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Isaac was living a nightmare. He was a mant, a  person who’d succumbed to the diminutive disease. And like millions of  other mants, he was effectively enslaved by giants. The worst part? The  giants that owned him were his family. His sister Kaleigh, his brother  AJ, and his mom and dad, James and Eve… they all thought of him as the  family pet. No longer was he their son.

He was a senior in highschool when he had fully shrank. Admittedly,  he was worried about attending school while shrunk. But, due to his  mother pulling him out of school, that wasn’t something he was to  experience. Or so he believed.


Isaac woke abruptly to his giant sister, Kaleigh, shaking his cage.

“Not used to waking up this early, huh?” She giggled. “C’mere.”

She slid open the cage’s door and reached for her brother. Making no  effort to be gentle, she roughly wrapped her fingers around his meek  figure.

“K-Kaleigh, be careful not to… squeeze,” he grunted.

“Hey! AJ!” She shouted, her voice booming in the mant’s ears. “You seen my bag?”

“Uh,” he mumbled from the other room. “Y-Yeah, right here, I found it.”

Kaleigh took Isaac and walked into the living room. AJ, fully dressed, stood there holding her bookbag.

“Oh, thanks,” she said, taking it from him.

Without a word, Kaleigh shoved Isaac into the back pocket of her skinny jeans.

“Hey, I’mma go ahead and head out. Don’t be late, you’ll piss mom off.”

“We’ve got like four days of school left, like, period. We’re about  to graduate,” she said. “Would it even matter if I was late?”

“You try and tell that to our mother,” AJ laughed. “I mean, we both  have our own cars and can legally vote, but she still doesn’t like it  when we’re out past six.”

Kaleigh snickered. “Yeah, that’s true.”

The giant zipped her bag open and began rustling through it as her  brother left. All the while Isaac remained in her pocket pressed against  her butt.

“Here we go,” she mumbled, pulling out a small pencil case.

She walked into the kitchen, taking a knife from the drawer and stabbing a few holes into the top of the case.

“L-Let me go!” Isaac shouted as he was pulled from the pocket.

“What?” Kaleigh tilted her head.

“Just… just put me back in my cage!”


“Put me back, dammit!”

Kaleigh sighed and shook her head. Ever so slowly, she raised her tiny brother to her mouth.


Her maw opens. The wet sounds of separating spit gives way to her  hot, steamy breath. The giant’s tongue peeks out from behind her white  teeth, ready to embrace him. He screamed.


“Ah?” She hummed.


She closed her mouth, an irritated look in her eyes.

"Obey, Isaac.”

He only whimpered, nodding his head in defeat. The giant took his  tiny body and dropped him into the pencil case, sliding it shut. After  putting it back in the bag and zipping it up, Kaleigh was on her way out  the door.

Four hours later, Kaleigh found  herself in Mrs. Nguyen’s class. Even though it was less than a week  before the end of the semester, most of her classes were still finding  ways to keep the students busy. Mrs. Nguyen was not, electing to let the  students sit and talk for a period.

“Miranda, check this out!”

Kaleigh lightly elbowed the student sitting next to her.


She shoved a hand in her bag, and out came the pencil case containing Isaac.

“Why does your pencil case have— Oh!”

Kaleigh had slid open the case, revealing the tiny mant. He sped to cover his eyes from the blinding, fluorescent lights above.

“Oh my god!” Miranda gasped aloud, catching the attention of the other students. “Who is that?”

“It’s Isaac!”


“My brother?”

“...Oh… right! I think I remember.” Miranda inched closer to the case. “Hi, Isaac!”

Isaac,  his eyes still adjusting, looked through his hands to see an  uncomfortably close giant girl looking at what felt like his soul.

“He’s scared,” Kaleigh sighed.

She  placed her index finger tip on her brother’s chest and traced it around  his body as if to pet him. Even his groin, to which he shuddered at the  sensation.

Mrs. Nguyen looked up from the papers on her desk at the two girls.

“What do you have there?” She asked, a stern tinge in her voice.

“It’s Kaleigh’s mant,” Miranda replied.

“Kaleigh has a mant?” A boy asked.

“Can we see?” Another girl asked.

The students in the classroom erupted a bit at the news.

“Settle down, settle down,” Mrs. Nguyen warned. “Just don’t lose it or cause too much of a ruckus or I’ll confiscate it.”

“Confiscate, ‘It’?” Isaac thought.

Kaleigh lifted him from the case and made room on the desk before sitting him back down.

He stood up slowly, his knees trembling. As he looked around, he came  to an unnerving conclusion. Everyone, save for the teacher who’d  already gone back to papers, had their eyes on him.

“Oh my god, is he, like, naked?” Someone asked.

“That’s hilarious!”

Kaleigh leaned back to let the students sitting next to her see.

“We’re, like, reeducating him on his size, so my dad took his clothes away.” Kaleigh shrugged.

A blonde, shaggy haired student peeked over Kaleigh’s shoulder.  Isaac’s heart jumped a bit after recognizing him. It was Leo, someone  who actually treated him nicely and even stood up for him a few times. A  friend.

“LEO!” Isaac shouted, “HELP ME, QUICK, GET ME OUT OF HERE!”

“Isaac!” Kaleigh scolded.

Leo’s face grew disgusted, and he shook his head. Could he be  disapproving of what was happening to his friend? Maybe, just maybe, he  felt an ounce of disgust at the treatment Isaac was getting?


A few students giggled, and Isaac’s heart dropped.

“Isaac, you can’t be shouting like that.” His sister scolded.

“Yeah, bad Isaac!” Leo said.

“So, like, what do you do when he misbehaves?” Miranda asked.

Kaleigh laughed. “Well, my dad sucked on him to get him to obey. He told us to do the same thing.”

“Ooh, can I do it?” Miranda asked.

“Do it!” Someone shouted.

It seemed the whole class wanted him punished.

“Yeah sure, just don’t swallow him.” Kaleigh said.

Before Isaac could react, Miranda picked up her friend’s brother and brought him to her face.

“I’ll just lick him,” she said. “Aah…”

Her tongue slipped from her mouth. Isaac was shoved right into it,  enduring the wet, sloppy flesh. She dragged it up his body, slathering  him in her spit.

“Mmm,” she moaned.

Leo reached over. “Gimmie here,” he said.

Isaac looked over in horror as his former friend’s fingers pinched  his arm, lifting him to his mouth. Out came his tongue, past his braces  and against his knees. Doing the same as Miranda, he drug his tongue,  knees up, even through Isaac’s penis.

Leo dropped him back on Kaleigh’s desk, paralyzed in fear and humiliation.

“Anyone else?” Kaleigh offered.

A few other students jumped from their seats and walked over. A girl  leaned over Kaleigh’s desk and let out a gop of saliva from her mouth,  dripping it all over the mant. Her boyfriend came after and did the  same.

“STOP!” He begged. “PLEASE!”

Another student, Eliza, leaned in and spat on him as well. It stopped  his pleas, only for a moment, as it landed right in his mouth.

“Okay, I think that’s enough guys.” Kaleigh chuckled. “Let’s test his obedience now.”

Isaac watched as his sister leaned down and removed her chucks from  her feet. She took her tiny brother and placed him on Miranda’s desk.

“What’re you,” Isaac tried to ask, but lost the strength to do so.

Kaleigh leaned back and crossed her soles on the desk, putting her bare feet directly in front of him.

“Lick, Isaac!”

The classroom laughed.

Fighting back tears, he wobbled over to his sister’s giant heel and  began licking as everyone watched. The sweat from the sockless  entrapment of her feet was extra salty today. The slightly rough texture  nearly rubbed Isaac’s tongue raw. It was something he was getting used  to…

“Good boy,” Kaleigh said.



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