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This was a great update for the back end of the game, a lot of functionality is now available for me to play with and add more content in later updates. Also this added more fun things to do with your loli. Do know that this game is still heavily in development. The game now uses Vive Index as the default bindings so you may need to bind your own buttons using Steam VR Input if you have an alternative VR headset or controller. I am researching releasing a hotfix that includes multiple binding configurations so you dont need to fiddle with this.

Last thing i forgot to talk about is now being able to paint your lolis fingernails and toenails by applying the fruity colored pastry filling to her nails instead of the pastries.

I will be on high alert for potentially disastrous bugs. Contact me in the Discord or comment below.

[Itch.io Download Link] 

Viva Launcher version requires no code. Upon launch it will populate in the list.


  • +Fixed hugging looping at start
  • +Fixed horse spazzing while getting up from slumber
  • +Fixed loli sleeping behavior
  • +Fixed hands blocking the view in menus in keyboard mode
  • +Fixed poker cards having wrong color (red/black)
  • +Fixed UI "back" button not working in the manual page
  • +Fixed bags disappearing when you change outfits
  • +Fixed cutting fruits getting stuck to hand 


  • +Fixed Vertical Sync issues affecting in-game physics on all quality settings 


  •  +Fixed Poker game
  • +Added Anti Aliasing options (none/FXAA/Temporal)
  • +Removed requirement for full deck to play poker 




Loli town sounds intresting. OwO




A town of lolis you say......


how to play the fingers game with her? I sit down with her, but then nothing happens. in version 0.7.8 this worked.


hi sgthale. I want to report some errors in the game. 1) the wrong animation when you give the bag loli. in 0.7.8 version - the animation is correct. 2) it is impossible to complete the task - to take a photo of Loli's panties. when you give her a photo with panties, she does not show any emotions. 3) the “hot” and “cold” water icons on the faucet handles are not displayed. I saw on YouTube a video of old versions of the game where the icons are visible. and I’d like to ask, please add the player’s location icon on the map.


When start download, a few minutes later say "download prohibited".. only this version.. what me do?