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“Should we order some takeout?” Eve asked.

James thought for a moment. The Wagner family tried not to eat out  every night… but it was a Friday. The beginning of a weekend. And the  last weekend before his kids graduated high school. Sure, they already  hit the big eighteen milestone, but graduating high school is big.

“We should, honey,” James smiled. “What do the kids want?”

Eve turned to face down the hallway.

“AJ! Kaleigh!” Eve shouted, “We’re orderin’ some dinner. What do you two want?”

The siblings, in tandem, emerge from their rooms, their faces lit up by the prospect of takeout.

“There they are,” James chuckled. “The two cave dwellers.”

“What’re we gettin’?” AJ asked.

“You must be hungry,” Eve smiled. “How about that Italian place? By the station?”

“You mean, like, Dino’s?” Kaleigh chimed. “I love that place, SO much.”

“Dino’s sounds good to me.” James said. “Watcha think, AJ?”

“Good by me!”

AJ waltzed over to the couch to sit by his dad. The news was on the TV, covering something some politician was saying.

“Can I talk to you kids about something, just real quick?” James asked.

Kaleigh and AJ exchanged looks. Could this be one of dad’s lectures again?

“Now, you know, I had a bit of a… rough childhood.” James began.  “Your grandparents were in a bad way with money. I… dropped out of  school to get a job and help them. It was a hard decision for me. Very  hard. I always told myself that I’d never put my kids into that  position. I guess… all I wanted to say is I’m very proud of both of you.  Very proud.”

The siblings could only smile at their father’s heartfelt words.

“Enough of that,” He said. “You ordering the food, honey?”

“Sure am!”

The family were all in high spirits. All in all, it was turning out to be a good night. They were happy.

Except for one. Isaac.

Beneath  the coffee table sat Isaac in his cage. He couldn’t see his family’s  faces, but he heard everything they were saying. Everything his dad  said. James had never, not once, told Isaac he was proud of him. Not  once. Ever.

Suddenly, his cage rattled. A  giant hand slid open the door to his cage, pulling him from it. At this  point, he was getting used to being manhandled.

It was AJ who picked him up. His entire body grasped in his fingers, only hid head peeking out from the flesh prison.

“Hey there, little Isaac.” AJ smirked.

His giant brother rubbed his hair into a mess with his thumb, petting him.

“You bringing him out?” James asked, looking at his tiny son.


In an instant, AJ pressed his brother into his lips and gave the tiny mant a big lick.

“What’re you—”

Again, AJ shoved his tongue into Isaac’s face.

“Stop, p-please—”

“Awm,” AJ pushed his brother’s head through his lips, sucking it like some kind of lollipop.


AJ placed his brother down on the coffee table, right in front of the giants.

“Why did you… I didn’t do anything.”

“I didn’t eat you, Isaac.” AJ said, removing his socks. “Lick.”

The giant had placed his two soles in front of him, his toes wiggling and scrunching in anticipation.

“Why  can’t you people just LEAVE ME ALONE?” he snapped. “What did I ever do  to you guys?! Was it because I don’t believe in God?! W-Was it because  I’m a, what, a nerd?! I don’t like the same things as you?! What, what  is it? What could I have possibly have—”

James leaned forward and gripped his son in his hand. Without a word, he tossed him into his mouth like pop rocks.

Slosh. Slosh. Slosh. Isaac tried everything he could to fight his father’s tongue, but it was no use.


The  fleshy cave gulped, and the mant was sucked back with severe force.  Grabbing hold of the giant’s back tooth prevented his descent.


James  quickly gathered the saliva in his mouth and spit Isaac out into his  palm. The pathetic boy laid there in a pool of his father’s spit. He  clasped his other hand atop the one that held his son, and rubbed his  hands together.

After a minute or so, he dropped his son back on the table.

“We’re  running out of patience with you, son.” James scolded. “Forget putting  you in your sister’s shoes. If you disobey me, or anyone else in this  family again, and I personally will swallow you whole. Do you  understand?”

Isaac couldn’t control his sobs. It was all pouring out. His pain. His misery. All of it releasing at once.

“Do. You. Under. Stand?”

Isaac looked up. His father was looking him right in the eyes. He meant what he said.

The mant nodded his head.

“Good.” The giant replied.

James leaned back and placed his feet on the table, next to his son’s. He was making himself comfortable.

His soles were huge. Bigger than AJ’s, and AJ’s were big. Two towers of sweaty, meaty foot flesh.

Isaac  stepped forward, tongue out. He closed his mouth around a mount of  flesh and sucked; making sure he was getting out as much saliva as he  possibly could.

“You two look handsome, tonight!” Eve said with a smile. “Let me take a picture!”


Eve took a picture of her husband and son, together, happy.

“Should we get one with the pet?” AJ asked.

Eve shook her head.

For awhile, it was quiet. Isaac continued to silently worship his  father’s soles as passionately as he could, praying it would save his  life. It seemed like it would, as James let out a soft moan.

“You keep it up like that, Isaac,” James sighed. “I won’t eat you.  But if you disobey, I will. We can always get another pet.”

Isaac tried not to burst back into sobs.

“You’re actually lucky, son.” The giant said. “Many families get rid  of their mants. All we ask is that you give a little time to our feet.  You are in a very, very lucky position. This is a Mercy.”

“Okay,” Eve said, looking at her phone. “Kaleigh and I are gonna go pick us up the food.”

“Be careful, honey.” James said. “Love you two.”

“Love you too, Dad.” Kaleigh said.

And out they went.



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