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This next piece of the development should stretch only 2 parts. When I say cooperation, I'm talking about the loli physically helping you harvest items that you can use. I got it all working for now. She can pick up the bag, put it on her shoulder, and put items in the bag. Demonstration:

The part 2 of this will be adding some polish so her movements are more natural and less jolty. It was an interesting problem to solve for her AI since she can pick up the item with any of her hands. Meaning she has to switch hands if she picked it up with the hand that is holding the bag. You can see her switching hands for an item on the last peach in the gif above.

And of course you can take the bag she had and inspect all of the items:

My vision for this is that you'll be able to go out in the wild and pick fruits together at the same time. She will also be able to help you find them.

In preparation for cooking, I have finished modeling and texturing almost all props necessary for baking pastries. There are a lot of props so I'll go over some of them.

Here's an egg. They will be taken from wild chickens (will be next after loli cooperation behaviors).

An egg splat texture in case you drop it.

A jar for you to hold the flour you make.

A metal pot for boiling water and turning your raw fruits into actual pastry filling:

The mortar and pestle that you will use to grind wild wheat into flour.

A milk canister. I don't think I'll have cows in this update so it will probably be indefinitely filled with milk for now.

A wooden peel so you can place dough into the oven without burning yourself.

There are lots of pieces that will only appear during the creation of cooking ingredients themselves. These pieces include intermediary states of ingredients such as "halfway grinded" flour:

There's also, "halfway complete dough" which is just flour+eggs that haven't been mixed yet:

And also the batter itself for while you are mixing:

These circular models will be layered in a mixing bowl model to give the illusion that it is full of a substance:

I'm being cautious about the amount of things to implement but some of these are very easy to do. This sums up about 90% of what will be in the cooking mechanics. I'm really close to starting it. But first I have to polish the new loli behaviors and implement chasing chickens.

Stay tuned.



Andrew Oliver

"and implement chasing chickens", we will need to actually chase them? this will be a fun mechanic (:


This looks great. It already turns to be better than Cooking Simulator.