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All of the pieces are set to play the game, minus the actual game rules. The backbone logic for taking turns is complete and will support multiple players for when the multiple lolis update comes out.

First I added some necessary improvements to the cards. Because there are so many cards, it might be tough to keep track of all cards. So I made an easy way to manage lots of dropped cards. By holding down the grab button, you will suck up all the cards nearby and put them in your hand:

This helped manage dropped cards in case you dropped the whole deck by accident.

As for the game, when it comes to keyboard mode, you'll be able to click the hand holding your cards and then select a card to place.

For VR, picking a card might be tricky because there is a lot of precision needed to accurately physically pick a card. The cards in your hand are arranged in a fan. This means that they are all pointing away from the center of your palm at their own angle, and that means that the farther away you get from your palm, the more area there is to choose a card, meaning the easier it will be to pick a card accurately. Visualization:

Therefore I will be making it so in VR you'll have to pick the card in your hand from above. Keyboard mode didn't have this issue because your mouse has the best precision to just click a card on the screen.

When you have a card selected, you can play it next to the deck in the card pile. Like so:

I'm aware of her sliding sideways this will be addressed. Also she is throwing her entire deck instead of a single card. The logic for this was not ready so I just showed what I had instead.

There was lots of exception handling to write the past few days because I had to handle what would happen if the character dropped his own cards or attempted to interrupt a game. Interruption of a game could be grabbing the loli's cards or trying to draw a card when it isn't your turn. Therefore I added item restrictions which will prevent you from messing up the game.

The game's rules will be displayed on-screen to help the player understand how to play. It will also display who's turn it is. I believe I am on schedule for a beta this weekend for Sunday. It should include the first test-able version of the Dos game.

Change Log

  • Fixed Q not retracting hand in keyboard mode
  • Added card picking
  • Added loli placing cards on floor
  • Added poker game state handling
  • Added card vacuuming for ease of handling

Stay tuned!



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