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Michael leaned back in her seat and watched Mira sit back down in her chair. She had left about an hour ago to collect information. Michael noticed the smile on her face and shifted her position, “Good news I take it?”

Mira’s smile widened, “Yep! Guild Master Phillip apparently worked late tonight, went back home shortly before we got back. I was able to confirm he is in his tent, right now. The area is rather quiet at this hour, few eyes. I need the ring, I can get it done easy.”

Michael pulled out the cursed ring and inquired, “What will we do?”

Mira sighed, “Just what I said earlier, lookout duty. You two will be nearby and keep an out for me. I’ll go into the tent and do that hard part.”

Delilah nodded, “Yes that makes sense. Neither of us has any stealth skills. Now what do we do if someone does come near the tent?”

“Distract them. It’s not hard. Just walk up to them and strike up a conversation. Doesn’t have to be anything important, small talk will do. I’ll take that kind of thing as a note to hurry up as well, since I will hear you.”

The both of them nodded and they worked over the fine details. None of them took long, their plan wasn’t all that complicated. Mira said simple was often best and Michael had to agree. It was simple enough too. Mira would sneak into the tent and plant the ring. The two of them would be outside ready to distract anyone who approached. The whole plan would take a couple of minutes at most.

Misaki checked in on her over-leveled intruder. She was still stuck on the third floor special challenge area. Misaki giggled. Quite happy about that, since she was getting a lot of resources from her and the longer she was there the more she got. It was free money. Already she was thinking of all the toys and books she could buy. For a moment she also considered making another floor but then decided against it. She wasn’t ready to grow another floor. Not only did growing hurt, but changing things later hurt more. That wasn’t any fun, and her current floors were not all tested. At the moment she just wasn’t ready for a new floor.

So with that decision made, she checked in on Lily and realized her guest was asleep. That made her check the hour. It was getting late, perhaps about time for her to go to bed as well. Only she wasn’t feeling tired. With that in mind, she turned her gaze back on the intruder, leaned back and started to watch. It was really nice watching the arrogant mage bring herself to the heights of pleasure and then she started calling for Sally. Misaki giggled, this was going to be really interesting. Misaki instinctively began to record it. To preserve this golden moment for later. It was really nice watching someone fail this way. So much better than what happened last time. For a moment she briefly thought of those two and once again wished them luck. If given the chance she would love to try and help them. Neither one deserved what they got.

Mira watched the pair slip into position. There was a certain amount of uncertainty to their movements, but she could not help noticing how vulnerable the two of them looked. Mira had heard what happened to them both and while Susan was fairly insensitive, she wasn’t. These two needed someone and that person was going to be her. She was going to be there for them from now on. Nothing was going to stop her from being their rock.

Of course, the first thing she was going to have to take care of was this little quest. Which was thankfully right up her alley. Sneaking into a tent and planting something on someone? Perfect job for a rogue and while not something she usually did, she had the skills. She wasn’t joking with the plan she gave them either.

Nodding, she took one last look around. Half built structures and tents dotted the area. A normal sight for this town. The tent her target was in, was a larger one. Obviously belonging to someone with a certain amount of wealth, and dotted with the enchantments an adventurer would pick if they had the funds for something like this. Thankfully the target had neglected to activate the ward enchantments. That made things so much easier for her.

If those had been active, it would have made things tricky. Active wards might even require her to go looking for a mage to help her bypass or negate them. Wards were never fun to get past when the name of the game was not being detected. Like it was now. If you didn’t have to worry about detection, she often found them to be a fun challenge. Given the circumstances, she was more than glad not to have the challenge. Otherwise this might not have been so easy.

Mira glanced at the ring. Took one last breath to steady herself and then quietly entered the tent. Careful not to make a sound, she looked around. The light was poor, but just good enough to make out the details. A pile of clothes in the corner, a storage chest at the foot of a bed, well, rolled mattress. A small nightstand in the corner with an inactive light stone on it, and a rear flap.

Gingerly she closed near the bed, and spared a moment to glance through the rear flap. She noted the adventurer’s toilet, portable basin and full body mirror. All of them with enchantments. The kind of stuff high ranking adventurers often had. Anyone of B rank or above would be able to afford this stuff. C rank was a toss up, but if they were willing to stretch their funds for a bit, many could do it. Not everyone would go for the full body mirror, but she noticed this one had an easy storage enchantment on it. All of the stuff here did. Her training allowed her to easily notice things like that.

Done stalling, she moved for the most difficult part. She took the ring and moved to equip it on the target. Only the moment she tried, the ring... turned dark then dissolved into a swirling shadow. Reforming around the target’s finger. Mira blinked, that was way easier than she was expecting. Of course, she didn’t know the ring could do that either. Tina didn’t tell her and the description Inspect gave her didn’t tell her either.

Mira decided not to stick around and question her good fortune. That could come later. It seemed the other two hadn’t come across anyone either. So with that in mind, she carefully slipped out of the tent. Each step was carefully chosen to avoid making noise. She wasn’t yet done after all.

Slipping out of the tent, she quietly signaled the other two and led the way. Mira knew where those two were staying and led them through the shadows. It was harder sneaking these two around, but she figured it was worth it. It took longer than it needed to, but they managed to get to the tent without being seen. Certainly not near the guildmaster’s and she knew there would be questions later. Thankfully it would be very hard to link the incident with them.

Mira led them inside and got the two tucked away easily enough. Michael and Delilah simply curled up into each other, half naked on the same roll. They were asleep almost as soon as they touched the pillow. Mira giggled softly, it was kind of cute. She pulled the blanket over them and then yawned. As her own exhaustion hit her. Wearily she blinked and then collapsed into the other bedroll. Not even bothering to remove her armor. Something she was going to regret in the morning, but she was too tired to care. Her thoughts slipped away as the darkness of the night swept her into dreamland.

Sally approached the cell, she had been hearing moaning. Glancing in, she noticed that sure enough that the arrogant mage she had chased through the nest had given in to her desires. Her fingers working furiously on her bare sex. The soaked panties having fallen halfway down her thighs. It was kind of cute.

Suddenly she cried out as her juices flowed. Her eyes rolled up and she arched her back. Sally shifted to watch. The girl had said no earlier and she wasn’t going to touch her until she changed her mind. Right now it was hard to say she had. So no touch, but nothing said she couldn’t watch. Dropping into a sitting position with a good view, she watched as the mage girl came down from her high. Her fingers never stopped moving.

Sally watched as she started playing with a nipple and was tempted to offer herself again. It would be fun and her own pussy was kind of lonely. Just it wasn’t quite time. She knew the game, the trick was to get the prey to want it. Susan was close, but not there, not yet.

She smiled as she imagined stroking those nipples with her feathers and rubbing her own pussy against the other girl’s. Oh that would be fun. For a moment she even imagined gifting the other girl her eggs. Not that she had any to give right now. Maybe another day.

Suddenly the other girl looked up. Her gaze locking onto Sally. Susan froze, her flesh turning a bright crimson. A deep blush across her face, as she curled into a ball. Futilely trying to hide her body. A shame really, she had a nice one. Sally spread her own legs, and began to tease her own pussy a little. Right where the other girl could see. “Ready to have some fun? I can teach you a few tricks?”

The girl gulped, her face still red. For a moment that seemed to stretch forever, she was silent. Sally was briefly worried that she was about to be rejected again, when the woman finally gave a subtle nod. “...Yes,... please.” she choked, “I...”

Sally was next to her so fast, she didn’t have time to finish. With a smile she leaned in and kissed her. The sensation was electric as their tongues dueled and sparks exploded. In the same motion she worked a wing to brush against the other girl. Using her wing to tease her, to build her up. This was going to be fun, she was so happy that she had a chance to show her skills. Breaking the kiss, she smiled, “You won’t regret this! I’ll show you the time of your life!”


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