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I added a few final necessary improvements for managing lots of lolis.

For starters I added name tags which will appear on their shirt if they are part of a profession. If they are employees of the onsen, the following name tag will appear:

Additionally I added speech bubbles which telegraph the reason as to why they will or won't accept your command. This was necessary for letting the player know why something happened as before there was no reason indicated. For example, if you tell a loli to become an onsen clerk and all the employment slots are full, the following will appear:

Also, if you tell a loli to go get a towel and there is nobody working at the reception desk, the following will appear:

Speaking of, the reception desk now has proper queuing to handle large amounts of customer lolis. This means that it is now very easy to select and command a group of lolis to go swimming:

They will now wait and take turns and do all of the necessary logic stack actions to ensure that they each get a turn at receiving a towel for swimming. So now it is much easier to get a bunch of them to go swimming at the same time:

The YouTube video is going to need 1 more week of work as I need to fix up some market logic before showing it off. There will be yet another Beta some time this weekend which will include the fixes and improvements thus far.

Stay tuned!



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