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Phillip blinked at the light and rolled over. It was too early to be this bright. His mind drifted back into the pleasantness of dreams. It wasn’t often he had the chance and he didn’t have anywhere to be. Not pressingly anyway. The dream took him again and he enjoyed a wonderful moment. A smile graced his sleeping face as he saw the family he wanted. Gorgeous daughters enjoying a game of chase as they played in the yard of an elegant if modest home. He watched them play as he reclined on the porch. Behind him he heard footsteps and turned to see...

Light stabbing into his eyes again. He groaned and sat up. The sheets and his nightshirt slipping from his frame in one motion. The sudden chill woke him right up and he blinked blearily as he began to realize something was wrong. Something was very wrong. Alarm bells rang and he stood up. Only to faceplant on the ground.

He blinked. It didn’t hurt, but he was confused. Glancing at his feet he found his underpants tangled around his feet. Only his feet didn’t look like his feet. They were so, so... dainty. Far too small and soft to have been his feet. None of the marks from his years of adventuring were there. He let out a breath and proceeded to untangle his feet. His mind recalled that mirror he had in the back, Oftentimes he wondered why he even bought it, but suddenly he was glad for it. He needed to see what happened to him.

Standing he noted how much bigger his tent suddenly felt. It wasn’t cozy anymore, it was enormous. He shivered a bit, reminded that his clothes had all fallen off him. Finding something to wear was definitely on the list, but first, he needed to see what had happened. With that in mind he stepped into the back. Noticing it took far too many steps to reach his back room. Ignoring his toilet and basin, he turned right for the mirror and froze. His mind blinked several times as he tried to process the reflection. That wasn’t him, not him at all. Yet it was hard to deny the form in the mirror not being his. Especially not with how aware he was of each little inconsistency. The way his chest moved, the shape of his hips, the small size of his feet and the fact that the room was so large. Yet one question remained. Why the fuck was he a girl!?

Yes girl. The reflection in the mirror was of a young girl, who looked a lot like his sister or his mother years ago. She had lovely light purple hair cascading down her back. Her face had a delightful heart shape to it with bright eyes colored a piercing shade of green. One that reminded him of his mother. It was almost like looking at a younger version of his mother’s face. Almost. The girl in the mirror was somehow cuter and she was entirely naked. Giving him an excellent view of her creamy pale skin, modest perky boobs with their healthy pink areolas and delicate nipples. Her muscles were toned, her belly flat. The girl had some decent hips and a slim hairless pussy. In fact she didn’t have any body hair at all.

Phillip just couldn’t look away, as his mind sputtered. Trying to reconcile what was going on.  When he noticed that she wasn’t entirely naked, the young girl in the mirror was wearing a ring. One he didn’t recognize. As if that ring was a trigger, a box suddenly popped into his vision.

You have been cursed!
New item equipped: Tina’s Cursed Ring of Girlhood

Turns the wearer into a girl
Permanently removes Body Hair
Boosts magical ability by 25%
Increases mana pool by 2000
Increases shield strength by 5000

Alert! Wearer may be affected by the whims of the Dark Goddess of Mischief Tina
Alert! The ring’s primary effect will be permanent if the user becomes pregnant

Item: Tina’s Cursed Ring of Girlhood has become soulbound to user Phillip Greybeard
Item: Tina’s Cursed Ring of Girlhood cannot be removed.

Before he could process that box. A second one appeared in his, well her vision.

New Quest!

By the whims of the Dark Goddess of Mischief Tina you have been turned into a girl. Find the culprit(s) responsible before time expires or remain a girl forever.
Culprits found: 0 of ???
Time Remaining: 60 days Quest Difficulty: C

New Pet(s)
Ability to Remove Cursed Ring
Genderswap Unique Skill

Stuck as a girl for the rest of your life

Her mind blinked as she stared at the messages. When the meaning finally hit her, she lost power in her legs and slumped to the floor. Her mind blinked back to her dream. How was she supposed to find that now? She still wasn’t sure how this happened. Phillip knew for a fact that everything was normal when she went to bed and she woke up like this. Idly she recalled that she needed to get dressed but she couldn’t find the energy. Her mind was too busy trying to work out the puzzle. A puzzle whose pieces gradually fell into place.

The quest notification having been a critical one. Tears welled up in her eyes when she realized that a goddess had done this to her. Not directly, apparently, since she was tasked with finding culprits. That gave her a few clues about how. Indicating that the goddess in question had tasked someone or someones with doing this to her. Someone had snuck into her tent.

Her mind crashed to a halt. Someone had snuck into her tent... snuck into her tent. For a moment she recalled the wards and then paled as she realized she had not activated them. Stupid! Stupid, utterly careless. Why didn’t she take a moment to activate them? It might have prevented this. She was still left with the question of who, but she had an idea of where to start. Of course, she had other things to consider.

Her line of thought suddenly halted when a familiar voice called, “Greybeard, sir? Are you up?”

That wasn’t good, she was naked and no one was going to recognize her. Suddenly she found power for her legs and rushed into her room. There was a crash as she knocked something over, she stumbled a couple of times before she made it to her chest. Flipping it open, she pulled something out, just as the tent flap opened and Melisa looked in. She froze.

Susan shifted. Yawned and then tried to roll over. It worked but something was off about that. Her mind blinked and she shot awake. Glancing down at her body, she blinked. It was all wrong. Worse, she could effectively see through herself, almost. She wasn’t fully transparent. Rather she was instead a pale translucent blue.

Then she noticed the blinking notification. She focused on it and was immediately greeted by blue boxes.

Challenge Failed!
You have failed the special challenge area: The Harpies’ Nest

Quest Failed!

The goddess Tina had accepted your bet that you could solo the dungeon. Only instead you were cornered and seduced by a lone harpy. At least you had fun!

Tina’s Curse
Level Reset
Traits and Skills Reset
New Title: Dungeon Pet

She blinked, staring at that as a new window popped up

You have been cursed!
Congratulations! You are now a Lesser Celestial Slimegirl
You have lost 87 levels, you are now level one
Your skills have been reset!
Your traits have been reset!
New title gained: Dungeon Pet!

Generating status...

Name: Susan

Gender: Female

Race: Lesser Celestial Slimegirl


Level: 1


Health: 100% (Perfect Health)

Class: None

Shields: 10/10


Mana: 20/20

Titles: Dungeon Pet



Physical Negation

Mana Leech
Form Change
Fire Weakness
Dark Weakness

Blessed Boobs

Natural Born Loli


Then one last box popped in her vision.

Tina here! I hope you enjoy my gifts! It took a little doing, but I gave you some nice boobs you can be proud of. I had to make you smaller to get them, so I hope you don’t mind being stuck as a loli. Then again I’ve been told big boobs look best on small girls, so it’s likely not a problem. Oh! And do enjoy being a slime!

She stared at the last message for a bit. A slime really? She groaned, she was so close and now this. Slimes weren’t even that strong, not usually. Although she knew some slimes grew to be quite the terrifying creature. They were already largely immune to physical attacks, swords and clubs did almost nothing to them, but they were vulnerable to fire. Very vulnerable to fire. That really sucked.

Turning away from the message she looked around. She was in a small stone room, and resting in a... tub. Not far from her was a mirror, which gave her a good look at her new form. She was a small slime girl all right. Perhaps a hundred and twenty centimeters, maybe a little taller. Her skin as she had already noted was a semi-translucent pale blue, while her hair was a shiny see-through pink. Said hair cascaded down her back loosely and stuck to itself like one solid piece. Her face was rounded and quite cute with large pink eyes and a small nose.

What really drew her attention however were her breasts, they were naturally larger than they used to be. She couldn’t help but feel them up. They were so soft and felt delightful to the touch. She even had areolas of a different shade of blue with some pale nipples, that she learned were actually somewhat sensitive. Oh scratch that, very sensitive. It was almost like she had two extra clits, almost. They weren’t quite that sensitive, but it was enough that a mere touch made her gasp as lightning went through her. Her figure was pretty decent as well, something to be proud of and she still had a pussy. It was quite cute and it honestly looked just like her old one. Only as she inspected it, she realized the lips were a little plumper and her clit just a tad larger and more sensitive. Overall she was much more sensitive down there. It was amazing.

Taking her mind off her body, she glanced back to her status. So, um what was she going to do? She was a level one fucking slime with no skills? Oh and apparently a pet as well. That was going to be interesting...

Michael stretched and looked around. She noted Delilah and Mira were sitting next to her, chatting. She blinked and realized they were talking about the quest. With a brief check she noticed they had passed and would get one favor from Tina, apparently subject to her approval. At least that’s how she wanted to interpret it.

Delilah suddenly asked, “So do you know what you want?”

Mira nodded, “Yep! I want something that would help me be the rock you two so sorely need!”

The moment she said that, a blue box popped.

Congratulations! You are now a pet!
Oh that’s so boring. Let’s make it a little more fun! Enjoy your pethood!

Michael looked over and saw both of her companions had looks of horror on their faces. Mira her face pale declared, “That’s not at all what I wanted!”



Well at least she didn't specifically choose for them to be her pets in this version.


(After not being able to access this novel for a month, I’m finally back) I’m super glad that you’ve kept this part of the story from the OG version. Misaki and Phillipa were always my favorite parts of the old one. I know I’m not really saying much, but I just want to state my appreciation and support. Thax!