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Tina giggled as she watched the trio react to her little twisting of Mira’s wish. It was so fun! When suddenly she felt a shiver ripple down her spine. Her face turned pale and she looked up. Only to immediately regret it, her face turning even more pale.

“Um,... what’s up Dewari? Having fun?”

Dewari glared, “If I have told you once, I have told you a million times. Tina! How many times have I told you not to play on another god’s turf!!!?”

“Um... Never?” she asked hopefully.

Dewari’s glare intensified, “Wrong answer young lady!”

Next thing she knew, she was naked and sprawled with her ass in the air over Dewari’s knee. As she felt a familiar magic being worked on her poor rear. She shuddered, just before the first hit struck her. She screamed. Then a second hit her, and a third. Each one worse than the last. Tears filled her face.

No relief was in sight, her ass felt like someone had turned it into a supersensitive clit, stuck it full of needles and set it on fire. Worse, she couldn’t even slip into darkness for relief. It just burned. When Dewari suddenly spoke, “Now why don’t you tell me all the rules you broke? Remember I spank you ten extra times for each rule you omit.”

She shuddered, and started reciting the rules.

“No playing on another god’s turf. No excessive pranks, No twisting favors to be more fun, no messing with another god’s blessed, and I think that’s it.”

A hand landed on her ass and she screamed, “You forgot the one about curses.”

As the second strike landed, she tried to hurriedly recite it. It was a silly one about not cursing mortals without cause, but where was the fun in that?

Not that her speaking it did any good. More strikes landed on her poor rear, each one worse than the last. As the last one landed, Dewari sighed, “Now what did I tell you the last time I caught you being a bad girl?”

She paled, “You can’t!”

Dewari glared, “I can! I’ve already discussed it with the others and we are all sick of excessive pranks and utter disregard for the rules. There is a difference between having fun and outright terrorizing the mortals.”

Squirming she protested, “Please don’t!

“It’s already done!”

As if to confirm it, she paled further when a blue box popped into her vision. As a collar manifested around her neck.

For your transgressions, you have been punished. Repent before the pantheon!
New title: Dungeon Bound Goddess
Your powers have been restricted!
You can no longer use divine magic
You can no longer grant quests
You can no longer grant favors
You can no longer cast curses

Tears welled up as she stared at the message. So what if she broke a couple of rules, they were silly. Just little things stopping her from having fun and now her freedom was gone. How was this fair!?”

Nearby Dewari glared, “Need I remind you what you just did to a couple of sweet girls? Consider it karmic retribution.”

With that Dewari picked her up and then tossed her through a portal. The other goddess was gone and she now found herself in what looked to be a cell. Her shoulders slumped and then she noticed that Dewari didn’t even have the decency to toss her clothes through with her. This sucked.


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