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Thomas stood up and looked around. “So where did you last see your sister?”

The young girl frowned, an expression that seemed quite cute on her young face. “Well, I last saw her by the big tree house.”

Thomas took her hand and pulled her along towards the tree. “Then we should start there.”

The girl smiled and rushed into a run, dragging Thomas along with her. She blinked as she felt her breasts rubbing against her dress, as they freely bounced with each movement. The new sensations served as little reminders of her recent misfortune. Nothing she could do to change that right now, but once again she was regretting her moment of sheer stupidity. What had she been thinking? She tried to ignore those sensations and started looking around as she kept pace with the little bundle of energy. There was something a little more important than past regrets at the moment. A young elven girl was lost, and Thomas felt it was only right to help her reunite with her sister.

Nelli shifted as she watched her master help the former groundskeeper realize her new life as a pet. The process went quite smoothly. As soon as she woke she was gently pulled into an embrace and carefully stripped of her clothes. Cleaned, old injuries healed and then he modified her cute belly before giving her her first belly rub. The young woman practically melted in his tentacles. She felt a little jealous watching, and wished she could have one as well, but a good pet waits her turn.

Eventually the girl submitted entirely to the master’s whims. Nelli blinked when she saw her shrink a little. It was hardly noticeable, but she was certain the groundskeeper had lost a little height. Maybe a couple of centimeters at most. Her features softened a little.

Before long her master released the young woman and brought up her daughters.

“My daughters, what about them?”

“Well it’s not exactly proper for a pet to be caring for its own children now is it?”

The woman frowned and after a moment she nodded, “No it’s not quite right.”

“I would like to take your children. Are these all of them?”

“I have a son and another daughter that I didn’t bring along.”

Her master shifted, “Oh? Another daughter? Why didn’t you bring her”

She frowned, “Well she is only three, I wouldn’t have brought little Ellie either if I could. It is simply that I didn’t think my sister could look after both a sick girl and an infant.”

Nelli quickly noted the shift in her master’s mood, “It seems you really need to introduce me to her then. Go fetch her. In the meantime, I will get your daughters sorted and taken care of.”

The woman smiled, “Of course master. I’ll leave them in your care.”

Her master shifted and the young woman ran off. With that he turned to her. “Nelli my pet, bring me the baby girl will you.”

She nodded and picked up the young girl who was sleeping calmly, thankfully enough. Nelli was careful about it and brought her over to the Master. He took the young girl from her, who stirred in his arms.

Almost instantly she began to cry. Nelli frowned, she hated crying. She watched as the master’s tentacle suddenly glowed before touching the little girl’s throat. The moment he made contact she stopped crying. Restoring the room to blessed silence. Curious she looked at the infant, “She stopped crying, so easily too. I thought it was supposed to be hard to get them to stop.”

He gave her a smile, “Well it can be, which is why I took away her ability to cry.” He offered the baby girl to her and continued, “Why don’t you try and make her cry?”

After a moment’s hesitation, she took the girl. For a moment she wasn’t sure what to do and then an idea occurred to her. With barely any hesitation she gave the little girl a few hard smacks on the butt. Other than a little squirming though and a clear attempt to cry no sound came from the little one. “She didn’t cry!”

“Nope!,” he replied, taking her back, “babies are so much easier to care for when they can’t cry.”

“I guess that makes sense,” she replied as his attention shifted to the three older girls. He woke them up and lined them up. Turning to the eldest, he spoke “You are almost old enough to be a proper pet. From now on your name will be Qeri and you are going to be a Pet in Training.” He paused, glancing at Reki, “Reki here will be your mentor and you will stay with her at all times.”

Qeri nodded, “Yes I understand.”

He smiled, “Good now run along.” Then he turned to the younger pair.

He looked them over and then simply said, “You two aren’t old enough to start pet training, so will be coming with me.” He glanced back at Nelli. “I’ll meet you in a bit at the workshop. Reki will show you the way.”

Nelli nodded and then watched him go.

Thomas looked around the tree. The young elf girl had slowed down but she could still feel her small hand on her own. It was surprisingly pleasant. Glancing to the young girl she inquired, “So do you see your sister anywhere?”

She shook her head, “No.”

Thomas didn’t see anyone that looked like her either. “Well let's not give up. She is around here somewhere.”

She looked around the area again. While the girl remained silent. Idly Thomas wondered what it would be like to be a mother. She blinked, why did she think that? Unfortunately she didn’t really have the time to dwell on the thought. “So where did you two go next?”

The young girl’s face scrunched up all cute and after a moment she pointed towards some bushes.

Thomas smiled, “We should look over there and see if anyone saw her.”

With that the young girl nodded happily and took off running. Dragging Thomas along with her. Once again she could feel her boobs bouncing inside her dress. It was kinda annoying. Why the fuck were they bouncing so much? They weren’t that big? Were they? Amy didn’t seem to think so. Her nipples rubbing against the fabric didn’t feel that pleasant either. It was getting kinda hard to ignore and she had not been running that much yet.

Thomas easily kept pace with the little bundle of energy even with the honestly distracting irritation from her boobs bouncing around. It wasn’t long before they reached the bushes. Slowing down, Thomas scanned the area looking around the bushes for any sign of the young girl she was looking for. There wasn’t any sign of her here but she did end up disturbing another young elf.

Her face red, she turned around. “Sorry!”

This new young girl giggled, “I was only peeing. It’s not a big deal.”

Thomas didn’t exactly agree and the first girl laughed a bit.

A moment later, much to Thomas’s relief, the second girl ran off. It took her a moment longer to realize that the girl had been entirely naked. Why hadn’t that fact bothered her?

Before she could dwell on that thought, the first girl said, “I don’t see Sis here either.”

Thomas nodded, “I don’t either and other than the girl no one else is here. Any other ideas?”

The girl frowned for a moment. Before suddenly shooting off like a ballista. Once again Thomas found herself being dragged along and she couldn’t help but notice how her boobs were moving. It was quite annoying honestly. Perhaps Amy had a point about the bra but she REALLY didn’t want one. Maybe there was some other solution?

A line of thought that was broken when the girl suddenly halted. Kicking up a bit of mud in the process. Thomas bumped into her and the two of them nearly fell in a heap. Her quick reflexes being the only thing to stop her, barely recovering in time.

Before she could even look around, the young elf shouted, “Miss Aidera!”

Thomas blinked and looked where the elf was looking. Sure enough standing by the edge of the garden was the familiar naked form of a certain healer. She was quite cute actually, with her delightful pair of boobs and lovely sea-green hair. Honestly Thomas thought her eyes were her best feature though. They were like lovely gems bringing color to her cute face. For a moment she had an urge to greet the young woman, and then she remembered that she wasn’t a boy anymore.

She froze as Aidera lit up, “Oh hello there Yui.”

She looked around and then her gaze fell on Thomas. Aidera frowned, “A... No you aren’t her. Who are you? Amy never mentioned having a sister.”

Thomas didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t exactly just tell her what happened. She reddened a little at the very thought. It was far too embarrassing. For a moment or two she just gaped like a fish. No sound coming out.

“Well?” prompted Aidera. There was something to her tone but Thomas wasn’t sure what.

The young girl looked up at her and frowned, “Um something wrong?”

Yes something was wrong but she didn’t want to talk about it.

Suddenly Aidera frowned and then she spoke, “Well if something is wrong, you really should talk about it.”

“I can’t! It’s... It’s...”

Aidera suddenly closed the distance and touched her. Almost instantly she felt the tension drain. “It’s okay. It’s okay. I didn’t mean to make you panic. I just wanted to know who you are.”

For a moment she just stood there. Still not sure what to say.

Aidera looked up at her with almost pouty eyes, “So can you at least tell me your name?”

A lump formed in her throat, she didn’t really want to say. Then she remembered what Amy called her earlier. In a small voice she spoke, “um, Tammy.”

Aidera gave her a look, “Please don’t lie. I’m a mind mage. I can pick up on those.”

In an even smaller voice she finally squeaked out her real name.

For a moment nothing happened as Aidera gave her a second look and then she started laughing. “Really? How? Did someone in the church do this to you? I thought those rituals were supposed to be consensual and I don’t think you wanted to be a girl.”

Thomas blinked and then grabbed Aidera. “Rituals! Do you mean there is a way to turn me back? I don’t have to challenge that damn dungeon again!?”

Aidera started nodding then frowned, “Wait!! Dungeon!? What happened? Is Amy alright?”

“Amy is fine,” said Thomas before slumping a bit. After a moment she retold the story.

Aidera listened and didn’t interrupt but Thomas couldn’t help but notice her amusement. Eventually she moved on to talk about her day today. Aidera glanced to the kid and said, “I think I saw your sister earlier.”

Then she looked at Thomas, “As for you, did you seriously come out here in that with no bra!?”

Thomas nodded.

“You idiot! An active girl like you needs a bra! Either that or you go naked. Chaffing is no joke!”

“...I’m not a girl.” she replied in a small voice.

“In body you are!” then she sighed, “Come on we better find Talsi’s sister. Afterwards you are showing me your breasts and then we will talk about proper breast care. Understood!?”

Thomas shuddered and then nodded. Wondering what she had walked into.


Joshua Kerr

Might I make a slight suggestion? Add a dividing indicator, such as an ellipsis, would make reading the POV switches much easier. Currently the switches are rather abrupt and it takes me a moment to adjust before I can continue.