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I got a decent bit done with cooking. The dynamic knife fruit cutting mechanics will be ready to show off next devpost.

First some improvements.

Up to this point, all items had a certain way of being picked up. The camera for example would always be picked up to face a certain way because it's a camera.

This made picking up certain objects weird (especially in VR) because they would sometimes rotate 180 degrees before being fully picked up. This led me to research a way to pick up in a more dynamic way. And so, some items will now maintain their yaw as they are picked up. Like the jar:

Notice how the label always stays facing the same direction. This change made picking things up in VR feel more realistic because the object won't spin around on your hand as you pick it up. It's a small detail but it feels good especially for cylindrical items.

One other detail I worked on was simulating water on the pot.

This was simulated by rotating a cylindrical plane along the center point of the water surface. Then I used blendshapes to make sure the mesh sticks to the pot. It responds to the velocity of itself and the rotation of the hand. So in VR it feels like you really are holding a container full of water.

Lastly, mixing batter is almost done. It looks like the following so far:

These are the keyboard mode animations that play when not using VR but you can manually mix the batter with the spoon with VR controllers using the same logic. The batter will spin as I finish the effect but it responds dynamically to the position of the spoon so it looks like you are pushing around a mushy substance. This was done by weight painting a small armature to the surface mesh. The cool thing too is that it has the water surface effect from the previous image it's just turned down way down because it's batter. So the batter will also move and rotate entirely as you sway the container around. And yes you can spill the contents just like the mortar and pestle.

By next devpost I should have the oven turned on and knife mechanics ready to show off.

Stay tuned.



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