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Code: scary

Sorry I needed an extra day to release this. This beta will be for testing the new sleeping, poker hand games, and scary easter egg features.

Sleeping: Simply select a group of lolis and point to a bed. They will sleep until morning or for a while.

Poker hand games: There is a deck of cards at the reception desk (for now). Select a group of lolis and offer them this deck. Then place the deck in a big enough space on the floor. The game rules are similar to UNO.

Scary easter egg: This is a minigame that is activated when you figure out how to trigger it. Look around in the house and find a way to bring the Halloween easter egg out! Hint: Something you pick up and place!




Ahhhh you gave me two hints nowww


Ахахахахаха, я нашел пасхальное яйцо, выглядит действительно страшно. (Ahahahahaha, I found the easter egg, it looks really scary.)


Will the official version of 0.8 be released around October 31st?


Of course. At this point Im just polishing for release. Small note though, I am disappointed in the number of bugs this release accidentally had due to a last minute code change. I might re-release this version this weekend and postpone the release 1~2 more weeks. You can still test out the features in question though. Some things like walking up stairs is not possible for lolis in this release.


The game couldn't find my handle.It was on the ground all the time.