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Welcome to 2022, hopefully the last in this awful series of years that started with 2020, although I'm ready to write off this whole decade as a loss. Unless we get non-creepy sex robots in the next 12 months my expectations aren't very high.

So late last year I was trying to come up with some video ideas for Patreon exclusives because the "cut content and behind the scenes" stuff was taking way too long and it felt like there wasn't enough content there to fill out anything interesting. So I was playing the game featured in this video and I'm like "lizard gun... the people need to know about this," which is how this whole thing started so thank the lizard gun. I've got a couple more of these videos planned out so if you hate this you're gonna be very disappointed when I put two more of them out. But that's later, right now I'm editing a Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project video, finally, after a few setbacks that caused me to need to complete three playthroughs of it over the course of the last year. I even hinted at it at the end of this video, but who reads the descriptions under the patreon post? I don't either, I go straight for the sweet, succulent content nectar, and if that phrase doesn't turn you off of YouTube forever I don't know what will. 






I read the patreon post descriptions :-(


Happy New year, may 2022 be filled with gibs.


i read the patreon posts? i think it's cool that you let us know what next


I read them


I read them, but that's because I'm a whore for content nectar.

Serious Pan

I'm glad to see someone else struggle as much as I did with Gunfire Reborn solo. But it's fun to see what you think in a more casual way, great stuff! Can't wait for that succulent Duke Nukem nectar that's coming up. Happy new year Civvie and all my fellow patrons!


I'd like my name in the credits to read "Sweet, Succulent Content Nectar" from now on, please! 😂😂🤣 Thanks so much for everything you've done for us this year, Civvie. 2021 was especially tough for me, but your videos gave me the cackling smiles I needed to Go 2 It. And I always read the descriptions, btw.


Hey Civvie, have you ever thought of doing movie reviews again as Patreon exclusives or would that be too much hassle with copyright bullshit or having to put it on something like odyssey?


The lizard gun looks satisfying af so even if it weren't the progenitor of this series, I think we would already be hailing the lizard gun. But since it brought us more videos, I think the lizard gun is damn near worthy of worship. I thought this video was great and I look forward to more content nectar of both the video kind and the Patreon description kind (I don't read YouTube descriptions tho, fuck that noise)


Happy new year, Civvie! btw I don’t even watch the videos when they’re up on patreon, let alone read the descriptions…

Raul Campos

Happy new year, bro.


This actually seems really fun, I'd love to see more of these short videos.


Happy holidays, man! Let's hope interdimensional mastermind and overlord Carmack'll finally reshape this reality to the good one in 2022 x)


Manhattan Project next, Civvie?


Goddamn right. I've been trying on and off to make the video for a year and it's only now finally coming together. You'll understand why when the vid is done.


Gunfire Reborn is amazing. One of my favorite games from 2021. Also I gotta say the sheer number of enemies they throw at you in co-op makes it so much better. It definitely gives me that doom high when all my teammates are dead reloading or recharging behind cover and I have to hold off the mob. Also Happy New Year Civvie


Fuck. I was thinking, “I already have too many rogue lites so I don’t think I’ll try... wait, is that a lizard gun?” I’m pretty sure I’ll end up buying this now.


I remember getting MP free from a graphics card. I was surprised how fun it was and actually finished it. Also thanks for the bonus content Mr Civvie


good game, good video awesome balls

Valora Inverse

Oh, that looks delightful, might have to give that a go sometime. Looking forward to Manhattan, grabbed that off that weird Zoom site recently and gave the first level a run-through, really neat but kinda on the rough side.


Can you play as a mouse that's radioactive and yells conspiracy theories?


you know I've been sleeping on this one, I've been in that 'aw not another arena shooter roguelite' mood, but... I dunno man, you're making me reconsider now. happy holidaze.

Tripp Andre

Happy New Year Civvie. Thanks for the Patron-only video. Also, the ROTT 2013 video was great. Top 5 of the 2021 episodes for sure.


Smaller fps companies should hire you to live review their stuff just so they get seen by a wider audience, you did great work as always! Happy New Year!


Please keep this series going, I absolutely enjoyed the small slice-of-life aspect of seeing you just playing something for the fuck of it rather than to review.


Cool game, I like something that's not afraid to make your character and everything else cartoony and cute and stylish while still being a ridiculous high-intensity FPS kind of game, gives it personality. I also like seeing a game like this in a video like this over the Round-Up kind of things. Those videos are fine, but the last one felt more like an 'obligation' to cover the genre you're on-and-off pigeonholed into even if the games were good. This just felt like a little extra bite of a game like that without having to make it a big half-hour video alongside a bunch of other ones. Showcases a little game without having to make a big deal out of it for the main channel.


Played it. Didn't get the lizard gun, but I got daggers that bounce of walls and explode.


Upon throwing the ninja dagger a lot, nay maining it you tend to go really anime and take 30 episodes talking to the enemy about how their going to die from the knife and how it's made of cyanide..... before realizing they died halfway through the first sentence