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The oven is functional now. By placing raw pastries inside it, a meter will appear on the pastry and fill up until it is fully baked:

If you leave it in for too long it will burn up and disappear, effectively failing the baking. I'll be tweaking timing values to make sure it doesn't burn up too fast.

There are plenty of new sounds for the oven including a nice ambient fire loop. The peel is a bit trickier than I thought so I still can't show it yet.

Fruits have proper sliced interiors when dynamically cut with the knife:

And now for loli cooking behaviors. There is a ton of things I'd like for her to do and I will be implementing the most important parts first. This will include wheat grinding with the mortar and pestle. Before I started this, I needed to improve her pickup logic to reach over counters. Like so:

This was to make sure she can reach all items on the table. Then, I started to make some new animation assets when she picks up both the mortar and pestle.

I need to implement a way for her to "drop" items properly on select surfaces so she can pick up other objects. This will allow her to make sure she has 2 free hands to pick up the mortar and the pestle which she can then use together. I will be making sure that this module will also be used for placing the grinded flour result into jars or mixing bowls. There's a lot of factors involved when making her interact with items. The environment is very sparse with physics and a lot of testing is needed to find the correct "do it" situations. When the loli drops items on a table, she will need to find an empty spot on that table to place an item. Otherwise she will put stuff on top of each other. This will probably be done by randomly testing physics points and checking if it overlaps with nearby items.

Also, I am working hard to record a new YouTube video this Sunday and release Beta v0.7e this coming Monday. Getting really close to full update release.

Stay tuned.




Love all the details you put in to make this right. Everything looks awesome so far! <3