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Arrieta walked down the road, a young girl following closely. She wasn’t sure about leaving town, she liked being here, but her sister had asked. Worse, the lives of many kids were on the line. While she might not always agree with her sister, a child eating serpent was not something she was going to ignore.

A man suddenly stepped in front of her, a leer on his face, “Why hello there pretty, what do you say a gold for a good time?”

She sighed, “I’m a little busy, but there is a great brothel down the road. They will give you three girls for a gold, beast girls but very skilled. I think you will have more fun there than trying to poach girls from the street.”

The guy blinked and then walked off. The young girl next to her watched him go, “So what do you think um, Bordertown will be like?”

“I don’t know Miri, never been there. I don’t think you will need to bother with clothes though. I hear the local dungeon is a lust dungeon.”

Miri smiled, “Oh? That sounds nice, this dress is itchy.”

Arrieta nodded, “I know. It’s your high nature affinity. You should have been born an elf.”

Miri giggled, “You mean you didn’t make me this way?”

Arrieta gave her a look, “and why would I do that?”

Miri’s giggling intensified, “I know, I was just having fun.”

“I know,” replied Arrieta just as she spotted the sign she was looking for. Moonlight Departures was the guild operating the gate in Bordertown, which meant they were the only place to go if you wanted to gate to Bordertown. “And now for the fun bit, waiting.”

Miri shrunk, “I hate that.”

“Want me to turn you off or something?”

Miri shook her head, “More fun at home, you know?”

“Guess we can play a game.”

Miri followed her into the building somewhat excited.

Arrieta moved her piece on the board and looked up at Miri who frowned. It wasn’t the best game, but it was the only one the guild had that Miri could play. Well technically there were a few others, but Miri had her brain eaten just two days ago. It was still growing back.

Miri took a moment before rolling the die. Just as a door opened and five figures came in. Four young women and an older man stepped in the room. Three of the women were loudly complaining while the last one looked sullen. The man sighed, “Stop complaining, if you idiots had listened to me, maybe you wouldn't be facing contract slavery.”

“But we’re, we’re girls!”

“I know”, replied the man. “Again, if you’d bothered listening to me, maybe you wouldn’t be where you are now.”

The girls all responded angrily, but one who just sat in a seat. The sullen girl just said “When do the priests get here?”

The other three turned on her, “Why are you giving up? We just need another go.”

“We failed the dungeon twice, there isn’t another go. We are stuck like this, might as well accept it.”

As the girls started arguing the man came over to her and sat down, “Um, sorry you had to see that, miss?”

“Arrieta and this is my charge Miri.”

“Howard. My charges and I just got back from Bordertown. I just have to wait for the priests to pick them up and then I can go home to my daughter. How about you two?”

“We are waiting to use the gate for Bordertown. I guess we won’t have to wait much longer if you are here.”

He sighed, “Might be a bit, they shut the gate after we came through to recharge.”

She sunk a little and glanced at Miri who really deflated, “Really? Damn that sucks.” She looked at Miri, “Think you will be alright awhile longer?”

Glumly the girl nodded, “I’ll be fine.”

“I’ll make it up to you.”

Howard chuckled, “That reminds me of my little girl, she used to do something similar. Always hated when my work took me away. I’d always make it up to her after.”

“OH? Has she changed on that?”

“She handles it better. I can’t wait to see her again.”

“It seems you really love her. I like a trait like that in men, this Theocracy needs more men like you. Guess you are taken though, what’s her mother like?”

He deflated, but didn’t say.

“Um, sorry didn’t mean to open a wound. Sorry you lost her.”

After a moment he said, “I didn’t really lose her so much as she was stolen. Not her choice, we just had the bad luck of catching the notice of a lord. He wanted her, so he took her. I took a job as an instructor so I could spend more time with my daughter, but it just kept pulling me away instead.”

“Oh? Don’t get home often?”

“Unfortunately not, but I do have a trustworthy babysitter.”

“Interesting, mind telling me more?”

Howard shifted and started telling her about his daughter and her babysitter. As she listened, Arrieta started noting flags. At first she had been interested due to the whole unprotected child thing, but as she listened she started to wonder if someone else hadn’t arranged that. Something to look into, but not right away. She had a dungeon to fatten. Hmm, wait there might be a way. 

“...As for Lydia, she has been very supportive of my job and has been helping a lot with Viri. I think she is why Viri has been able to handle everything so well. Lydia is quite something, a sexy dogkin girl, which might be part of why Viri likes her so much. Sometimes I think she likes her more than me as occasionally she seems to brighten up when I leave.  Maybe I’m just imagining that though.

The sullen girl looked up, “That doesn’t sound right, I may not have a family yet, but my younger sister was always sad to see me leave and glad to see me return.  I wonder how she’ll react now.” her thoughts turned sad and she was back to being sullen again.

Ignoring the sullen girl, Arrietta leaned in closer, asking in a quiet tone, “Um, does Lydia ever seem like she is pushing you away or out of the house?”

Howard frowned, “Not really, I occasionally end up staying in the guest house, but really she is quite welcoming when I am there. I often end up in her room while home.”

Arietta processed that. Something was up, she was sure of it now. Sadly she was skipping town or she would have followed him home. Since she couldn’t do that, she did the next best thing: she started channeling a bit of magic. Just as she finished casting it, an attendant came in, calling, “The gate to Bordertown is now open!”

She smiled, “It was nice chatting Howard, see you again sometime?”

He smiled, “Sure, I often frequent the Burnt Boar when I am in town. See me there sometime?”

“Sometime,” she finished as she collected Miri and headed for the door. It was time to see about that dungeon.

Howard watched the two girls leave. It was a shame they were cute and he had really been enjoying his chat with Arrietta. It was nice to have someone just listen about his cute daughter.

With her gone he was now stuck with the four idiots. At least the one seemed to be figuring things out. He turned and kept an eye on them as the minutes ticked by. Thankfully for his sanity it wasn’t much longer before the priests showed up to collect them.

The handover went smoothly and he was finally free to go home to his little girl Viri. A smile on his face he stepped out of the guild and started walking down the familiar streets of the capital. Several turns and a couple of busy streets later, he arrived before a familiar two-story house with a fence, a nice yard and a guest house in the back. It was a really nice place, provided courtesy of the guild. A reward for his services,it had been granted to him. He’d had a choice actually at the time and chose this. At the time he had a wife and a kid on the way, getting a home had seemed wise. 

For a moment or two he just stood outside, hesitant to draw closer. Howard wasn’t sure why, but after a moment the front door opened. Lydia stepped out, her tail wagging behind her, She smiled, “Welcome home Howard.”

She gestured and he followed her to the gate as she led him around back. “Viri is a bit busy, so let’s head around back. You will be in my room tonight.”

He smiled, “Oh sounds fun.”

For a moment he wondered if he was being kept from Viri for some reason. Especially after the other woman’s questions, but the thought slipped from his mind as Lydia slipped her hand into his pants. Fingering his dick, she licked her lips, “Yep lots of fun.”

He let her play with his dick as she pulled him along. His member hardened quickly at the touch. Reaching the rear door, she opened it and they slipped inside. Her room wasn’t far from there and before he knew it, she had him naked and laid out on her bed.

She slipped out of the barely there top and shorts she often wore. Revealing her lush breasts, they bounced a bit with her movements. Down below he could see her pussy, already twitching and drooling a bit. She gave him a toothy smile and leaned down towards his already hard shaft.

Pressing her lips to the tip, she began to kiss it while her hands worked the shaft. Up and down they worked and he moaned a little as she worked him up. Each little stroke sent shivers up his spine. 

A little scratch here, a tickle there and he could feel the blood rushing to his penis. A moment later he cried out that he was about to cum, and suddenly he felt a rush of pain as she bit his tip. Ice flooded his penis for a moment and then she pulled back.

She gave him a smile, licked her lips again. Rubbing the bit of blood leaking, she teased him, “Oh, your dick has a little owie, want me to make it worse?”

His dick swelled a bit more in response to her tone, but he wanted to say no. Instead he found himself nodding, “Yes please.”

The moment he did, she shot forward and bit him again, he moaned. She stayed attached for a moment or two before pulling back and then climbing atop him she mounted him. His wounded shaft sank into her warm wet depths. She settled there for a moment or two before she began to move.

Up and down she moved, slowly, teasingly keeping him agonizingly close to cumming as he watched her boobs bounce slowly with each movement. He found himself somewhat enchanted as he watched her boobs bounce.

After a bit, she suddenly sped up, driving him closer to cumming. Then suddenly he came and she cried out happily as his heated load shot into her depths. As he came, she slowed and just sat, and he just kept cumming. It felt long and he enjoyed every moment of it.

Eventually he felt his dick settle and she pulled herself off his still hard shaft. Lydia smiled as she stroked his wet and hard shaft. Leaning forward she kissed his damaged tip, still bearing the marks of her two bites. “Does this hurt?”

He nodded.

She smiled, “Great!” She declared just before grabbing his left ball and biting him there. He didn’t soften as ice flooded him and his ball swelled up. She repeated the bite with the other one and then mounted him again for round two. Idly he recalled that she tended not to let him get soft until she was happy. This might be a while.


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