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This is going to be the very first monthly pre-release beta of my game. The purpose of these releases are to explore new features before they are fully implemented, meaning things are currently broken and buggy. They will also serve as ways to get feedback to improve things. Once everything is polished and looking good, the next full free playable demo with these features will be compiled.

This release is a pre-release for v0.3 which will focus on the environment more so than Shinobu. Currently the following new features are in this demo:

  • New water mechanics. Grab cups on the table and spill water out.
  • New outdoor environment. Have a look around. You can press "L" to make Shinobu follow you.
  • Lots of new house models and textures in the porch and living room
  • New prop: Sunhat! If you give it to Shinobu's right hand, she will put it on! (left hand later)

Current bugs/unfinished logic:

  • Her holding logic is currently being overhauled to support more holding forms. So she can hold onto bigger bulkier things more naturally like so:

and because this system is not finished yet, Shinobu will not put her hat on with proper rotations.

  • Shinobu will pick up glasses of water but she does not have hold forms for them so her fingers will be WACKY AF.
  • Fingers are wacky on donuts (due to current holding system overhaul)

Most of the work that went into this beta was the exterior. And so I did not have enough time to work on Shinobu's new logic. However I will be continuing behavior additions and bugfixes for next dev post. I'd love it if you could come up with ideas and props that would fit well in this desert like environment.

This is a one-man project so I try my best to complete as fast as possible to show you guys my progress. Thanks for sticking around. I have many more features planned for the future!



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