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A long time ago I set out to make my own silly autistic weeb fantasy with my waifu Shinobu. This fantasy was never intended for making money. Purely a passion project. However, I realized that if I wanted to make my dream VR simulation, I needed money for voice acting and music. And thus I opened this Patreon on July 2018. Everything went well and in 5 months I gathered enough for it.

Then I became ambitious, I wanted to expand my project. I wanted more behaviors, more models, more music. And so the Patreon kept growing. I didn't really worry about the copyright behind "Shinobu" because I was a small time indie dev. A small fish. I was merely a fan. However, this project has quite literally doubled in size in the past week. I can no longer continue this project with "Shinobu" at the helm anymore. It's not that I've been contacted by the copyright holders, it's that this is a preemptive legal move. Better safe than sorry.

However, I have decided to include character customization, something I have been vehemently against since the beginning. Mainly because I'm a firm believer in "Unique and polished" games as opposed to "Customizable and janky". But this alternative allows people to create their own characters (myself included) and thus I can keep my Shinobu. 

She will still appear in devposts but when I ship the game, she will become a card that users will have to enable themselves. A generic anime character will replace her. The project's title also will soon be changed (The banner has been itching for a refresh anyways). Title is not finished but I am partial to "Viva Project".

Once again this project is not changing directions but it is taking a small detour before v0.6 to implement character customization. It's a little bit annoying but at the same time I am very interested and excited to see what the community will make. It will be using the card system that clothing uses. We will start right away after the sleeping module. And as always, stay tuned.





You got this! While I appreciate all the effort for the waifu, you've now empowered other people's waifus! Viva!


I can totally see why you would do this and also why you're not exactly happy with it - this was supposed to be a game about your waifu after all. But I agree with you: Better safe than sorry. I wouldn't want to see this project running into troubles or having to end because of some stupid legal reasons. And frankly , I believe this is going to give a lot of people the possibility to spend time with their waifu or favorite character and I believe that's something really beautiful. Whether it's Shinobu as face of the game or not, I'm glad I get to join you on this journey.


I believe this is a good decision on your part. The character customization option seems like a great compromise so that everyone can build their waifus, including you with Shinobu, while at the same time avoiding legal issues. Have you considered making it possible for players to share the character models they customized with other players?


To be honest I'm actually relieved that you chose to do this. More than once I thought about writing about the legal problems you might encounter using a non-original character. But then I thought that you probably know that. And well you did haha. So congrats on dodging a bullet before it is even fired. Looking forward to the character customization :-)


Though the character itself is not as important to me as most the game concept is and I've been waiting forever for someone to make it and an happy to see that it another weeb like myself


Окей, это хорошая идея жду не дождусь её реализации


Okay, this is a good idea. I can not wait to enjoy its implementation. Translated by Google


I'm curious as to how this will affect the game moving forward. I feel like some of the interactions and animations feel very Shinobu-like, if in the future these things are designed to be used with any waifu, does that mean it will lose that unique feeling? Just a little worried.


No. There will be a devpost eventually on the type of customization that will be allowed. I will not veer off-course to implement adult animations. There will only b esupport for loli like characters.