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Thomas yelped as fingers touched her bare breast. That hurt and she glared at the damn healer. Finding the young girl's sister had not taken that much time and now here she was. With her breasts out. Letting Aidera examine them. Something she was finding to be rather... embarrassing.

Aidera gave her a look, “If you are going to run around in a dress, or well any kind of clothing that covers the breasts, you really should be wearing a bra.”

Thomas frowned, “Again!? Why does everyone keep pushing for me to wear one!?”

Aidera sighed, “because it helps, trust me.” She touched her again and Thomas yelped.

“Stop that! It hurts!”

“Of course it does, you idiot. Your boobs are starting to chaff.” Aidera said as she produced something from nowhere. “Now if you will hold still, I can treat it.”

Thomas stared at the jar Aidera was holding, “What is that?”

“Something I used to use regularly on my own boobs. It will help soothe yours and protect them.”

Thomas didn’t know what to say in response and relented. The cream touching her breasts moments later felt kind of pleasant. It wasn’t long before the pain of Aidera’s touch vanished.

After a moment Aidera smiled, “There we are. Feeling better?”

Thomas nodded, her chest was feeling much better.

“Good, you are lucky it was only some minor chaffing. Most annoying wasn’t it?”

Thomas nodded and then blinked, “Minor?”

“Oh yes it can be worse and if I don’t miss my guess you are starting to see the point of a bra.”

Thomas was but she still didn’t want one. “I guess. Isn’t there some, I don’t know, alternative?”

Aidera nodded, “Well you could always try wrapping them. Some girls prefer it but most are more comfortable with a bra. Either that or you go naked. I personally love going naked and I wouldn’t mind you joining me.”

Remembering something she frowned, “Why aren’t you pushing for me to go naked like you are Amy?”

Aidera giggled, “Aside from the fact that your sister was clearly meant to go nude? Well, you don’t strike me as ready to go naked. She does.”

“I uh see,” replied Thomas.

Aidera chuckled, “You don’t, but that is okay. Now out of curiosity. How much has your sister taught you about being a girl?”

Hesitantly Thomas told her and Aidera sighed.

“I was afraid of that, but you have only been a girl for a couple of weeks. Most things likely never came up.”

Thomas frowned.

“Anyway, you aren’t the first boy-turned-girl I have met. Although you are the first unwilling one I have come across. I can help teach you what you need to know. Things you might be too embarrassed to talk with your sister about.”

Still not sure of this, she looked around for a moment. It was getting late, “I, uh, guess.”

“Great! Now let’s go find Amy. I suspect she might be worried about you by now.”

Kasatka made her way into the kitchen. Something smelled good. Kuwi had left last night for some reason. It seems she had returned sometime in the night while she was sleeping. Glancing at the table she noted a box with bits of jewelry spilling out of it. Kuwi was by the giant stove cooking something. So Kasatka landed her tiny body by the box and curiously began pulling things out. The first thing out was a piercing which to her looked like a giant needle. She shuddered.

Kuwi spoke up, “I was out shopping. Found some cute accessories on Earth but I have to wonder. Why do so many of them involve piercing the body?”


Suddenly something floated out of the box. Kastka gulped when she noted the tag still on it. She barely even noted the massive price tag. The words ‘Clit Piercing’ were all she really saw.

“Like this thing for example, it’s really cute, but what kind of person thought girls needed their clits pierced?”

“I, um. Don’t know.” she frowned, “You aren’t thinking of making me wear that are you?”

Kuwi giggled, “I thought it would look cute on you. After I get rid of the stupid needle.”

Kasatka felt a relief flood through her and then she wondered why she was afraid Kuwi would try to pierce her clit in the first place. After a minute she decided to blame the stupid needle woman but all thought of that vanished when Kuwi set a large bowl of food in front of her. It smelled wonderful and looked even better. Like something from a five-star restaurant, no that didn’t seem good enough to describe it. She blinked and the food was gone. As a feeling of satisfaction rippled through her tiny belly.

They walked into Carol’s shop and almost immediately Thomas found herself on the receiving end of a hug from Amy. “I’m so sorry that I pushed you away like that. I was just really trying to...”

Aidera giggled, “You were looking out for your sister. Anyone could understand that. Even if she doesn’t yet appreciate it. I’m sure Thom... Tammy would understand eventually.”

Thomas gave the healer a look. While Amy nodded a frown on her face. “Aidera? I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

“Well I came across your sister in the gardens. She was helping a lost child, but I couldn’t help but notice how she needs some help herself.”

Amy sighed, “I see you found out what happened.”

“I did. It’s not the first time I have come across a case like this. I’d like to help actually.”

“You would?” she said with a frown. “What’s your angle?”

Aidera slipped closer and whispered something in Amy’s ear. Amy turned red and then after a moment nodded. “Um, sure we could do that.”

The back door opened at that moment and Carol smiled, “Ah! Tammy is back. Come in, I have a few options ready for you and we can talk about that bra.”

With a sigh, Thomas headed for the door. In the end she relented and ended up getting several bras. Including a cute light blue one that was meant more for showing off than anything else. With lots of cute frills and a matching set of underwear.

The older woman turned the corner and made the last few steps to the lounge. Quietly she slipped inside. Where she quickly noticed Lilyn and Phillip, the two of them lounging out on some cushions. Lilyn was wearing a really cute little dress that Saya had made for her. It had a lovely frilled hem and was patterned with images of flowers. A vibrant array of color that Lilyn very much liked. She had really taken to this new dress, wanting to wear it all the time. Saya had to make a few more just like it as a result. Although the two seemed to really get along as well. To the point that Saya was visiting more often.

She watched Phillip flip the page of the book he was reading. In a clear voice he said, “She knew the beast was not yet dead. Her bow at the ready she advanced slowly. Fearing it would strike again, but she steeled her heart. Pushing on into the lair of the beast.”

She smiled to herself. She remembered reading that particular story to Phillip a long time ago. It was about a young elven ranger who challenged a monstrous beast after it attacked her village. It was the creation of some mad mage. It was a good story.

Moving closer she settled down. “Sorry to interupt your story time, but I have a letter for Phillip.”

Phillip marked his spot and set it aside, “Oh? Who from?”

“The Sunblossom Guildmaster sent it. Must be important since she sent it via portal straight to our mailbox.”

He blinked, “Sunblossom? What does Guildmaster Blackleaf want with me?”

She shrugged, “Don’t ask me. I’m not rude enough to read other people’s mail.”

He handed her the book. “I’ll go read this, why don’t you continue the story for me.”

Lilyn blinked, “Oh! Grandma is going to read!”

There were stars in the little one’s eyes, and she couldn’t say no. With a smile she took the book, and as Phillip walked out the room she picked up where he left off. While channeling her magic to help bring the story to life.

Phillip settled into the seat of his old desk. It seemed the best place to read the letter. So he had retired back to his old room. A room that was still much the way he had left it all those years ago. Mother had maintained the room well. From the stands of armor in the corner. To his desk. Even his bedding remained much as he had left it. The only change in the room was rather recent. Right next to the old family portraits he kept on his desk was a new one featuring Mother, himself and Lilyn. All standing in front of a field of flowers. Lilyn seemed to love flowers, so they had taken an outing to a nice field and had that made. It was well done actually, but he didn’t focus on the scenery.

Instead, he reached into his drawer and pulled out his old letter opener. Idly he noted it still had that scuff from that one time he dropped it. Along with those scratches from other little moments of note. He smiled for a moment before cleanly slicing the envelope open and breaking the seal.

He pulled out the letter and was presented with lovely lettering which he promptly began to read. Phillip Greybeard, I understand that you recently visited the Duskwater Guild looking for a position as a guildmaster. While no such position has opened to my knowledge, something has recently been brought to my attention that I believe would be of interest to you. Unless you have had luck elsewhere, I presume you are still looking for a guild to lead.

That brings me to the important bit. Some young adventurers on a recent foray into the Borderlands discovered a dungeon. No evaluation team has yet been sent, but I need not tell you what this means.

He paused as he realized what she was telling him about. This was it! This was the chance he was looking for. If the evaluation checked out, he could be master of his own guild. A new guild! This was better than his wildest dreams. It took him a moment to push the feelings down and he resumed reading.

Seeing as you have high standing with all of the nations near the borderlands, and with your reputation. If you were to apply for the position, I have no doubt you would be quickly accepted. As such I would like you to join me here in Sunblossom as soon as possible. I’m already putting together a team to build a new dungeon town as soon as possible. We need to get it done fast too, if we are to protect the dungeon from the Theocracy. We don’t need them in control of the Borderlands and they would have a harder time rejecting you than any other candidate I can think of. I would like a response from you by tomorrow. I look forward to meeting you in person.

After that was a simple salutation. The letter was short, but it got the point across. This was huge. Letter clutched in his hand, he rushed back to tell his mother what it contained. He understood the undertones as well. There was a reason for the hurry evident in what was happening. A dungeon in the Borderlands was going to have all sorts of implications. Many of them are rather grey since it would be unclear who would have a say on the matter. Of course if the Theocracy got there first... He shook his head leaving the thought unfinished. He didn’t want to think about those poor dungeons.



I'm glad he's finaly headed to the dungeon, those two as basically the ruling couple was one of the best parts of the first version.