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Arrieta gave the woman a look, as she pulled her hand out of the woman’s still open belly, “Um, unless she is a really good artist I don’t think that would work, but I guess I can take a look.”

The woman nodded and started to move, but then stopped herself. “Right, I shouldn’t move with my womb open to the air. It’s in that drawer over there, third from the top.”

Arrieta moved over to the dresser the other woman pointed out and quickly found the indicated drawer. Finding it was full of drawings and little things that must have been Xiri’s little projects. She had a good mother, that was nice, but her father was a real shit. She knew Xiri hadn’t told her everything, but she could read between the lines. This cursed Theocracy would clearly be better off without men. Good thing she already had a plan for that, but it was going to take time to breed them all out. Especially given she was just getting started, this lady would be her first babymaker. It would take some work to make sure her daughters were properly altered for the task and more to train them. They wouldn’t even be able to have babies of their own until they grew up, but once things got going? That would be her moment. She was also hoping to gather power in key areas so that she could speed things up, but one thing at a time.

It wasn’t hard to find the drawing in question. She smiled when she saw it. The drawing was of the family. It looked pretty cute, but it also showed that Xiri was reasonably talented. It wasn’t the stick figures she feared. Not perfect either, but enough to see details. This would be useful, “I guess it will work, just need a little something extra.”

She headed back to the woman and carefully extracted a bit of material from the barely developed babies. It had to be done slowly and with a delicate touch to avoid true harm. With that done, she asked about other objects and soon collected several items that bore a link to the man she needed to find. Leaving the woman with her womb still open she got to work casting her little spell. When she was done, she turned back to the woman and proceeded to replace her embryonic fluid before sealing her back up. The new fluid wasn’t anything too special, just something to help with the maturation a bit. Her plan was going to take some time, she knew there were methods to speed it up, but the girls were going to need childhoods. Sure she could probably implant memories of one, but there was nothing like a real one. On a different note, she knew many mothers would like a shorter pregnancy and that would also benefit her plan. More importantly, it had no effect on the child. Well usually anyway. In some cases, the kid might grow a bit faster for a few weeks after birth. Something that could be argued to be a positive effect.

With that task out of the way, she turned to her new friend’s mother. Now that she had an idea where he was, she was going to head out but first there was a little bit of mental work she needed to do. Nothing complex, she was done in just a couple of minutes. With a smile, she left the room, went down the hall and out the door.

After passing through the village a second time, she went back into the forest but this time with a clear goal and path in mind. Each step was sure and certain as she crossed over the debris on the forest floor, over roots and fallen logs. After passing her third bend in the badly maintained forest path, she came into a clearing where she found a campsite with some work done on it and rather recently.

It had a large tent, several ward stones around the perimeter, a nice firepit in the center with a few logs around it. Resting against a stone was an ax that had recently been used on a half-felled tree. As for the despicable man she was looking for, she found him in the tent resting on a rather luxurious-looking bedroll. Better quality than most of the stuff she had found in the family house. The tent was also in better shape, she had noticed that the home had a few issues with the roof. All things she could fix with a bit of magic, but it seemed the bastard cared more about himself than anyone else. His wife was sleeping in the master bedroom, but she had seen little Xiri’s room wasn’t as well cared for. She had a bucket in one corner of the room, half full of water. Almost certainly due to a leak in the roof he hadn’t patched. Arrieta knew the theocracy wasn’t keen on self-sufficient women and that stuff like that was supposed to be his job. Worse, she knew from her recent connection with his wife that he was behind on all of their financial obligations. The girls were barely getting enough to eat, but it seemed he was also looking rather well fed at the moment.

She glared at him, as she considered how she was going to curse this bastard. Family was important after all and he wasn’t just failing to properly care for them, he was actively harming them. Her gaze fell to the bulge in his pants. Arrieta knelt down before him, and pulled his pants down in own smooth motion. His dick sprang free before her eyes.

Oh, he was actually somewhat gifted here. Almost as gifted as her father was, just this guy had some really ugly balls attached. Mom wouldn’t like this dick that much, too much ball. She moved on to stripping the rest of him down. Revealing the well built body beneath. Why would someone with such gifts end up so toxic?

Then again she recalled her father’s stories about how he lost his former wife to a pathetic excuse of  a man simply because he had more wealth and a higher standing in the church. He told her how lost he had been after that, when a book had ended up in his possession. He opened it and the pages flew to show an Atarli, her mother. He had been captivated by the sight and driven by a desire for both companionship and revenge he summoned her. What followed was history, he got his revenge, mother made him better and a couple of years later she was born. Maybe he too had been scorned by some lord, but that was no excuse for taking it out on his kid. Daughters were precious afterall, they had to be cultivated not beaten down.

As she watched him her mind drifted back to what she should do. There were a few ideas percolating in her mind, but she wasn’t sure what option was best. Then she thought about how Xiri wanted answers, so she stretched out her mind and dived into his. What she touched was repulsive. This vile creature hated women and she had found she read the lines wrong. Worse, she found what the bastard was planning. Not only had he harmed Xiri and her mother but he was in debt. Rather than try and find a way to pay his creditors he was running away with everything of value. He figured the creditors would come along soon and enslave his girls. Worse, he didn’t care. They belonged to him, how could he not care about his women?

She thought about her mother's town. The men there were so caring, they made sure every girl was properly cared for and on time for their harvesting. Why couldn’t he be like that? That thought gave her an idea. She would do to him what Mom did to dad. Her father loved the changes, but she didn’t think this prick would. He had good genes and it would be a shame to lose them. Besides, she could use him to breed Xiri later when the younger girl was ready. That would be a few years down the line, she wasn’t even ready to breed. Mom had shared a few tricks for speeding that up, but she agreed with her mother. It wasn’t worth it.

Reaching out she woke him up. He was startled when he saw her and then he got a weird grin on his face, “Oh? Did someone come to play? I was feeling a little dry.”

She glared at the bastard as she grabbed his member, “Oh? Why would I do that? Someone has been a little naughty. Now what should I do with such an ugly man? Ah I know!”

His face shifted, as she started working her magic. For a moment he just looked confused, but then his eyes widened, “No! Wait, stop!”

She cast a spell to silence him and kept working. His muscles melted away, most of them anyway. As she softened his features, turned his balls into a proper pussy and then started work on some breasts. Her father had eight after mom was done, well on his torso, she also gave him six smaller ones on his thighs. Her dad had loved him, but he did have a thing about multiple boobs. This guy did not have that thing and she was more concerned about the aesthetic she was going for. Now did she go with two pairs or one?

After a bit she decided to go with three pairs of boobs. She gave him a nice big pair at the top, changing the muscles and support so he wouldn’t need a bra. Afterall anyone with a pair that big usually would and they would suffer back pains too. Well if they weren’t built for it like a cowkin would be. Under that large pair she formed a more modest pair of roughly average size and then she finished with a pair on her upper belly that was nothing more than a small set of mounds. Once she had them set, she worked on giving them a lovely attractive shape. Making sure the nipples were just right and giving the areolas the perfect shade of pink to complement his skin, which she softened up as well. Finally she worked on his face, before stepping back to admire her work.

He was now a lovely futa, the perfect studs. Since they could also care for the children just as a woman would. Even better they could carry a kid themselves if desired. Pure females were often better in general, but this would do. “Okay! All done!. I’ll let you enjoy your new life for now. When I am ready for you I’ll call you back. Have fun!”

With that she left and headed back into the village. As she neared the house she spotted a cute girl standing outside the door. Drawing close, she gave her a smile, “Hello? It’s a bit late to be out. Are you looking for something.”

She fidgeted, “Mommy and Daddy were fighting again. I, um, was um, well...” she gestured at the door.

“Ah! You were hoping to stay with Xiri? I’m sure she will be happy to see you. What do you mean about fighting though?

“Well, um, they uh, try to hide it, but um... it was the uh, evil drink. It makes them fight.”

“Oh? That is terrible. Well let’s go inside.”

She led the girl into the kitchen and got to chatting with her. Before asking, “Mind if I taste your brain? I’m feeling a little hungry.”

The girl frowned, “My brain?”

“I’ll show you, come over here sweetie, “she said. When the girl complied she worked her head open from below and worked her brain out.

The girl looked at it questionally. Clearly wanting to ask, but with her brain cord in her mouth that was going to be a little awkward. So she told the girl, before proceeding to cut into it. Slicing a bit off for a taste, when Xiri walked in.

Xiri blinked, “Um, what are you doing to Miri?”

“Just tasting her brain, I was getting hungry.”

Xiri blinked, “Why not mine?”

Well that was a question she wasn’t expecting, she had not even started brainwashing Xiri.

Present day:

Arrieta was brought out of her memories when she heard the door. Priest Darious exiting his sister’s room, “Oh? Was I delaying an appointment?”

She shook her head, “Not really, I have a couple of things I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Hmm, what would you want to talk about? Aren’t you already getting everything you want?”

She nodded, “Everything I asked for yes. It’s just, my sister contacted me. She needs help with a little something. Wants me to fatten up a dungeon. I have a couple of ideas on that front.”

“Oh? Which one?”

“The one in that border town, the one in the middle of the Borderlands.”

“That one? Hmm, we sent some adventurers up that way. I got their report this morning, as I recall they are leaving now. The guy in charge, Howard, said his recruits were disappointing but they confirmed the curse turns men into females. We were just debating the uses of that dungeon. Why does your sister want to make it stronger?”

“She plans to drive a Child Eating Serpent towards the dungeon, since she is afraid it will head south into her town and eat all the babies there.”

“Ah, sounds like a worry an Atarli might have. Can’t say I am against having one less Serpent. Glad I don’t have to waste money and elites on that thing. What do you need?”

“Well I heard that Moonlight Departures is opening a gate there. Is it ready?”

He looked thoughtful, “I think Howard wrote it was about done. By now it should. I’ll get you some funds, then and permission for the gates. Just don’t take too long, my sister needs you.”

“Wasn’t planning on it. Now I also need to talk to that Princess, little Xiri was chosen as her servant . I...”

“I’ll take care of that, she just needs her brain harvested every couple of days right?”

Arrieta smiled, “Oh? Thank you!”

“Don’t give me that. I’ll let you know what I want in return later. Good luck. May Aurous smile on your quest.”

“In that case, I’ll go check on your sister. Talk to you later?”


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