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Michael watched the screen as Susan got cornered by that invulnerable harpy. A real cheat skill that one had. One that Tina was more than happy to tell them about. Apparently, since Susan had entered an optional challenge area, the dungeon was free to make it harder than the floor would usually allow. This gave the potential for greater rewards, the more challenging the dungeon makes these areas the better the rewards.

On the screen Susan panicked, that was the only way to describe it. As she seemed to just throw every spell she had at the harpy. None of them did a thing, not even the wall of Earth she threw up. That last one might have been more helpful earlier, but now that she was cornered it served only as a delaying action. Lasting only for a moment before it was blasted apart.

Tina chuckled nearby as it went down. The harpy easily pinned the larger mage to the ground. Michael looked away, she couldn’t watch anymore. “By the gods, she’s going to rape her...”

Tina’s chuckles intensified. “Rape?” More laughter, “That’s a good one.”

Confusion rippled through her. Why was Tina laughing and what was so funny?

“Don’t know much about lust demons do you?”

She frowned. Delilah gave the goddess a look. Who a moment later clarified, “Lust demons don’t like rape. Too forceful. It takes the fun out of the game, or so they say. They don’t keep slaves either, not their style.”

“I um see, so what is actually going to happen?”

Tina giggled, “Well the end of our little game. Susan seems to have used up most of her mana and found a friend. She is going to have a fun time, very fun time.”

Michael shifted to ask, only to bring her gaze back onto the screen. Susan was bright red and half naked already. As one of her boobs was now sitting in the harpies, grasp. She blinked, not sure what she was seeing. As the harpy giggled, “Fake boobs eh? You know a flesh shaper would have been more than happy to give you bigger ones if you wanted.”

Susan somehow turned more red, “Give that back!”

“Why? It’s ugly, your natural ones are so much cuter!

Michael didn’t know what to think as she finally reconciled what she was seeing. A half naked Susan mounted by a harpy, holding a fake boob in her wing. Giving Michael a clear view of the much smaller natural one and right next to it, the larger fake one. If she didn’t know that the other one was fake she would think it was real. It looked real, with a realistic nipple, lovely pink areola, and a healthy rounded shape.

Next to her Delilah giggled, “A fake boob? Really? I can’t believe it, she is honestly using one of those?”

Tina shrugged, “Don’t ask me why, but it seems to me she isn’t a fan of her natural chest size. Hmm, I guess I should give her bigger ones, she will love that.”

“I guess, but surely it can’t be that hard to find a flesh shaper?”

Michael nodded, she had grown up next door to one. She knew they were common enough, it was a very profitable profession. Flesh shaping magic also went right in hand with regeneration magic, so many of them were also healers. Helping poor adventurers and soldiers recover lost limbs. Scar removal was one of their most popular services as well.

Glancing back to the image on the wall, she noted that the harpy had tossed aside both fake boobs. Susan looked less odd now, and was completely flushed. Susan looked away as the harpy brushed her feathers against a nipple. Susan moaned, then said, “Please, no. Let me be.”

The harpy giggled, “You say that, but your body very much wants this. Are you sure?”

“Yes! Yes! Don’t do that!”

The Harpy sighed, “Alright. I’ll take you back to your cell, but if you change your mind I’ll be a shout away.”

Phillip stepped out of the guild. Glancing up at the sky, he noted it was already quite late. Not only was it dark but the moons were high in the sky. He yawned as he felt the exhaustion set in. The last few hours had been very busy. There was a lot of paperwork involved with building a new town and at the moment he wasn’t just the guildmaster. He was the guy in charge of the town itself, which meant everyone reported to him.

With a sigh he recalled the incident at Sarah’s place. Her poor daughter had gotten trapped in her own room. There was more to the story, but the poor girl didn’t want to talk about it. Whatever happened had been a headache and a half. Especially considering that the space was now spatially warped. Not something he had to deal with often and they didn’t have any mages with the right skills to set things right. He had looked, three times. No one had the skills needed to restore the room to the way it had been. So instead, they had to get creative and her room was still weirdly laid out with some of the furniture on the ‘ceiling’ and the rest on the ‘floor.’

That wasn’t the only thing to crop up today either. He also had delays to sort out. An unexpected lumber shortage had hit them, slowing construction. Not due to a lack of available wood, but thanks to an unexpected monster outbreak. Several teams had to be hurriedly drafted to clear out the monsters so that the workers could get back to work. Where they had come from was still uncertain, but they were common monsters not demons. So they could rule out the dungeon. Besides, dungeons didn’t spawn monsters outside their halls.

Yawning, he glanced back at the dungeon entrance. It had been hours and they still weren’t back. It was hard to say why. As the last failure showed it wasn’t impossible for things to go wrong, but that was more that fool Richard’s fault than anything else. A guy who would lose himself like that and hurt his comrades had no business being an adventurer. Phillip hoped the guy would reflect on his failings. Richard would have plenty of time now, when he wasn’t working for whoever his master ended up being. It would be a while before he found out, the bastard was still en route to the slave market afterall.

That line of thought made him think about those two again. He hoped they were alright. He knew Aidera was helping them and she did say they were making progress. That was the nice thing about having a mind mage on hand. Mind mages were very good at helping people through things like trauma. Even if the power had a great deal of potential for abuse. Something Phillip was well aware of, but it was not the only magical art open to abuse. At least Aidera was vetted by a royal guild and she seemed to be a decent young lady. Still he wasn’t going to just trust her, he had been keeping an eye on her. So far, his first impressions still held.

Letting out another breath, he made his way home. Well, his temporary home anyway. He had the builders working on a house for him. Keyword: working. They were far from done. Well technically he could use it, if he didn’t mind the lack of a roof, or doors or the missing walls. It wasn’t much more than a foundation and a frame at this point. Some of the walls were partially done, but that didn’t make it the best place to stay the night.

All of that meant he was still sleeping in a tent. The Inn was done, but he preferred his tent. Phillip had, like many well-established adventurers, spent a fair number of coins on a good tent. It was more than just a tent, it was a home away from home.

Reaching his tent, he stepped inside. The inside was reasonably large and well-furnished. As furnished as a tent could reasonably be. Some of it was possible due to some costly enchantments. Not that he cared for any of them at the moment. Striping off, he tossed his clothing into the corner and then pulled his sleepwear out of the chest at the base of his bedroll. It was basically a rolled mattress that was laid out flat, along with a couple of blankets.

Yawning and tempted to just collapse into the bed, he trotted into the back. A small room was there. Outfitted with some magic gear. He barely managed to finish his personal nighttime care before collapsing into his bed. Phillip didn’t even bother with the wards, his tent came with. Darkness took him instantly.

Susan glared at the door. How dare that harpy just dump her here like this. Her mind drifted to the heat in her core. Glancing down, she was treated to her far too flat chest with her rather erect nipples. Why did that damn harpy have to take her breasts! She had been rather proud of them, such a flat chest wasn’t fitting for a girl of her talents and those had been her work. Sure she could have just visited a flesh shaper, but what kind of archmage would need the services of a lowly flesh shaper?

Now she was suddenly bereft of them and stuck with these pathetic ones. She sighed as her gaze fell further to her soaked panties clinging to her skin. Her labia was swollen and very distinct against the fabric. All physical signs of the arousal she was feeling. Why was she so aroused?

Glancing back at the door, she cursed that stupid goddess and the damn Harpy. While trying not to think about how weirdly aroused she was. In fact it was very tempting to shout and summon that harpy back and take her up on her offer. Yet Susan didn’t want to do that. It would be unbecoming.

She moaned a bit, and realized that her fingers had found her clit. Susan tried to summon the will to pull them away. This wasn’t right, she was better than this. She failed as her fingers instead moved deeper. Pushing her panties aside. Before she knew it she was playing with her nipple as well. Heat surged and lightning rippled through her. For that moment her worries, fears, beliefs, her cursed quest, the harpies just beyond these walls, none of it mattered. It all slipped away as her world turned white.

Michael and Delilah stepped out of the dungeon with Mira. The three of them had left Tina behind. Michael wasn’t that interested in watching that woman masturbate in a cell. She was glad she didn’t have to be stuck with her though. Michael wasn’t sure what to think about the quest she was now stuck with, but it might just be better than the dungeon run.

Idly she fingered the object Tina gave them just before they left.  It was a sphere of interconnected rings, floating around two girls sculpted in great detail. One of them with wings, protectively embracing the other. It was an intriguing decoration, but its most interesting feature was the fact that it was blessed. Something to do about dreams. Tina said that it should help them have more fun dreams. She sighed, as she glanced at the dark skies. They had been gone longer than she thought.

Before she could even take one step towards their tent, Mira spoke up. “Come on let’s find somewhere to sit down and plan.”

Michael blinked and Delilah shifted, “Plan? It’s kind of late, why not...”

“That’s precisely why we need to sit down and plan. We can look around as well, but we should get this quest done quickly. Especially while it is dark. People let their guards down at night and I don’t want to find out what kind of curse that goddess is planning to inflict on us. Do you?”

They shook their heads. Mira smiled, “Great, now come along and we will be able to sleep soundly without some silly quest hanging over our heads. What do you say?”

It was hard to argue with that, so they deferred to her lead. Following along.


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