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At last. Here is the first test for character customization. I have included a nice tutorial below for you to try out. This tutorial does not require modeling. It is merely a way for you to test the customization station:

Start by going up to the mirror and left clicking to enter it.

That's it! You can mess around with the other tabs yourself and see what they do. This was just the tutorial for building cards once you have the necessary components (the textures and the .viva3D). I have included the .blend files for both the Shinobu and Miku files so you can see what you need to make/port your own characters. They both come with my script that you need to run to export for the game. I will be on the Discord, here, and at panainodev@gmail.com for any questions.

Please refer to https://www.patreon.com/posts/continuing-part-29232270 for now for porting models in Blender and creating .viva3d files. A proper tutorial is coming and I have attached the addon for blender to this post as well. Install it into your Blender 2.8 to use the "Export Viva Model" Blender function.


Clothing customization has been disabled for this beta due to technicalities. It will be enabled next Beta v0.6b next week!

Oh also I accidentally enabled multiple lolis. It kinda works. I will be disabling it for the actual public release as this is not how I intend for it to eventually be. So enjoy it while it lasts!



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