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Ivy glanced idly at her ceiling. It was still painted with that mural but she couldn’t bring herself to care. At the moment she was waiting to send her little girl off. For her first day of school. A demon school in the middle of a dungeon no less. For a moment she was wondering why she even agreed to let her go but then her mind flashed back to her conversation with Thanton. He was right she did need the chance to interact with people her own age and it was not like they could just go back to the village. They were safe here, they had a nice new home, the dungeon was friendly. She just didn’t like being confronted so often with nudity and sex. Why did demons have to be so... so... free about that stuff?

It didn’t help that she was constantly reminded of her own past. A past she didn’t really want to think about. She glanced at a naked girl in the mural remembering that she used to run around without a scrap of clothing on her either. It had been normal to her. The idea of even wearing clothing was alien to her and here she was rebelling at the very idea of being naked. It irked even more, but Asarya was right she was crippling herself. Her whole build was built around being naked but there was a reason for that. There was a reason she didn’t go around naked. One she didn’t like to think about.

Suddenly there was a noise and she looked over to see Lily entering the room. Her gaze swept over her daughter and she could not help but notice that she was completely naked. For a moment she had an urge to bark at her and get her to put some clothes on. She suppressed it though they had talked about this. She thought she had been ready for it, but evidently not. Forcing herself, she put on a smile, “Ready for your first day?”

Nervously Lily nodded, “I’d prefer to go out wearing a bit more, but yeah I think I am ready.”

“I’d prefer you did too. Have fun!” she replied. There was a reason she was going to school naked. Demon kids her age didn’t wear clothes so she would stand out if she wore anything. Honestly she found it a little weird, but she knew that was just the culture here.

Lily smiled, adjusted the bag on her shoulder and hurried out the door. She kept her facade up for a moment and then just let herself melt into the seat. She wasn’t liking this, but she needed to try. For Lily’s sake.

Reiko stepped into the room following after her Mistress. She had just gotten a tour of Misaki’s new school. It was interesting and she could see why her Mistress was proud of it. The place was gorgeous and the kids already there seemed fun. It just felt a little weird to her, she wasn’t used to every kid in the room walking around naked. Although in all honesty she wasn’t really interested in the school.

Smiling, she closed the door as she recalled all the lessons she had gotten from her Mistress’s demons. Some of them had been quite fun, but she really felt she could do without Meifa’s lessons. Meifa seemed to have a few odd ideas on what being a pet meant.

“So what did you think?”

“It was nice,” she pushed Mistress down. Pressing herself against her, she quickly found Misaki’s sex and began to rub it, “But I really want to play. Play with me Mistress?”

Misaki moaned a bit as she physically reacted to her touch. Then she gave her a look and pushed her off, “I’m sorry!”

As she moved away Reiko pouted, “Am I not to your liking?”

“It’s not you, it’s me,” she replied before dashing out the door. Reiko slumped to the ground and stared at the door. She had not even gotten to really show all her new skills and Mistress had rejected her. For a moment staring was all she could do as she tried to process what happened. She had everything worked out and this wasn’t what was supposed to happen. The world started turning blurry.

At some point she sensed someone present, but didn’t really register who they were. Only welcoming the warm arms and soft bare breasts pressed against her. Letting them carry her off somewhere else. She drifted away in the arms.

Lily looked up at the gate to her school. Briefly staring at the lewd figures before proceeding deeper inside. The place was lovely and looked quite fitting for a demon school. With quite a few naked young girls milling about the gardens. She saw a few older women wearing little more than underwear. Making her feel quite at home here. She liked the place. Just a part of her wished that she was just a little older so that she could come here in panties and a bra.

After looking around the gardens for a moment she proceeded into the building. Thankfully she had been given a brief tour earlier, so she knew where she was supposed to go. That helped her navigate through the halls. It didn’t take her long to find her classroom. She stepped into the room and was greeted by a room filled with young demons. There were spider demons, catgirl demons, wolfgirl demons, regular human-like demons and even a lamia demon lazily coiled in the corner. She briefly watched as the lamia girl painted a flower on her left boob. It was about half done already and showed a fair amount of talent with the design. It was quite cute actually.

The next demon to catch her eye was actually a pair. A set of twin catgirls, they were both very cute with similar builds. The pair were playing a game together. Lily couldn’t help but notice that both of them were also more developed than her. She felt a ping of jealousy at the thought. In fact all the girls here had more developed bodies than she did. Why did she have to be reborn as an elf?

Suddenly someone spoke to her and she turned to see a young spider girl with a spoon in her mouth. She was kind of cute. Her lower body was that of a spider with dark black chitin and white streak down the back. While her upper body was that of a human with a cute little pink pussy. Her skin was a lovely creamy light tan that went well with her dark chitin. She had a couple of modest mounds proudly sticking out of her chest. A cute little pixie face dotted with four small little pink eyes and a pair of larger pink eyes. Two little silver horns parted her dark black hair that was loosely arranged around her face.

She smiled, “I’m Ira and you are?”

“Um, Lily. I’m new here.”

“Nice to meet you Lily,” she paused and pulled a jar out of the pack strapped to her spider abdomen. “Want some?”

She blinked, “what is it?”

“Well um, I forgot. Um, mom made it with milk and mashed fruit though. Care to try it?”

She shrugged, “uh, I guess?”

“Oh don’t be shy. It’s really good actually and the best part? You don’t need teeth to enjoy it!”

Lily frowned, “Um, I see.”

Ira sighed, “Not been around many demons before have you?”

Lily shook her head, and then Ira opened her mouth wide. Showing off her teeth or more like her complete lack of any teeth. After a moment she spoke, “Unlike other races like Elves we don’t get teeth until we are nearly adults. Makes eating interesting.”

She blinked, “You mean no one here has teeth?”

“Everyone but you, yeah.” then she offered the jar, “care to try it?”

She took the jar and stared at it for a moment. Before having a spoon thrust into her hand. Looking up she noted that Ira still had the other one sticking in her mouth. She gave a smile and Lily took the dive. Opening the jar she scooped out a small amount of the jelly like stuff and tasted it. A sweet taste melted in her mouth and for a moment she just froze.

Ira smiled, “pretty good right?”

Lily could only nod. As she enjoyed the taste. It was by far one of the best things she had tasted. She took another bite. Enjoying the sweet taste. Ira pulled on her and guided her to a seat. Talking happily, “Mom would be glad to know you liked it. Want to see my place after this?”

Lily shrugged, “Might be interesting...”

The door opened and she noticed an older demon wearing just a bra and panties walking in. A smile on her face and her red hair kept neatly in a braid. She took up a position by the desk at the front. Introduced herself and said, “Welcome students! Now I’m sure some of you have already started, but our first hour is introductions. I’d like everyone to get to know each other before we move on. Also, I’ll be handing out a quiz soon. Don’t worry too much about the questions. If you don’t know the answer, skip it. This is merely a placement quiz, it’s only to let me know where you are at.”

It seemed her first class was starting, but things seemed to be off to a good start. She wasn’t sure, but she felt she was already making a friend.

Thomas sighed as she settled onto a bench in the garden. Carol had mentioned it moments ago when she was storming off and with it being practically across the street it seemed like a good place. The kids certainly seemed to like it, what with all the young elves running around.

She leaned back and closed her eyes for a moment. It felt much more peaceful here and better yet no one was pushing her to get a bra. Why were they all so set on her getting a bra? She had said no. She had made it clear that she didn’t need or want one and they kept pushing. Her mind flashed to Amy. Even her own sister was pushing for it and she knew better than anyone that she wasn’t a girl. At least she hadn’t been. She sighed again and she didn’t plan to stay one. Thomas had a plan, get some new armor, a new sword, a couple more levels maybe and then she could challenge the dungeon again.

As long as she didn’t do anything stupid she was sure she could conquer the dungeon. Beat its challenges and emerge a man again. Sadly she would only get one chance and she didn’t want to squander it. Dungeon curses were notoriously difficult to dispel, the only sure way to get rid of one was to challenge the dungeon again and succeed. Doing so would reverse the curse, but failing a second time would make it permanent. Although supposedly a god could undo the curse. Just good luck with that other option. Thomas would rather take her chances with the dungeon.

Her line of thought was suddenly broken by a tug on her skirt. Glancing down she was greeted by the face of a young girl. Smiling at her, “Hey um, have you seen big sis?

She blinked and looked the young girl over. She was kind of cute with huge pointed ears, puffy cheeks and large striking eyes. Framing her face was bright aqua green hair that went well with her dress. A dress that would not look out of place in the tailor’s shop across the street. If she had to guess the little girl was around five, six years of age

Thomas gave the little one her best smile, “I don’t think so. What does she look like?”

“A bigger version of me.”

“I see? Why don’t we look together?

The girl jumped, “Yes!”


Joshua Kerr

So little demons don't have teeth? That's... interesting? A strange little tidbit to learn. Thomas-turned-Tammy will learn very soon.