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For the AI logic to interact properly with the new cards, I had to add a few new animations.

One new set of animations is now being able to ask for an item while in the sit down state:

This will be useful for when she needs to receive a card directly from the player. As for the poker card mini games themselves, an icon will appear above all characters who are in the game. The current texture is a placeholder:

As you can see, a blue deck will appear near the floor. This will tell the player that he/she needs to place the deck on the floor to start the game. Once the deck is on the floor, the game can begin.

 I forgot to flip the deck so you can't see the top card. The loli will pick up cards when it's her turn to place a card  This uses the existing pickup logic. Also, the loli can now move over towards a location while she is in the sit down position. :

It's kinda funny watching her do it.

I am currently working on an AI for the game itself, Dos (name potentially subject to change). Dos is practically just Uno but with poker cards. Card types:

1.) Skip opponent turn [Jacks]

2.) Reverse Order [Queen]

3.) Draw +4 cards [King]

4.) Wild card [Ace]

5.) ???? [Joker]

Just like Uno you will be able to play cards only if they match in Suit or Number. The Queen for "Reverse order" won't really do much until multiple lolis is implemented next game version update. For now I think it will just work as a "Give me 1 of your cards". The unknown Joker card is something I have to come up to make the game a bit unique. If you have any ideas what it should do, leave a comment below!

The AI for this may be a bit tricky but a random factor involved in the thinking process should make it seem natural. I should hopefully finish it by next devpost. There will be a beta for the mini game this upcoming weekend!

Stay tuned!




Make the Joker predict the Loli's next move... ExMachina are super-computers after all


Scoot scoot. :hugs:


Well it has to be something that can also be done by the Loli. A normal card move. Things like "Pick up 3 cards, give me 2 cards, etc."


Another Joker, maybe that you can choose which effect the Joker has!


Joker card could allow us to mix our deck with loli's and deal the cards again.