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I finished 2 big things in the past few days. Sleeping and the Halloween easter egg.

Sleeping works like before where you tell them to sleep and they will wake up in the morning. There are sleeping variations so they don't all sleep the same way:

Poking and headpatting are also back in while sleeping.

The easter egg is very scary. I added tons of sound effects and interactive props. It is also a mini-game so once you activate it, you will have to complete a certain task to prevent ████ ███ ██ . The minigame will start when you ███████ ████ .

You'll have to find out what to do. I don't want to spoil it but it is scary enough for Halloween. There are also a couple new scared loli animations that accompany this. Here are some teaser screenshots:

I am releasing the last extra early beta release which will include these new features sometime this week.

Stay spooked!




Man I’m never gonna figure it out.


I love when developers put Easter eggs 🐣