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The character customization pipeline seems very promising so far and it is slowly shaping up to be quite robust. This weekend I worked with a few members of the Discord community to improve and understand what would make the model porting process easier. Before that, let's show off some in-progress community creations:

As you can see, there is practically no limit to who you want to port over.

One of the issues with porting characters over was the different skeleton bones of different characters. As in, many 3D models have their own skeleton bones with their own unique names and sizes. These bones need to match Shinobu's original in-game skeleton bones in position, rotation, and scale to work properly. Therefore, I have implemented armature matching in the latest Beta Blender addon. This new feature allows the user to match hierarchy and transforms of any armature to the original Shinobu armature in one click. Demonstration:

It corrects the transforms of each bone as well as the parenting order. This will make it far easier to export models because now the user only has to worry about renaming bones so that they are recognized for the game. You no longer have to manually match the transforms of each bone when you export models.

Currently I am working on adding more types of voices to your characters. There will be 3 to choose from; the current one, shy, and older sister. I am aiming to have beta v0.6c sometime this weekend to test out these voices. There will be a built in "choose voice" option in the character customizer.

I am also addressing several bugs in the Beta v0.6a and will be releasing Beta v0.6b later today.

The full release of v0.6 will come out of beta for the public on September 28th.

Stay tuned.



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