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Howard moaned a bit as he felt someone massaging his naked member. His eyes opened to reveal a familiar demon girl straddling him. He blinked, “Tulip? What are you doing here?”

She smiled, it was so cute his heart fluttered, “Well I heard you were about to head home to see your daughter and make a report. So I thought I would give you a lovely send off and I was also hoping you would agree to be mine.”

He frowned, “Yours? As in a thrall?”

She shook her head, “No my partner, my mate like your marriage, but not the same. For one I will be free to ‘marry’ others and you aren’t expected to be faithful either. It’s more of a formal recognition of hearts bound. That we love each other and promise to be there for each other.”

Still a bit confused, “Why would you do that for me? I don’t think you really love me, and I am not sure I love you yet either.”

She smiled, “I do like you but your daughter needs something more in her life. A mother, I want to be that for her, you understand?”

“I guess I do, but is that alright?”

She giggled, before kissing him. As she broke it a moment after, a grin still on her face said, “The love can come later, and I have a feeling we will be quite compatible. So how about it?”

He was silent for a moment before figuring why not. It seemed like a good deal and who would say no to such a cute woman? Not like he still had a wife. Curse that damn lord.

Happily, Tulip smiled before placing her hand on his chest drawing lines as she spoke, “With this symbol, we bind our hearts,“ going lower she continued the ritual. With each line, the heat in his belly grew, with each word spoken he felt something. Then suddenly she mounted him. He gasped as his penis sank into her folds moments before he exploded and she moaned.

A blue box formed in his vision. He took only a moment to look it over. Noting a few things of interest. 


You have participated in the Demon Ritual of Bonded Hearts
New title gained: Tulip’s First Heart
Demonization Stage ten acquired!
Tulip’s Desires have affected the ritual!
New Trait gained: Demon Form
New Evolution Path Acquired!
Congrats on your new bond. When you have time, I suggest you visit the temple. I have an offer for you.
Your Patron, Systeria.

Demon form was an interesting trait from the look of things. It would let him take on the form and abilities of a demon. Specifically a lust demon. Howard wasn’t entirely sure about that, but at least it was reversible. Not to mention he could think of a few uses for it. Demons were highly resistant to most forms of magic. They also had strong magical abilities. Mainly in the area of dark and infernal magic, but many of them were also good in other areas. Of course that came with the restriction of being female. That was the part he was most unsure about.

Before he could really focus on that, Tulip began to move. She smiled, happily as she rode him. Her breasts bounced a little with each movement. He tried to reach for the little fruits but she stopped him. “Not yet. Let me play a bit first.”

He leaned back a bit and let her play. Heat grew within as he watched her move. Feeling each little squeeze of her pussy on his shaft. As her moist folds writhed around his member. He smiled a bit as he saw the happy look on her face. Howard could get used to this. Living around here and having a lovely demon to pleasure him. One that didn’t even expect or require him to be faithful.

Her movements suddenly slowed and she leaned forward pressing her breasts against him. The soft flesh pressed against his firmer muscles and she began to kiss him. Behind Tulip, he could see her tail wagging. Almost like a dog, but he knew she was quite excited. He could feel it. With the way she was moving, the way she was kissing him. Every move told him she was happy. He kissed her back, dueling her with his own tongue. Each little movement of her tongue sent lightning through him, and then he felt her pussy starting to clamp on it while she was resting upon him. He found that exhilarating and wondered how she did it.

Phyllis lay awake on the bed trying to forget yesterday. The whole series of events at the shrine however kept playing in her mind. So much had happened, she didn’t know how to process it. Beside her she could feel Misaki’s comforting presence. Something she was more than grateful to have.

After the whole name change ceremony, she had been dragged along by her mother to Timura’s shrine. What followed was something she was still trying to get her mind wrapped around and it wasn’t something she really wanted to think about. Feeling the need to distract herself she turned to Misaki, planning to wake her with a kiss. Only to find the other girl was already awake with a book in hand. She blinked, “So, uh, what are you reading?”

Misaki set it to the side, “Nothing much, just a magic book. I thought you were going to sleep longer.”

“I’ve slept enough, and magic you said? Care to share the topic?”

“It’s on the Holy Trinity and written by an Ava Contrey. I’m finding it quite interesting. I’d never really thought about how the elements fit together. Not like this anyway.”

“Ava Contrey?...” she scratched her ear, “I don’t know that name, but the Holy Trinity?”

“The elements of Light and Dark are apparently part of a triangle. These elements are all holy and correspond to the gods of the respective pantheons. Dark, Light, and Shadow.”

“Interesting, I’ve never really looked into those elements either. Beyond the basic stuff anyway. The kind of things you need to know as an adventurer. That sort of thing.”

“Well I find it fascinating. They don’t quite line up the way I thought. For example the Dark element apparently embodies creation itself.”

Phyllis nodded, “It does, that’s why the forbidden art of necromancy is dark magic.”

“Interesting, but I guess that makes sense. Trying to use dark magic to create life would only be logical if it embodies creation. I suppose that is why it was always depicted as dark magic in fiction. Then again they often called dark magic evil and light magic good.”

Phyllis laughed, “That isn’t exactly true. Although some people might see it that way given, well, necromancy. Yet since light magic is the embodiment of destruction, it too can be seen as evil. Yet light is also capable of much good. There are many healing spells that use it. As it doesn’t just embody destruction, just as the dark doesn’t represent creation alone.”

“Ava mentioned that, but has yet to go in depth about that. I was just now reading her introduction into Shadow, the embodiment of balance.”

“It’s also a representation of harmony. Shadow magic is all about bridging opposites. People with affinities with opposing elements often have some affinity for shadow even if they don’t have light and dark. Using it allows for some of the most powerful spells and magics I know of.”

“Sounds interesting. I guess I should read up more on shadow magic then.”

“Well to properly use shadow magic you would need to also study light magic.”

“Oh? Why light magic?”

“Well you already know dark magic, knowing its opposite is believed to be essential to properly understanding shadow magic. As it plays into the whole balance and harmony aspects.”

Misaki nodded and then frowned in that cute way she did when thinking, “So, Necromancy is dark magic. They thought they could create life with dark magic, but seeing what they ended up with maybe another element was needed...” her face brightened up, “Perhaps it was a combination of elements. Life is composed of several elements isn’t it, why...”

Suddenly a new voice popped up, “While this line of thought is interesting, I would advise against looking into it.”

Phyllis looked over to see Dewari, her new patron. She blinked, “What? Why...” she trailed off.

Dewari giggled, “Sorry I was looking in on you two when I heard Misaki talking about necromancy of all things.”

Relaxing a bit, she responded, “So you chose to warn her.”

“I did, as a dungeon she already creates it with each summon, but without us, her creations would lack a soul. She is right, dark magic alone could never create life, not a true life anyway, but it doesn’t matter if she figures it out or not. Necromancy is forbidden, by divine mandate.”

Phyllis blinked, “Divine mandate!? I knew it was forbidden, but I wasn’t aware...”

“Yes, well it is a very old law. We gods don’t often make such mandates. That one was made in the primal age, by the Primal God King himself. One of his very few mandates. It’s why necromancers are so hunted down here, and why they are punished when they die.”

Misaki shifted, “Um, thanks for the warning.”

Dewari smiled, “I was just looking out for you two. Be careful who you share your theories with. On a different note, Phyllis, have you put much thought into...”

She nodded, “I have. I’m not sure what to feel about it, but I accept.”

Suddenly she found herself being hugged, “It’s okay child. It will be alright, but Timura is right. You no longer need her, but she will always be looking out for you. This is merely a change in your relationship. Just like how things changed with your mother when you grew up.”


Dewari started patting her back, “I know.”

The girl paced before the door as she waited for it to open. Her thoughts however were on a different matter. Her sister Qica had asked her to take care of a dungeon in the Borderlands. Qica had a plan to save children from a Child Eating Serpent. Qica seemed quite worried about the babies it would eat and she had agreed to help. Now she had a month to take care of it and get that dungeon strong enough to face a Serpent. That was something, but she also had responsibilities here. There was little Xiri who really needed her. Ever since she met little Xiri she had been looking out for her.

Her mind drifted back to the past. It had been a few months now. Not that long really, but there was always something special about Xiri. It was apparent that day in the rain when she met Xiri. The young girl was under the branches of a tree on the outskirts of her village and not really aware of her surroundings. Her eyes were all puffy and she had been crying.

At the time, the young Atarli had been traveling. Well actually she had been a little lost and hadn’t really eaten. The crying had drawn her out of the woods, but she couldn’t help feeling for the girl. Part of her was tempted to eat the girl, but instead she had hugged the girl.

Six Months earlier:

The young girl looked up at the new face that had embraced her from behind all of a sudden. The older girl gave her a smile, “It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m sure everything will be alright.”

The tone of her voice was soothing and she felt herself relax a bit. She had been told that strangers weren’t to be trusted, but there was something about this older woman that told her she could trust her. Before she knew it she was napping.

When she woke, the rain had stopped and the sun was starting to shine again. The woman from before leaned over her and young Xiri got her first look. She was gorgeous with puffy cheeks, a small nose and bright gold and blue eyes. There was something about the eyes that drew her in. It was something about how they shimmered. Her hair was a lighter blue shade and shot through with highlights of gold that shimmered in the evening sun. The other woman smiled, “Welcome back sweetie. Are you feeling better?”

She nodded, finding that she felt better.

“Glad to hear it. I’m Arrieta and you are?”

Beaming, she replied “Xiri!”

Arrieta moved and the pair stood up. As they did, Xiri noticed that Arrieta was naked, she had two pairs of exposed breasts on her chest and a couple of small boobs on her thighs. Noticing her gaze Arrieta said, “I’m half Atarli, a full blood gets a tail covered with boobs instead of legs.”

She frowned, “Strange, never seen anyone like that.”

Arrieta giggled, “Well I would be surprised if you had, we aren’t exactly common and if you had met one you wouldn’t remember it. Not unless she wanted you to remember.”

Xiri blinked, “Why?”

“Well our kind have natural mind magic, we can read minds, change thoughts...”

“Read minds!!!? Could you find daddy? Find out why he just ran off, why he said such mean things to mommy?”

Arrieta gave her a look, “Your dad? I guess. What did he do?”

Xiri proceeded to recount last night. How dad came back late, ranting. How he yelled at Mommy. How he hit her, took a bunch of stuff and then ran out. What she didn’t want to talk about was what he did to her before he left. It had been awful.

Arrieta looked angry, “What is wrong with the males in the theocracy!!!? How can they do such things to their wives and daughters?”

Xiri didn’t know what to say and ended up saying nothing. A moment later the other girl calmed, “I’ll find that bastard for you alright. Just need to know what he looks like. I know a few locating spells that might work. In the meantime, maybe we should be getting you home? It’s late, I’m sure your mother might be worried about you.”

Xiri’s eyes widened and she looked up. “Crap! I’m late! Mom is going to kill me.”

With that she started to run, only to find the other girl keeping up with her. “Don’t worry about being late. I will talk to her.”

“Um, thanks?” then she thought of something, “Why are you naked anyway?”

“I like being naked. If you want me to wear something I could, just not pants, they feel weird on thigh boobs.”

Xiri giggled. Those were interesting and she had questions about them. Just didn’t know where she could start on that one. So instead she simply walked alongside Arrieta asking little questions. Before she knew it they were at her door. Strangely no one in the village seemed to bother Arrieta about her naked state. Something she found a little strange, but she was quite grateful they didn’t give her any trouble. Usually, a naked woman was harassed by every man who saw her and half the women too.

Arrieta knocked twice on the door and her mother answered it a moment later. Mom forced a smile, “Xiri! I was getting worried, are you okay?”

She nodded, “Yeah, Arrieta helped me.”

Her mother turned to Arrieta and invited her in before asking, “I couldn’t help but notice that you are naked, need some clothes? It might help with the men around here.”

She smiled and looked Mom in the eyes, “Not right now. I heard you were having some trouble with your husband. Have anything of his or perhaps even an image?”

Mom blinked, “I have something, but it’s about time to eat.”

“Certainly we can talk after dinner.”

Dinner was interesting. She enjoyed it and after little Xiri was tired so Arrieta waited while her mother put her to bed. Before inviting the other woman into another room for a more private discussion.

As soon as the door was closed, she said, “If you would strip we can get started.”

The woman smiled, “Of course, give me a moment.”

She started working on her clothes. Her dress and panties quickly hit the floor followed by her bra. Giving Arrieta a good view of her naked body and the slight bulge she had noticed. Arrieta drew close and touched the other woman’s belly. “I thought so,” she smiled “This is perfect. Lay on the bed for me please.”

The other woman nodded and lay down, “So about my husband you wanted something of his?”

“I did, but first I would like to play with your unborn child. You don’t mind.”

“I don’t mind, I should but I don’t. Go ahead and play with them, but um, be careful.”

“Oh it’s not my first time, Mom taught me all about how to do it safely. Now let’s see what you got.”

It was a simple procedure to open the womb so that she had enough access. She couldn’t really take them out just yet, but she wanted to. With a smile she touched the young child and gave it a little dose of something special before casting a spell. She smiled as she watched the unborn child clone itself. Perfect, it was always good to get to them early. Her goddess was going to be happy with this one. Hopefully, she could get some more and meet her goal. Then her belly rumbled, reminding her that while the food was good she needed to get some brains. She thought about Xiri, but wasn’t sure about doing that to her just yet. “So about that item of your husband’s?”

“I have a drawing Xiri made, will that do?”


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