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Her line of thought suddenly halted when a familiar voice called, “Greybeard, sir? Are you up?”

That wasn’t good, she was naked and no one was going to recognize her. Suddenly she found power for her legs and rushed into her room. There was a crash as she knocked something over, she stumbled a couple of times before she made it to her chest. Flipping it open, she pulled something out, just as the tent flap opened and Melisa looked in. She froze.

Melisa frowned, she spoke, but Phillip wasn’t really listening. She was doomed, someone had seen her. This wasn’t good at all. How exactly was she ever going to explain this? The truth? Who was going to believe her? Maybe if they had inspect, but what would she say? Even if she was believed there was also the whole bit about being naked in her tent and being seen. That wasn’t going to look good either. She was doomed, very doomed.

Suddenly, she felt warmth press against her. A hand stroked the top of her head. It felt surprisingly calming. Helping her relax a bit, but now she was confused. Why was this so calming? Then she turned red when she realized what was happening. She was a grown man not a little girl and yet...

Her line of thought was suddenly broken by Melisa speaking. “Calmer now? You know it’s not the end of the world to be caught trying to wear your father’s clothes. Speaking of your father, do you know where he is? He is late.”

She blinked. Father? She had been mistaken for her own daughter? Her blush deepened. It really was the end of the world. What could she even say to that?

In the end she said nothing, but instead mutely shared her status. As words were choked up in her throat. Only she regretted it a moment later, when Melisa started giggling, “Did you take a wrong turn and end up in the dungeon last night?”

She was doomed, no questions about it doomed. The next line finished her as Melisa commented on THAT trait.

Name: Phillip Greybeard

Gender: Female

Race: High Human

Patron: Timura Light Goddess of War Love and Magic

Level: 188

Age: 89

Health: 98% (Disrupted Mana Paths)

Class: Arch-Spellsword

Shields: 188,000/188,000

Subclass: High Mystic Knight

Mana: 160,740/160,740

Titles: S Rank Adventurer, Hero of Five Kingdoms, Honorary Knight of Five Kingdoms, Former Member of the Party ‘The Royal Knights of Bluewood’,Champion Candidate


Arch-Master Lightning Magic Grade A
Arch-Master Fire Magic Grade B
Arch-Master Celestial Magic Grade C
Arch-Master Earth Magic Grade C
Arch-Master Storm Magic Grade C
Grandmaster Swordplay Grade A
Grandmaster Mystic Shockwave Style Grade A
Grandmaster Bulwark Style Grade A
Grandmaster Bastion of the Battlefield Grade C
Grandmaster Graceful Combat Dance Grade A
Expert Adventurers Knowledge Grade E
Expert Analyze Grade D

Expert Leadership Grade C

Greater Adaptability
Quick Learner

Superior Fertility

Superior Constitution
Condensed Muscle
Enhanced Mana

Natural Born Loli

Natural Mage
Natural Swordsman
Peerless Magic Talent
Hero’s Blood

Dense Mana
Peerless Potent Mana

Peerless Sword Arm

Hero’s Aura

Unmatched Resilience
Peerless Battle Focus
Third Wind

Maybe she shouldn’t have shared? She thought, just as Melisa’s mood shifted. Melisa looked around and then sighed. “I guess we will have to find you something to wear. None of this is exactly your size anymore.” she paused looking in her chest, “Just stay put, I’ll be back with Carol as soon as I find her.”

With that Melisa rushed out of the room. He knew who Carol was, she was a tailor from Sunblossom town who joined the town. The woman was setting up shop just down the road from the guild. Her building, unlike his no her house, was almost done too. She was already moving in and getting things set up. As the building itself was serviceable.

Left behind, she glanced at her clothing. Melisa was right, everything she owned was suddenly several sizes too big. She sighed. It was thanks to that family trait no doubt. It’s always been in her status, just something that was there. Of course it had always been labeled dormant, now it wasn’t. Honestly outside of people laughing when they learned about it, she had never once thought it would cause her actual problems. Like suddenly no longer having clothing that fits. Real funthat one.

Reaching for one of her shirts, she tried slipping it on. Only to curse her former wide shoulders. Not only was she swimming in it, but it wouldn’t hang well on her much narrower new frame. Her gaze turned to her armor. Stacked neatly in the chest. At least that won’t betray her like this. Then she sighed, as she recalled her under armor didn’t include the same enchantments. She wasn’t sure it would be a good idea to wear her armor with nothing under it. Even if her armor was magical and would resize itself, unlike all her clothing. Of course, if she had known what was coming, she would have put her armor on and run. Instead, she settled in to wait. Not like she had anywhere to go without proper clothing and she knew that trying to go out inadequately dressed would cause trouble. Especially with how cute she looked.

Carol double checked the display. She was going to be opening her new shop soon. Work crews were placing the finishing touches on her new home later today, mostly cosmetic stuff at this point. All the structural elements were done. Part of her wasn’t sure if this move would bring what she truly wanted, but she was hoping it would. Sunblossom didn’t have a dungeon and this new settlement did. She was hoping all the new traffic and cultural exposure would give her what she needed to finally move forward with her skills.

Suddenly her new bell rang as someone rushed into the building. It was that new woman at the guild. Melisa, who seemed a little frantic. She smiled, “Great! You're here, Quick grab your tools and some child-sized dresses you can fit quickly. Hurry!”

Carol blinked. Melisa seemed to be in a rush, she started grabbing her toolkit and inquired, “I’ll need a little more than that, what is the emergency?”

Melisa took a breath and let it out before continuing in a calmer tone. “Well our guildmaster got themselves turned into a girl and she has the natural born loli trait so nothing she has even remotely fits.”

Carol nodded, “Yes, that does sound like a problem.”

Recalling what she noticed about his features, she quickly grabbed a few dresses that might work. Taking a bag, she stuffed it with extra materials and a few ribbons just in case. She didn’t yet know the story, but she figured she would get it later. In the meantime there was a cute girl in desperate need of suitable clothing.

With everything she thought she might need, Carol rushed out of the shop, locking the door behind her and allowed Melisa to lead the way. Thankfully the tent they were heading for wasn’t too far away, just a brisk jog from the shop.

When she stepped inside, she was greeted with one of the cutest girls she had ever seen. Lovely eyes, gorgeous cheeks, a delightful figure and vibrant purple hair. Her skin was clear with a smooth shiny texture. It was hard to believe that this was the guildmaster. It was far easier to presume that this was his daughter or niece. Not him. Yet Carol thought she could see him in the eyes.

At the moment she was practically swimming in a large shirt, which she had barely managed to get to stay on one shoulder. The other side had fallen so low that one of her breasts was sticking out plain to see. An utter tragedy, even if it did somehow seem cute. Thankfully she was here to set things right, but what she brought suddenly seemed inadequate. She smiled, as she accepted the challenge in her heart. By the time this girl leaves this tent, she will be dressed in something that truly fits her cuteness. Even if it took a thousand tries. Oh, wait, she forgot to bring a mirror.

She turned to Melisa, “can you get me a mirror, preferably full-body there is one back at the shop. Here is...”

“Um, there is one in the back,” said Phillip.

She thanked the young lady and checked. Sure enough there was a suitable mirror, which she had brought into the front room. Pushing the knocked over nightstand into a corner and rolling up the mattresses. Along with pushing the chest out of the way, they soon had enough space to get started.

As she was stripping Phillip out of that oversized shirt, she inquired, “So um, Phillip dear. How did this happen? Melisa was sparse on the details.”

She flushed a little and looked away. Silent for a moment before finally sharing a blue box. Melisa seemed to get it as well. As she was looking it over, Phillip elaborated, “I forgot my wards and someone did this to me.”

She frowned, A quest to find the culprits? Mention of a certain goddess. Not that great. Tina was quite the troublemaker. Sighing she said, “Quite the troublesome quest that one. I’m afraid I can’t help you with it, but I can help you with the whole new to being a girl thing. I hate to ask, but do you know anything about being a girl?”

Melisa interjected, “I can help too!”

Carol nodded to herself. This was quite the change, the more help she had the better. With that in mind, she pulled out the spare cloth she brought and some measuring tools. She realized they had both forgotten about underwear, but it wouldn’t take her long to make some panties. She glanced, her gaze landing on Phillip’s exposed chest. Reminding Carol that she had almost forgotten a bra.

The little lady was definitely going to need one, her boobs were big enough for it. A thought that reminded her about her most recent young lady in dire need for a bra. Maybe she should check in? They were in town as well and she wanted to know if the new bras were working out for the young lady in question.

In the meantime, she started measuring little Phillip. Using her notebook to mark down her measurements with the same exacting detail she always used. There was a reason her clothing had been so popular, it fit. It fit very well and was so comfortable some of her customers had called it a second skin. Just because this was an emergency session didn’t mean she was going to skimp on the quality.

Measurements down, she set up a quick little workbench in the tent, and started shaping some panties and a bra. Carol kept the pattern simple, she didn’t need fancy details yet either. Just something basic. The details can come later.

It wasn’t long before she had the panties and bra done. Thankfully it didn’t take much convincing to get her to wear them. She turned red at the prospect of the bra, but thankfully acquiesced. Perhaps it was the two of them pushing or something else. Both required a little adjustment for the final fit and then she got to work making the set cute. Before producing several more sets for her.

Each one was modeled in front of the mirror. Giving them all a good idea of how cute she looked in a good set of undies. Carol kept the style simple and basic. Most of the flair was either done with ribbons or quick frills. She considered quickly stitching some patterns but decided to hold off on that for later. Right now she was going to get her a serviceable starter set and she’d do the rest when she got back to the shop.

With the underwear done, she pulled the first dress out of her bag. Phillip saw it and frowned, “Um can’t I just have some pants and a shirt?”

“No! That would be an utter tragedy.” they both said at once. Carol blinked and then shared a look with Melisa.  They both understood. Phillip was far too cute to be wearing pants. Skirts it was.

Phillip shrank a little as she looked in the mirror. Wondering how she had ended up modeling a dress of all things in the mirror. The underwear was one thing and no one was ever going to see it, but this? She was doomed, very doomed. It was official, her world had ended. If she ever had the chance, she would give that damn goddess a piece of her mind.

Unfortunately this nightmare wasn’t over. As suddenly Carol was undressing her again. A new dress in hand. This one a lovely light blue decorated with frills, ribbons, and with stitched flowers decorating it. It was undeniably cute, but it looked like something a little girl would wear. Alarms rang in her mind. She was a grown man!

Not that any protests helped. Her new body betrayed her and before she knew it she was forced into the dress. Just let her wear some pants! Her gaze then locked onto her chest and she recalled her armor. She needed to get her under armor resized for her new body. A bit of hope blossomed in her mind. Maybe she would finally get some proper pants! With a plan to get pants in mind, she mentioned her armor.

Carol frowned, and then went to check her armor, “Hmm, has a resize enchantment. I’ll need you to wear it first then. Trigger the enchant. Otherwise I can’t properly adjust it, as it’s more than just a size change. The armor will need to adjust to your new shape.”

She nodded. At least she would be out of the dress. With that in mind she prepared to get dressed in her armor.



Thx for the chapter.