like a lightning bolt.

Next time she came down, she pressed into the other girl. Forcing her off and rolling over. Now on top, she reached forward. Grasping the other girl’s breasts. Playing with both of them, she started by kneading the flesh. Avoiding the nipples at first. Each little movement she made elicited the cutest little gasps from the demon girl. Phillip felt her responding by changing the movements of her tail which was still latched onto her breast. Draining fluid from her. Idly she recalled that demon fluids contained a toxin that was not only a potent aphrodisiac but it stimulated the production of fluids in the partner. Fluids that were rich in mana. That was why her boobs were leaking. Yet she was having a hard time caring at the moment, she was having too much fun.

She let the other girl play with her boob, as she pulled her sex away. The girl pouted a bit, even as she grew more aggressive with her own hand movements. Tugging on the flesh this way, rubbing her up that way. Phillip genuinely enjoyed watching her face with each little movement. With a smile, she suddenly flicked the girl’s left nipple and then pressed herself into the other girl. Her sex soon rubbing once again against the other girl’s folds. That proved to be all she needed and the demon went over the edge. A cute little moan escaped her, as her back arched fiercely and fluids gushed out of her. Warm sticky juices flowed over her and then a chance rubbing of clit on clit sent her over the edge as well. She barely even noticed as her magic overflowed.

As her vision cleared, she was treated to a sight of magic mixing around her in an ethereal display. Yet she had no time to focus on it before lips were pressing into her own. As a warm heated body pressed into her own. Rubbing against her with loving tender enthusiasm. Phillip lost herself in the sensations, as the demon took control again. She didn’t even notice the eyes watching. The demon didn’t either, as the two of them had gained an audience. Not that she would have cared in the moment if she had.

Instead, she relished in the kiss. Enjoying the way the demon was coating her tongue in mana. Phillip responded in kind, and her mouth suddenly exploded with little sparks. Each one was pleasurable beyond words. Each one just barely sending her over the edge and something similar seemed to be happening with her lover. She could sense it with the cute way each flick of her tongue made her partner twitch and shiver. Factors that only emboldened her.

The kiss only intensified as they explored each other. Before she knew it, they were exploring each other’s bodies again. Running tongues and lips over each other’s flesh. Each little peck and fleck sending delightful shivers up her spine. As she once again lost herself in her lover. Losing all track of time.

Lily and Asarya watched the two on the bed. Enjoying each other. Asarya smiled, “It’s nice to see her finally having sex with someone. I was getting worried.”

“You were? I thought she was making good progress.”

“She was, but sex is very important for lust demons. Honestly it’s really weird for a mature demon not to engage in sex. Didn’t I tell you why?”

Lily frowned and thought back on her lessons. Recalling a few mentions about lust demons, “Yeah I think I remember that.”

“Glad to hear it,” Asarya turned back and then smiled, “Hey um sweetie? I’m feeling kind of hot myself. Care to find me someone to play with?”

Lily gave her a look, “What!? I...”

“If you are suggesting yourself, don’t be silly. I know you are mentally ready for it, but your body isn’t. Not to mention your mother would kill me, and so would Misaki. I’ll let you watch though.”

Lily slumped, “Fine, fine. I’ll see who is around.”

As it would turn out, she would find a certain catkin who only wears ribbons on her tail and a rather naked elf just down the hall. A familiar naked elf.

Lilyn twirled in front of her new mother. She was kind of sad that Phillip had left so suddenly, but Mommy was also fun too. She just wished she could be with Phillip as well. At the moment she was showing off her new dress. It was purple, decorated with ribbons and a frilly hem.

She stopped smiling and inquired, “Think Phillip will like it?”

The older woman smiled, “Yep you look really cute in that. Want to show it to him?”

She nodded eagerly, “I would love to!”

“Great! Go pack your things,” she paused and revealed a piece of paper. “I got a letter from Phillip. It seems he is already starting his new guild. I figured we could surprise him with a visit. What do you say?”

Eagerly she nodded. A chance to see him again!? Why would she ever turn that down? Happily she ran off. Passing the housekeeper Lae on the way out of the room. She needed to get packed. She would need all her dresses, her new toys and oh! Her new doll too! She would need to show it to Phillip. She couldn’t wait to see her emotional support knight again. That was what lady Saya called him right? It certainly seemed to fit the massive man and she definitely felt safe around him.

She found a perfect bag already laid out on her bed. Must have been Lae, she was nice and thoughtful. Playful too, she enjoyed her times with her too. Hopefully she was coming as well. Knowing what she wanted, Lilyn got to packing. She couldn’t wait to see Phillip’s new home and his guild. This trip was going to be great, she just knew it!


Black Unicorn

I can't wait for the next chapter, so please Hurry!!


Do you have any intentions of making images or something? Just to get a better idea of what these characters look like?

Jonathan A Countyman

Nope. I'm not very good with drawing and forget the AI image generators, I don't have the time to sit there and fine tune things to get something suitable.