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Another big chunk of the cooking mechanics has been finished.

Dynamic cutting with the knife is in. It cuts a new mesh depending on the rotation of your knife and the intersection plane:

I'll be working on having proper fruit interior textures for each fruit so you can see the cores of the strawberries, blueberries, and cantaloupes. Mechanics wise, cutting fruit will allow the player to multiply the amount of fruit that they can use for pastry filling. As in, instead of dropping 1 blueberry into the pot to make filling, you can cut it in half to have 2 blueberries instead. The cost of course is the extra effort that the player will have to do to cut the piece of fruit. Thus, it's totally optional. I have however, limited the number of times that you can cut a fruit so you don't make 10 pieces out of a single fruit. Balancing.

As for the pastry part, you have to fill the mixing bowl with 10 flour and at least 4 eggs to start mixing the batter. You'll then be able to physically mix the contents until the meter fills up. After the meter fills up, 2 raw pastry items will appear in the bowl. These are then usable for pastry filling.

Filling is made by filling the pot with water and then dropping any fruit into it. As I said before, the color of the filling will change depending on the types of fruits you mix in. You can scoop out some of the filling and put it on the pastry. This will update the pastry material color. The last step for cooking will be to place each of the raw pastry pieces into the oven. Which leads me to the last mechanic that I am still working on: Stable physics handling.

Basically, you will have to use the wooden peel to put stuff in the oven. A peel is used in the kitchen like so:

The problem is that Unity's physics are very delicate and fine tuned in VR. The user would have to do some balancing when he places the raw pastries on his peel. This can be burdensome and so I'm working on a way to properly handle physics in a stable way. I can't show how it works for the peel yet but it has been finished and extended to work on other objects such as jars and mixing bowls. Demonstration:

I placed 4 wheat pieces into the jar. Normally they would clip right out because of the physics but I implemented a way to contain items within other items in a stable way. This is really cool because it now allows one to store items within other items and still store that parent item. So I could take that jar full of wheat and put it in my inventory bag. When I take it out it will still have the wheat pieces inside!

Something mildly related is picking up things in a certain angle. I am working on a solution for this. The problem here is that currently in VR, picking up things that should always be upright will snap to your current hand rotation which might not be looking upright. This can cause one to accidentally spill flour or ingredients. Like so:

So I'll be working something out to fix this by next devpost.

Oh also there is a milk canister but I havent implemented milk yet.

I might be putting it for last since I might be tight on time because v0.7 will be released to the public January 19th, 2020.

Of course there will be more extra early betas before release. 2 in fact. The next beta will be next weekend. It will have the above and new loli behaviors as I start them. The loli will be able to grind wheat and mix batter for you. There's always a ton of stuff that I need to do and show. So stay tuned.



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