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Akula looked around. She had been on the road for awhile. Her stomach growled, reminding her that she was hungry. The hunting hadn’t been that great, all she had found was a tasty rabbit, and she had finished it hours ago. Leaving her with nothing to eat. She sighed, traveling sucks!

Then she caught a scent on the wind. She smiled feeling excited, something was cooking! That meant people! Nothing better than that! Taking a moment to sniff it out, she burst into a run. Her body sailed over the ground eating up a fair amount of distance in seconds. Before she knew it fields came into view. They weren’t what she was looking for, but the house she found not long after was.

It was a large farmhouse, with smoke billowing from the chimney. Inside someone was cooking their dinner. Akula paused outside wondering how she would get inside, but before she could think of that a girl stepped out of the small side building. A few logs in her arms, She smiled, “Why hello? Are we lost?”

Her mind raced, then she nodded, “Just a little, I lost my supplies on the road.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Mom is just about done with dinner, why don’t you come inside?”

She beamed, “That sounds lovely.”

The young woman led her to the door and introduced herself, “I’m Terri and you are?”

“Akula,” replied the girl. It wasn’t her original name, it was the one the Master gave her. Yet she felt it fit her better than the old one. She wasn’t the old her anyway, she was a new girl.

Near the steps, the other girl held her hand out saying, “Let me help you up, these steps can be tricky.

She smiled and drew closer, acting like she was going to take the girl’s hand. Only to suddenly bite it. The girl drew hand back, “ouch! Why...”

She trailed off as her eyes went blank. For a moment or two before she blinked. Akula smiled, “May I lick your hand?”

The girl held it out and Akula licked the wound. Tasting her blood more, she grinned to herself. This girl Terri was going to be very useful, she thought to herself as she watched the wound rapidly close. When it was gone, she had Terri lead her inside. 

Upon entry, Terri introduced her to the group gathering for a meal. She noticed several young girls of varying ages, and a couple of older women. There were also a few boys, some young, others older. They were all friendly enough and she ended up settled next to Terri and an elderly man. Dinner passed smoothly enough, but a couple of the girls had to dart out of the room due to crying in another. She knew what that meant.

After a nice friendly dinner, Terri took her down the hall to get her settled. There was a nice guest room which was conveniently adjacent to Terri’s bedroom. Once outside the room, she told Terri, “Come in, I want to bite you again.”

Terri nodded, “Sure!” and let herself be led into the bedroom.

 Akula closed and locked the door behind her. Before turning to Terri, “Okay strip, I want to see your naked body.”

Terri complied and quickly stripped out of her clothes revealing a nice body. She had modestly large breasts, decent hips, and a large plump pussy. Akula smiled, she had some potential alright. Then she pushed the large girl onto the bed and made her spread her legs before sinking her teeth in that plump pussy the other girl had. The girl yelped then moaned as the teeth sunk into the sensitive flesh, but she didn’t protest the bite. Akula stayed there as she felt her own tongue start to swell. Driven by instinct she pushed it in deep. She felt it go all the way in with no resistance. There was a blockage right before the end, but it opened the moment she pressed against it. Her blood told her what she was doing, sucking out the girl’s eggs so that she could learn their code. When the first eggs came out, Akula moaned, enjoying the process.

When she was done, she pulled away and looked up at Terri, “You were wonderful dear, I’m going to bite you some more, you don’t mind do you?”

“I don’t mistress, keep biting me please!”

Akula smiled, she knew that it was her venom at work. It was making the girl more docile and more accepting of being bitten. Then she glanced at the girl’s sex. With so much of her venom flowing into the sensitive flesh it had swollen to twice its previous size and turned purple. It looked so cute that way and made her want to bite that bit more. Instead, she moved up and bit into a juicy teat. Terri moaned with the bite, and then Akula bit her boob again and again. Each one elicited a moan as she ravaged it with little bites. Each one delivered some of her venom so it could do its magic. Then she moved to the other one.

Before long both breasts were a nice shade of purple and were bleeding. Akula fingered one of the nipples before sinking a fang deep into it. Getting a nice little yelp, before she repeated the bite on the other breast. The nipple bite being a nice fun finishing touch. Then she started biting the girl elsewhere, as the girl simply let her bite where she pleased. Finally she came back to that juicy looking pussy and started biting it just for the pleasure of it. She had time to kill anyway.

Eventually it grew nice and dark. Stretching she rolled to the side and looked over Terri’s cute body. It was covered with little bleeding bite marks, she kinda liked the result. In a couple of days Terri would be nice and ready as a brood maid, her role would be to carry eggs and feed the babies. Her already nice breasts would swell up and start producing lots of milk for the job. Her pussy and womb would change to better accept the eggs she would be gifted with and she will mentally adapt to the job. In the meantime she needed to get started with the others, “Are the rest asleep?”

Terri glanced out the window, “By now yes, we try to get to bed not long after sundown. We need to get started early in the morning after all.”

Akula smiled, “Great! Show me around, I need to bite your family.”

“Sure! Sounds fun!”

The first room she was led to was that of Terri’s mother. She found her embraced with her husband. Since both were asleep it was easy to give them a nice proper bite. Once dosed, she moved on to the other rooms visiting each of their daughters. They had seven daughters including Terri, along with four sons. The two elderly were the grandparents. She also found the nursery with all the defenseless babies in it, but she left those alone for now. Akula didn’t need the two elderly so she gave them a nice fatal bite and then went to work on the daughters to convert them.

Most of them anyway, the two youngest were three and five respectfully. She wasn’t sure what to do with them, but they were so cute she just wanted to bite them. Maybe she will do so later?

Done with them, a naked Terri opened the door for Akula. Letting her into the room of the youngest male. She had bitten him earlier, but it was now time for the fun bit! She closed to his bedside and pulled the covers off him. Climbing into the bed she positioned herself between his legs and pulled his pants down. His little dick sprang free and she snapped at it in a moment. Her fangs sinking deep into it. The boy yelped waking from his sleep. She looked up without releasing and gave him a smile. He didn’t try to dislodge her as she sensed his genes. Finding him inadequete she proceeded to release her venom. 

Hopping off the bed, she told him, “Die quickly for me, okay?”

He nodded and glanced at his swollen discolored genitals. “Will it hurt?”

She shrugged, “Don’t know.”

He simply lay back to let her venom do its job. Right now he was nice and docile. Easy prey, might make a decent breakfast in the morning.

The next two boys were much more to her liking so she gave them a different venom. They would need to be properly producing for her taste but the last boy was another disappointment.

With the sons cared for she came back to the master and slipped up on the bed to the husband. The mother was quite awake and merely watched Akula as she slipped between his legs and bit his dick. Not even doing anything as she determined that he was a really good stud. Three studs was a wonderful start. Seperating she told the woman, “This was a good pick.”

Stretching as she hopped out of the bed, and said, “wait here, I’ll be back in a bit.”

She had Terri open the door for her again, when she came back to the nursery and slipped inside. There were three newborns in their cribs, triplets from the look of things and four young toddlers. Too young really. She smiled at all the defenseless babies that weren’t hers. They needed to go. Approaching the nearest, she picked it up and it started crying when it saw her. She smiled at it and then leaned in to bite it. No one was going to come save it, she had already dealt with them. Putting it down she told it, “There there, it’s just a little death bite, nothing to cry over. Just die for me, okay?”

She did the same for the next two and then approached the first toddler, a boy. She gave him a little smile and then gave him a nice bite and moved to his sister next to him. Biting her too. The next pair a set of twins, looked at her with fear but simply offered her their arms. She smiled at these little girls, “Oh? Its a death bite you know?”

They nodded. She smiled, “then bit them but gave them a different one.”

“Since you are so willing, lets make your death slow? Okay?”

The girls nodded and she turned to watch the others die. It didn’t take too long. She had then had Terri help her pick them up and carry the dead ones to the other room, so she could show the Mother her handiwork.

When she entered the bedroom, she found the Mother fingering her husband’s swollen penis. Akula smiled and held up one of three dead baby girls by the leg, “hey look! I found these pests in the other room and killed them for you!”

She looked up and smiled, “Oh? How nice, thank you Akula. That was my little daughter always crying at odd hours.”

“Right right! Praise me more!”

The mother came over and patted her on the head and looked over the other dead babies and toddlers here. “You did a good job killing my babies for me, good girl!”

Akula beamed, “So I’m hungry could you cook these three up for me?”

The mother looked at the triplets she was indicating, “Sure! How do you want them prepared?”

“Roasted please!

“Certainly! I’ll go ahead and get started, “and what about the other two?”

“Just marinate them for now, I’ll eat them later,” said Akula

“Sure!” said the mother before heading for the kitchen. Akula looked out noting it would be morning soon. Then she thought about the twins she didn’t kill. They were so young, but she felt it would be fun to bite them lots. Then she turned to Terri, “Okay, start collecting all the clothes in the house. I want them gone.”

Terri nodded and lept to the task. Leaving Akula alone with her new stud, not that he was ready yet. Too bad that, she wanted to get pregnant soon. She watched him for a moment before heading to the kitchen to watch her meal being prepared.


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