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Laki smiled when she saw the town. It had taken a little longer than she thought to reach it than she thought. Despite the unexpected obstacles she did manage to make it. She was somewhat worried about those obstacles as she shouldn’t have encountered so many monsters. Sure the area had dense mana and frequent outbreaks, but she had been beset by them far too often. In addition the roads were choked with weeds. Clearly, no one was maintaining the roads in the area. A bad sign for the town, but hopefully she would find a few mothers with young children. The master mainly wanted her to collect babies and occasionally bring him any exceptional little girl she found. Her ultimate goal would be to convert this mining town into a baby farm for the master.

As drew closer she noted several armored figures patroling the walls around the town. The town had a modest wall with a few emplacements and towers. Nothing like what a major town would have, but sufficient to deter raiders and monsters. The fact that it was manned was good it meant the town wasn’t abandoned or something. That meant she hadn’t wasted her time.

It wasn’t long after that she reached the gate. She wasn’t the only one waiting to enter town and she passed the time listening to the other passerby. It seemed the others were also worried about the lack of attention given to the roads. The poor roads and frequent monster attacks were a problem. She watched a pair of merchants complain about it to the guards, but all they got in return was the boot. It seemed the local defenders didn’t really care about the roads.

Before she knew it, she had reached the gate. She showed the gaurd her id, and he looked her body up and down. “You can enter. The brothel is two blocks down from the left.”

She glared, but didn’t say anything. She knew what that man was implying. Laki made a note to get him alone later. She would enjoy turning him into a doll. Pushing that aside, her mind quickly worked down the first order of business. She would need to visit the guild, find a place to stay and get some supplies. She was low on food and water. Once that was all taken care of, she would then be able to get to work on collecting babies for the Master.

Laki grumbled to herself. Brothel this, brothel that. What the fuck is wrong with this town? This was the ninth fricking inn she had visited and they pointed her to the fucking brothel. It certainly wasn’t the way she was dressed that was the problem. Master had picked well for her and honestly she had seen a human woman wearing less than she was get into the last inn. They didn’t even point her at the brothel. It was infuriating!

She kicked a rock across the street and then let out a breath. Just as she noticed a young man in leather armor coming close. Laki looked up at him, and was about to speak when he spoke, “Excuse me miss, but you seem to be having some trouble. Can I help you?”

She blinked, that wasn’t what she was expecting. Laki gave him a second look, he was young with a kind face and she sensed no malice or lust from him. He wasn’t pointing her straight to the brothel either like everyone else. She took a moment to center herself and then said, “I’ve been trying to find a room, but everyone keeps pointing me at the fucking Brothel.”

He sighed, “Sorry to hear that.” he paused and then said, “Town used to be better but lately things have been...”

“I noticed.”

He gestured down the road, “It’s not much but I do have a spare room. Why don’t you come with me and we can get something to eat?”

She smiled, “Hmm that sounds agreeable. My name is Laki, what is yours?”


She gave him a second look, “That’s... an odd name. Isn’t that a girl’s name? And if I recall it’s popular with...”

He flushed a little and nodded, “I’m... not from around here and yeah I have a girl’s name. Could we please not talk about it?”

“Sure. It’s just a name anyway. So, um Qerni what do you do?”

He smiled, “I’m an adventurer! Still fairly new, but I made D rank!”

“Oh? D rank you say? I guess that means you aren’t a rookie anymore. I’m an adventurer as well. I’m a mage.” she replied, but not mentioning her rank of B. Not yet.

“I guess you are fairly skilled if you made it here on your own. Especially with all the monsters on the roads lately. I wish I could do something about that, but there are too many. Worse the local guard won’t act.”

“I noticed. They gave some merchants the boot when they complained about it.”

The man shook his head, “Again? I swear those useless fucks have no brains.”

She had to agree and a moment later they reached a modest house. Qerni unlocked the door and stepped inside. Holding the door open for her. She followed and looked around. The front room was cozy with a nice seating area, a table, and a small kitchen. The man closed the door and then turned to her, “So what would you like to eat and” he glanced at her belly, “Would you like a belly rub?”

She blinked, “Huh? What brought that on?”

“Well corrupted like belly rubs don’t they? You are a corrupted mousekin aren’t you?”

She giggled, this guy had noticed that? No one else seemed to realize. Just point her at a fucking brothel. Which wasn’t where she needed to be. Maybe later, but not right now. Still giggling, she nodded, “I am and I guess I could allow it. Still you noticed that and invited me into your home?”

He shifted, “Well I just couldn’t let a cute girl like you go hungry and homeless.”

“Oh? I see.” she found her way to a sofa and sank into it. “As for food I’ll be happy with just about anything.”

He nodded and found something. They ended up sharing a soup and before she knew it. She was in his lap presenting her belly to him. Laki doubted he would compare to Master, but there was no harm in humoring him. A moment later she felt his fingers touch her belly. She blinked, he wasn’t that bad actually. She snuggled against him and let him work. Her body slowly heating up as he stroked her belly. “You seem to actually know what you are doing. Have some experience?”

He smiled, “I used to give my sisters belly rubs all the time. They loved it. Went out of their way to get one sometimes.”

“Oh? I like them already. Tell me about them!”

He obliged and she enjoyed the moment. As her told her about his three sisters. Lovely girls all of them younger than him. They sounded quite cute and the four of them had many misadventures to tell.

He leaned back, after telling her about one of them.

“So where are they now?”

He sighed, “I had to get them out of town when things started getting bad.” he blinked, “but maybe you can help. Its been harder lately to visit. Especially with all the monsters, lately.”

“Hmm? So they are nearby?”

“Yeah I moved them all to an old farmhouse that’s been in the family for years. Only place I felt they would be safe.”

“I see. I take it there is a story around that?”

He sighed, “I’d rather not talk about it just yet.”

She smiled, then leaned up to give him a sudden kiss. Laki liked him, he was nice and clearly cared about his sisters. With that in mind, she made a choice. With a free hand, she lifted her skirt, “Care for some fun?”

He blanked. She giggled and pulled out of his lap. Dragging him off the sofa, she went looking in the other rooms. Finding a bed was easy and she quickly brought him to the bed. With swift movements she pulled him out of his armor. As his dick was popping free, he booted up, “Wait! What are you doing?”

She giggled, “Thanking you for the food and the belly rub. I know guys love being a girl’s pussy and I already have permission to breed anyway. So don’t worry about getting me pregnant.”

He only swelled larger and didn’t protest further as she mounted him. His shaft sliding deep into her folds. It wasn’t pleasurable, but she could feel it. She smiled, happy she had chosen to get rid of the ability to feel pleasure with her pussy. It would make this so much easier. Laki started moving, squeezing him. Each movement elicited little twitches from him.

After a moment, she leaned forward. While keeping her hips moving. He was too tall to reach his face, but she found a nice spot and started licking him. He moaned a little and she felt her skill start to work. She grinned and picked up the pace. Deliberately changing the way she was squeezing every few moments.

His moans deepened and all too quickly she felt a rush of heat feeling her belly. She giggled, it seemed he was cumming already. No matter. The goal was to get pregnant anyway and she had chosen him as her stud. Of course he was going to be so much more than just a means to get pregnant. In fact he should be honored, most guys were worth little more than being dolls for pets to play with. She was going to make him so much more.

As his eyes rolled, she channeled some mana through her pussy and into his dick. She felt it respond instantly. Feeling his orgasm, she pulled at it and expanded it. Almost instantly his pleasure magnified and he was lost. She stopped moving, it was no longer needed At least not right now, not while she had him. So instead she simply sat his discharging shaft sitting deep inside her folds, while she worked magic through her pussy. His orgasm worked to her advantage and she felt his resistance to her magic quickly fade. As he was rapidly drained and then she was able to work her corruption. In moments she felt his already large shaft swell inside her. Making her feel more full. She frowned, and made a change. Feeling it shrink a little. There better, can’t be too big now, can we? At the same time, Laki made a note about what she did. Then she went back to work on him. She needed him to be very fertile afterall. It would help with one of the functions she wanted him to help her with. Of course that wasn’t the only change she made. There was more that needed to be done then just that.

It wasn’t long before she was finished. She pressed herself against him, and looked up as he came back to himself. For a moment he just lay there, before saying, “That was... amazing.”

She smiled, “I’ll be perfectly happy to play with you again. Just don’t forget to give me some belly love every once in awhile.”

“Certainly Mistress, I’d be happy to. Anything else I can do for you?”

Her smile widened, “I’d love to meet your sisters, but that can wait. The master needs baby girls. Know anyone with a child we can take?”

He nodded and then frowned, “I do, but why not visit the brothel for that?”

She chuckled, “Not going to find many babies there silly. I take it you’ve never actually gone there?”

Qerni shook his head, “No I haven’t. Why is there something I should know?”

“Most people go there for pleasure not procreation. Most brothels around here buy sterile slave girls to fill their stock. I don’t think I am going to find many fertile girls there, much less babies that I can take.”

“Of course, Mistress. Where do we start?”

She lifted her top and showed off her cute breasts, “Oh, we are just going to make use of our gifts. Your cock and my boobs. We just need a few conversations with the right people and some light corruptions. We will start with your friends then move up to getting the juicy stuff done.”

He smiled and she led the way out of the room. When they reached the streets he led her down a couple of doors, to a nearby house. Without even being prompted he knocked, three raps before a cute little girl opened the door. She was delightfully cute and had a big smile on her face. From somewhere behind her, a voice called, “Flower! Don’t just open the door.”

“It’s just Qerni mom and he brought a friend.”

She smiled, knelt, “Well aren’t you cute. We just need to talk with your mom, care to let us in?”

The girl stepped aside just as her mother came into view. A baby in her arms, a cute little thing that was currently nursing from an exposed breast. The woman smiled, “Qerni. It’s good to see you.”

He smiled, “I just wanted to check on you considering and my friend here wanted to talk.”

She smiled and stepped forward, a spell already on her tongue. It was a minor corruption spell that would make the next part easier. “I do have something to discuss.” she gestured at a a sofa, “Please sit and we can talk.”

Minutes later, Qerni was holding the baby. A lovely girl, the blanket she had been wrapped in discarded on the table. Laki had removed her top and now had the little girl in her lap and was enjoying her suckling on a nipple. While her naked mother sat next to her listening, “and I’ll be back in a few days to pick up your baby girl. Sound good?”

“Sure, I’ll be ready to hand her over then, Mistress. It will be nice not having to deal with a crying baby.” then she glanced at the girl she called Flower, “Now what about my little Flower?”

Laki smiled, “She’s cute. I might take her then too, but I haven’t decided yet.” then she turned to Qerni, “Qerni go put the baby down and then come back. I want you to breed the young lady for me.”

The mother smiled, and nodded. Her corruption made her very amenable to letting her children be taken. It also made her more willing to be bred. Among other things. The whole point of the corruption was to get the girls here to produce. Laki smiled to herself happy that things were going well, after all the problems she had at first.

Misaki turned and inquired, “Um, how do you feel about twins?”

The other girl blinked and just sat there blankly for a moment. Then her eyes widened, “Twins! You mean you are...”

Misaki nodded. She wasn’t sure what to make of all her notifications, but she had seen the one congratulating her on getting pregnant.

The girl groaned, “Why? We aren’t ready, what are we going to do?”

Misaki pulled Phillip into a hug, “It will be fine. We have time and I’m a dungeon. We can work things out. Okay?”

“I uh, guess.” then she frowned, “Oh, shit! How long have I been here? What time is it?”

Misaki blinked, right Phillip has a guild which she is... late for. That might be a problem. Grabbing Phillip’s hand, she pulled the other girl up. “Come on, let’s get you back to your guild. We can talk more on the way.”

The other girl nodded and followed along. Only to stop halfway across the room, “Wait! I can’t go out like this. I need a bath and clothes.” She paused, glancing down at herself, “You wouldn’t happen to have some pants I could use?”

Misaki giggled, “That’s easy.”

She then circled around Phillip and then produced something. That would not only fit, but would properly show off Phillip’s figure. Although she couldn’t help but feel Phillip would look better in a skirt. Not that she was going to say it. If Phillip wanted something familiar, who was she to deny her? Clothing in hand, she told a maid to wash their previous clothing and led Phillip into the bath. Something she was very much looking forward to.


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