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Got a lot of work done since it was the weekend. This one is a big one.

To start out slow, I've been knocking out bugs that have been brought to light and confirmed. You can see what I fix as I go in #confirmed-bugs. You can report them in #bugreports.

A few old big have been fixed including glitchy item pickup animations and the towel teleporting you through a wall. Some things have been reworked such as waving although the improvements for it have not been finalized.

For new behaviors, Shinobu can now use the polaroid camera!

By giving her the camera and then waving to her, she will begin her "Take picture of target" logic module. If you look at her while she is in this mode, she will take aim at you. If you look away, she will "pause" until you look back. One change to the polaroid camera is that the photo will no longer drop to the floor. it will simply remain attached to the camera until it is picked up.

This logic module had to be a bit dynamic to ensure that she can aim at anything. she has full 180 degree up-to-down pitch control for looking at things at extreme heights.

When she is tired, she will nod her head and refuse to take pictures of you.

I made tons of new animations for her tired behavior including an animation that is binded to her follow logic module. So now she will follow you in a tired fashion in case you don't want to hold her hand to lead her to her bed.

Troid has finalized some clothing models. 2 glasses and spats. I've imported them into the game as customizable cards. Here are some images of the 3 new clothing pieces:

By next devpost I will hopefully begin animating her laying on the bed and sleeping. There will be bullying while she is laying in the bed!

Oh also Shinobu will no longer be annoying with items. If you take an item from her, she will no longer beg constantly. If it is an item that she really wants all the time (like a donut), she will beg for it only after you drop it. Also, when she takes pictures, she will drop her currently held object so she can pickup more newly created photos.

As for VR, I have begun implementing SteamVRInput which will allow players to map any VR controller button scheme for the game! This means that Index, Rift, and maybe even WMR will receive support far sooner than I thought. In fact, I plan to release the next Beta for Supporters tomorrow which will include everything in this devpost and the first implementation of the SteamVRInput module. Although there is a possibility of being pushed to Thursday due to real life reasons.

I'm still planning on buying a Quest and Index.

Also, there was a poll on my Twitter to see what character voices people would like to see. This was made in preparation of the "Custom character voices" entry in the TODO list. The top 2 winners were:

Meaning that once custom characters rolls out, there will be an option to change the voice of your loli. There will be 3 voice options (for now); the current Shinobu voice, a nervous/shy loli, or an older-sister type of loli voice.



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