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Isaac was never a happy child. His mother was overbearing and extremely religious. He was not. At every turn she would guilt him for his lack of beliefs. In  school, he was bullied for being a quiet kid. A weird kid. Not like the  others in his town. His siblings, though? They were popular. Everyone  loved them. Even worse, they joined in on the bullying, and even took it  home with them. His father was always distant with him. Very cold at  times.

To him, it felt as if though everyone in his family wished he was never even born at all.

He  made a plan. Once he’d graduate high school, he’d pack what little  things he had and leave. If they didn’t want him around, then that’s  fine, he’d be gone.

The  time was among him, too. He turned eighteen, and soon he’d graduate.  But it was around this time when he began to notice something… strange.  Over the course of the year, his clothes became looser. His sleeves were  longer, but how? It made no sense? Was he… shrinking?

Unfortunately  for Isaac, he had the diminishing gene. This was something he never  knew, nobody ever told him. He had no medicine, and any attempt at  begging his parents for help was met with, “You’re overreacting,” and  “You’re not really shrinking. You don’t need it.” But he did. He did  need it. He was shrinking, and time was running out.

And run out, it did.

Isaac’s  mother, Eve, held a very radical view against mants. He’d never seen  her abuse them personally, but he knew she thought of it. She had the  belief that those with the shrinking gene were full of sin, and their  drastic reduction in height was divine punishment. Eve didn’t see mants  as human… just as bugs. He feared what would become of him.

The outcome, as it turned out, was far worse than he could have ever imagined.

Before  he could graduate, he’d fully shrunk. His mom was quick to withdraw him  from school and register him with the government, making his family his  caretakers.

“You  are NOT to leave the house,” she scolded, despite him doing nothing  wrong. “You will stay here at all times, it is not safe. You denied  faith and now you are reaping the punishment. But as your mother it is  my duty to take care of you always, and do that we shall. So will  everyone here.”

That  was a few months ago. Since then, the treatment his family gave him was  much, much worse. He wasn’t even a person to them. His siblings would  pick him up without asking all the time. They’d poke and prod. No longer  was he allowed in his room, it was converted into a lounge. Instead,  they kept him in a cage, which got passed around room to room each  night.

Late  one night, Isaac had been trekking across the floor to his cage which  sat underneath an end table. His giant sister, Kaleigh, dressed in  pajamas, came in to cut through the room to get a glass of water from  the kitchen. His brother, AJ, sat on the couch looking at his phone.

He  either wasn’t thinking, or just didn’t care enough, to warn Kaleigh  that Isaac was walking across the floor. The girl walked without a  single thought to where she was stepping.

Isaac gasped, hearing the slaps of his sister’s giant bare feet on the wooden floor approaching from behind.

“K-Kaleigh!” He shouted.

Before  he knew it, her sole had come atop him, stomping him against the floor.  Mants were generally more resilient than one would think. He didn’t  die, but it hurt. Bad. Worse still, his sister’s dirty foot was atop  him, smell and all.

“Wh-” She said, lifting her foot. “Isaac! Watch where you’re going!”

Before he could return to his feet, Kaleigh stepped on him a few more times.

“What’re you doing?” AJ asked absentmindedly.

“I’m stepping on our little brother,” she sighed. “Sometimes you’ve got to remind him how small he is.”

“Stepping on him?” He asked.

AJ stood up from the couch and walked over.

“See?” She tilted her foot in such a way that showed Isaac, but still had him pinned.

AJ shook his head, laughing to himself. “You’re pretty freakin’ small, man.”

“STOP,” Isaac cried, “PLEASE!”

“Are you crying?” AJ asked. “Oh man, don’t start that.”

Isaac lifted his knee and slipped his sock from his foot.

“Scooch,” he said to Kaleigh.

She  removed her foot, but Isaac had no time to escape before his giant  brother’s sweaty sole hovered above him, wiggling and taunting.

“This won’t kill him, right?”

“Oh my god, no, it won’t,” she giggled. “He’ll be fine.”

“...Okay,” he shrugged.

Down  his foot went, pinning Isaac to the floor once again. Kaleigh’s feet  were dirty, but compared to the sweaty moistness of AJ’s sole, he  would’ve almost preferred that.

AJ didn’t just stomp, he rubbed. As if to slather his little brother in whatever would fall off his foot.

“Hold on, hold on,” Kaleigh snickered, barely containing her laughter.

Kaleigh’s foot replaced AJ’s.

“Lick my foot, Isaac.” She said, grinning and red in the cheeks.

“MMPH,” Isaac protested.

“If you want my foot gone, lick.”

Tears in his eyes, Isaac stuck out his tongue and shoved it into his sister’s foot flesh. The taste was just… awful.

“Is he doing it?”

“Not really— Isaac, actually do it, don’t just poke me with your tongue.”

Isaac fearfully obeyed, dragging his tongue up, down, and sideways across the skin. Kaleigh’s toes wiggled in response.

“Did he do it?”

“Yeah,” she giggled. “Feels… weird, but kinda good? Try it.”



Once again, AJ’s foot smothered his little brother.

“Do it, squirt.” He demanded.

He  obeyed, assuming it was the only way to stop the abuse. It was  humiliating, but he did it. He licked his brother’s foot just as much as  Kaleigh’s, if not more so since he had him pinned longer.

“Alright, I wanna go to bed, let’s put him in his cage.” Kaleigh said.

“Yeah, okay,” AJ relented, lifting his foot from his brother.

“Why…” Isaac cried. “Why did you…”

Kaleigh pinched him between her fingers and dropped him in his cage, locking the door and leaving him there.

The siblings turned the lights off, leaving him in the dark.

That  night was the beginning of Isaac’s new life. His new, torturous, life.  Since then, the treatment he received was just abysmal. More and more,  his siblings would force him to lick their feet… sometimes they’d even  place him into their shoes for the entire day.

But it got worse. It did.

James,  the father, had come home from work and elected to spend his evening  watching TV. Kaleigh, who had ‘custody’ of Isaac that day, had an idea.

“Hey Dad,” she said.

“Yep?” He asked, not looking away from his show.

“Isaac licks feet now,” she gestured to the mant, who was firmly in her grasp.

“Oh yeah?”


‘Please,’ Isaac thought to himself. ‘Please. Don’t let this happen. If there is a god, please don’t let this happen.’

Kaleigh didn’t move, she just stared at her dad expectantly.

He looked up and rolled his eyes. “Alright, fine.”

James removed his socks, crossing his bare feet on the coffee table.

“No…” Isaac cried, vocalizing his misery. “Kaleigh, don’t, please…”

She  dropped him mere inches away from his father’s two soles. They towered  over him completely. He watched in horror as they idly flexed and  crinkled.

“Isaac we’ve been over this,” Kaleigh groaned. “Just fucking do—”

“Language, Kaleigh,”

She sighed. “Just do it.”

Sniffling  and defeated, he approached his father’s dry heel and kissed it. He  sloshed his tongue around in his mouth to gather saliva before letting  it loose onto the skin. This is how AJ and Kaleigh were ‘training’ him.  The more saliva and spit the better.

James’  feet twitched in response to the worship. Kaleigh wasn’t sure how her  dad felt about it, but she soon got her answer once he let out a big,  relaxed sigh—something he didn’t do often.


Kaleigh  was giddy. Isaac, obviously, was not. He couldn’t fathom what was  occurring. What he was doing. It was bad enough to have to worship his  sibling’s feet, but now his dad’s?

“Isaac,  your mother’s almost home,” his father said coldly. “She’s stopped at  the store on the way home from her church group meeting, I want you to  lick her feet when she comes through.”

Something snapped in Isaac.


As he went on his tirade, James  dropped his feet to either side of him and pushed them together,  trapping his son between his soles.

“No,  you’re not a slave.” His father said carelessly, rubbing his feet  together. “You’ve got a cage. People have to watch you, feed you, make  sure you don’t get out or make any messes. Sometimes we step on you. We  put you up when we have company… You’re not a slave, son. Honestly,  you’re more of a pet.”

He released Isaac from his feet, cupping him in the palm of his hand.

Isaac, speechless, watched his father look down on him. He’d done it his whole life, but now he was doing it literally.


A gob of spit dripped from his father’s lips, covering his son in  spit. James placed his thumb on Isaac’s body and rubbed it in.

"You know what I think?” James asked.

“Ooh, you’re in trouble now, Isaac,” Kaleigh giggled before leaving the room.

“Dogs don’t wear clothes. Cats don’t wear clothes. Doing your little  mant laundry is a hassle. From here on out, you’re not going to be  wearing clothes.”


James enclosed his mouth around his son, slathering him in his  tongue. With scary accuracy, he managed to rip and slide the clothes  from his body. He quickly spit Isaac out in one hand, his clothes in  another.

“Now, be a good boy a lick your mother’s feet when she comes home, she’s had a long day.”

Isaac was broken. No longer was he crying, no longer trying to  struggle. He thought about leaping from his father’s hand to his death,  but he couldn’t muster the strength. The only thing he could say…

“Yes, sir.”

“Good boy,” he said, placing his son on the cushion next to him.  “Wait for her here. If you move from this spot, I’ll put you in your  sister’s sneakers for a month.”

He stood from the seat and left the room to go into the garage.

For the next hour, Isaac laid on the cushion. There were barely any thoughts in his mind. He felt like a husk.

When he heard the sound of the front door opening, he knew what was to come.

Eve stepped in, looking visibly tired and clutching the cross attached to her necklace. At the same time, AJ entered.

“Hey mom,” he said.

“Heya there, AJ,” she hugged him with a smile, and sat down.

“There you are,” AJ said, looking over the armrest at his tiny  brother. “Hey mom, dunno if Kaleigh told you, but Isaac licks feet now.  Dad said he wanted him to do yours when you got back.”

“Hm,” she said half smiling. “Well, it’s been’a long day, that’s for sure. I need to get me some new flats, too.”

Eve kicked off her flats and reclined onto the couch, placing her two bare, nearly steaming soles in front of Isaac.

“I think they’re a bit sweaty from today,” she sighed.

Isaac looked up at his mother’s towering soles. They weren’t just a  bit sweaty, they were nearly visibly wet. Little specks of dirt, sweat,  and small, random hairs could be seen on the surface of her foot. The  air was now warm from the heat, and Isaac couldn’t breath in without  smelling a mixture of leather and vinegar.

“C’mon now Isaac,” she said, wiggling her toes. “I’m gon’ look at my  phone for a few before headin’ to bed, and you’re not sleeping with me  and your dad.”

The  mant could barely stand on his feet. He stumbled over to her foot and  began licking. The texture was much different from the rest of her  family’s; his tongue almost drowned into the skin. It was so soft and  moist, and the taste was that of salt.

“Phew, thank ya Lord,” she muttered to herself.

Isaac continued to worship his mother’s feet in silence for a few, before Eve broke said silence.

“There’s an itch between my toe, get it for me,”

Eve tilted her foot downwards and pinched her son between her big and  index toe. She wiggled the two in tandem, effectively using Isaac’s  entire body as a toe scratcher.

She sighed. “That’s better.”

“Looks like you’re adapting well, little bro.” AJ chuckled as he watched. “I’m gonna head to bed, mom.”

“Alright son,” she said. “Goodnight, love you. We gotta be up early for Church tomorrow, so don’t sleep in.”

AJ nodded and went down the hallway and into his room, leaving Isaac with his giant mother.

As he endured being scrunched in her toes, Isaac reflected on the  words his father told him. “Honestly, you’re more of a pet.”

Was this how they viewed him? From the start? The very beginning? His  mom didn’t even say hello to him, or question that he was supposed to  lick her feet. She just… removed her shoes.

James was right. He was no longer their son. He was a pet, and not just to one, but all of them.

He was the family pet.



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